Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ice Cream Soothe Heartburn?


After the First World War, Italy was experiencing a difficult time economic partner, causing the population to despair with the traditional governments. Leftist movements, inspired by the Revolution Bolshevik attracted more supporters. In the opposite direction to the left, appeared far-right movements, including the fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini, a former journalist and socialist. Transformed into the Italian Fascist Party in 1921, the pair move attracted a large number of other Italian disenchanted with politics.
Fascists preached the establishment of a dictatorship in Italy, to fight the Bolshevik danger and raise the country to former glory. In two years, the fascist militias moved against their opponents using violence, hijacking the headquarters of the leftist parties, the unions, starting parallel governments through intimidaçãoe even the murder of opponents. With extreme nationalists
messages, the fascists began in October 1922, a decisive action that would lead them to power. At the party congress on October 24 in Naples, Mussolini openly threatened the constituted authorities, accusing them of being unable to control the anarchy that arose in Italy. Compelled by Mussolini, the fascists began a carefully staged action, breaking a march that drew a large cross of black shirts, triggered officially on October 28. Three large columns of black shirts, formed by paramilitaries of the party, responded to a call of Mussolini, heading for Rome. Strategically placed in Tivoli, and Monterotondo Civitavecchia, the columns closed in on Rome. About 50 000 men marched to the Italian capital.
Given the impasse, driven by a fear of possible bloodshed, the government declared a state of siege. But the king of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele III, refused to measure except the Parliament, prompting him to resign. The king, on October 30, named Benito Mussolini's chief of staff. When the black shirts come to Rome, instead of triggering a civil war transformed the city into a big party to celebrate the stage for the rise of party government. Peacefully, the fascists marched on Rome triumphant. It began one of the most controversial moments in the history of Italy