Fascists preached the establishment of a dictatorship in Italy, to fight the Bolshevik danger and raise the country to former glory. In two years, the fascist militias moved against their opponents using violence, hijacking the headquarters of the leftist parties, the unions, starting parallel governments through intimidaçãoe even the murder of opponents. With extreme nationalists
messages, the fascists began in October 1922, a decisive action that would lead them to power. At the party congress on October 24 in Naples, Mussolini openly threatened the constituted authorities, accusing them of being unable to control the anarchy that arose in Italy. Compelled by Mussolini, the fascists began a carefully staged action, breaking a march that drew a large cross of black shirts, triggered officially on October 28. Three large columns of black shirts, formed by paramilitaries of the party, responded to a call of Mussolini, heading for Rome. Strategically placed in Tivoli, and Monterotondo Civitavecchia, the columns closed in on Rome. About 50 000 men marched to the Italian capital.
Given the impasse, driven by a fear of possible bloodshed, the government declared a state of siege. But the king of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele III, refused to measure except the Parliament, prompting him to resign. The king, on October 30, named Benito Mussolini's chief of staff. When the black shirts come to Rome, instead of triggering a civil war transformed the city into a big party to celebrate the stage for the rise of party government. Peacefully, the fascists marched on Rome triumphant. It began one of the most controversial moments in the history of Italy, introducing one of the largest right-wing dictatorships of the twentieth century, which would last two decades. During that time, the country would become involved in World War II alongside Adolf Hitler, whom Mussolini's government would become totally dependent and submissive. The march on Rome
represented on the stage of politics, a great encenaçãoe apparatus that has led so apotheosis, the fascists to power.
Consolidation of the Fascist Movement Party Like

In 1921, the fascist movement was transformed into a party, ruled by an exaggerated right-wing ideology, which preached among other things, nationalism, the abolition of the right to strike of civil servants and FRANCIZATI ; the dictatorship in Italy, as a solution to their economic and social problems.
The black shirts, name derived from the official uniform of the fascist militants, became quickly, a powerful paramilitary organization, the intimidaçãoe used violence to harass their opponents. Italo Balbo, the most powerful commander of the black shirts in northern Italy, made in 1922 between May and August, a series of exploits that demoralized the existing government, occupying with his squad major cities such as Ferrara, Ravenna and Parma, replacing the local authorities by his men, by installing a parallel and illegitimate government.
The rise of the fascists, in just three years after the creation of motion and less than a year of consolidation as a party, it was dizzying. Strategically waved to Mussolini's army, preventing his men went into combat with him, thus making the sympathy of many commanders in the Italian armed forces. Strategy was also part of the church, which in January 1922 with the death of Benedict XV, Pius XI elected as new pope, and that Mussolini strongly welcomed and respect. Army and church no longer fear the fascists, was left to win the support of the monarchy.
Simultaneously with the rise of fascism, came the decline of the Socialists, who have gradually undermined, often physically removed in an ambush prepared by his enemies.
The Fascists They assured the Monarchy

In July, the fascists promoted an invasion of the city of Cremona, raiding the headquarters of Socialist Party, occupying municipal buildings and burning the house's deputy Party Popolare Guido Miglioli. In response to the atrocities, members of both parties have moved a motion of no confidence against the government of Facta, weakening it and causing him to fall later that month. After twelve days of negotiations, was again sworn in Facta government.
addition, the fascists demonstrated their strength in the face of opponents. In Emilia-Romagna, a general strike was organized by the Socialists in protest against the actions Fascists. Because the government failed to stop the strike, the Fascists have taken over essential public services, guaranteed to be maintained during the strike. The action resulted in a humiliating defeat for the Socialists.
With more and more forceful actions, the fascists have continued success in attacks on towns and the headquarters of the hostile parties, forming shadow governments. Matured to

Politics, Mussolini had reassured the army and the church, that would not be achieved with the fascist rise to power. It remained calm the monarchy. On September 20, the leader of fascist speech at a rally of the party in Udine. He claimed that radical changes could be upgraded without affecting the monarchy. So the army, the church and the monarchy, Fussing stopped in front of a fascist revolution possible. Cleverly, Mussolini conquered the sympathy of many Members of those powerful segments of Italian society and politics.
Outlined Plans for the March

October 1922, Mussolini finally decided to unleash the revolutionary process. It met in secret in the village San Marco in Milan on October 16, with fellow Italo Balbo, Michele Bianchi, Cesare Maria De Vecchi and Marshal Emilio De Bono, among others. It was decided that the militias would be unified under one command, in charge of Balbo, De Bono and De Vecchi. The march on Rome would be held, the date of its outbreak would be marked in Fascist Congress, which would take place from October 24 in Naples.
At first, De Vecchi, a former royalist who had no sympathy for method revolutionary, and De Bono, did not think the time of the great march on Rome was, but turned back before the revolutionary enthusiasm of Italo Balbo and Mussolini himself.
Initially, the strategic plan suggested that Mussolini was by three great pillars of the fascist militias stayed concentrated in the provinces of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and the Lakes, where converge to Rome. The generals on active duty and Cecherini Fara, who did not belong officially to the party, but they were at the meeting in Milan as guests of Mussolini, warned of the imprudence to go a long way, nearly half of Italy. Given the caveats, Italo Balbo gave the suggestion that would be implemented, the merger would give three points near Rome, in Tivoli, Civitavecchia and Monterotondo, moving to the barracks general in Perugia. Plans for a massive march on Rome was finally established.
During the Congress in Naples

On October 23 Mussolini, coming from Milan, en route to Naples, passed through Rome, where he met with Salandra, which planned, along with the fascists, to form a rightist government. The next day in Naples, forty thousand fascists marched in the afternoon, the square of the Plebiscite. Before them, Mussolini gave a fiery speech that would shake the nation. Eloquently stated:
" solemnly assure you, however, that our time sounded. Either we give the government or we are going to Rome to conquer it. It is a matter of days or hours. "
Final preparations for the march were established that night at the Hotel Vesuvio in Naples, before Mussolini left the city secretly towards Milan The powers of the military operation, when it was launched, would be given to fully quadrunvirato consisting of Italo Balbo, De Bono, The Bianchi and Vecchi, and they should be broadcast at midnight on 26 October. A mobilization secret began to be made on October 27, and finally, on October 28th attacks revolutionaries begin to city newspapers, the offices of organizations opposing the fascists, police stations, union, station s Post and several other strategic points. Following the attacks, yet on Oct. 28, a concentration of black shirts in three different points, begin the march on Rome.
In front of the Hotel Vesuvio, fascist militias paraded, singing and shouting so eloquently: " To Rome! To Rome! "
The March of Victory Fascist

Rome has spread panic in the face of a revolutionary fascist march with unpredictable consequences. Facta is advised to resign. After reluctantly, when news of the march of the three columns of black shirts, who came to the alarming capital, Facta, decided to finally resign.
Before the news of the resignation of Facta, one of the requirements for the fascists not to attack Rome, De Bono, Balbo, and Bianchi decided to suspend action for 24 hours, waiting new guidelines. But the movement was already underway and it is impossible to reverse or control. Rain and cold, the march on Rome continued.
At dawn on October 28, Luigi Facta, has resigned and awaiting the appointment of his replacement, received a call from Michele Bianchi, accusing him of being responsible for a possible sible bloodshed. At five o'clock in the morning, Facta convened an emergency meeting of Cabinet government. Simultaneously, the newspaper "The Popolo d'Italia "was put into circulation, bringing the manifesto drawn up by Mussolini and signed by quadrunvirato revolutionary. Published in its entirety, the statement urged:

Fascists from all over Italy, apelai for your spirit and your strength. We have to win. Venceremos.
Viva Italy, fascism alive. "
While the proclamation of the Fascist manifesto circulating on the streets, Luigi Facta and his cabinet decided decree a state of siege. He went to Vittorio Emanuele III to sign the decree, but King says that you must avoid conflict, and refuses to sign the document. Trapped, Facta communicated to politicians and military officials that the state of siege was not worth living.
On October 29, Mussolini published in the journal The Popolo d'Italia, "one who would be his last article as a journalist. Emphatically, the fascist leader concluded: "Fascism wants power and there to get it .
Words are met. In Rome, De Vecchio summoned to the palace, receiving the mission to summon Mussolini to Rome to be appointed prime minister of Italy.
In Milan, Mussolini received the telegram with the news of his appointment as prime minister. Accepted it immediately. Pass the direction of the newspaper "The Popolo d'Italia" to his brother Arnaldo, leaving instructions for it to completely destroy the socialist newspapers " Avanti "and" Giustizia. Following morning by train to Rome.
On October 30, the train that brought Mussolini

night of October 30, 19:00, Benito Mussolini, already stripped of the black shirt, to wear a coat, took the king of Italy a list with the names of ministers who would form his cabinet. At 39, he was the youngest Italian to hold office during the past sixty years. The fascists came to power. The dictatorship was established in Italy.
On the streets of Rome, the militias of black shirts, who had prepared for an intense armed struggle, performed in the presence of the king, a joyful and triumphant march to claim the victory. After rally, Mussolini, as the first Italian Prime Minister ordered the columns to disperse, and all returned home. On the night of October 31, the trains carried to Rome the last black shirts, now in power, which would extend for two decades. The most troubled of the recent history of Italy and the world.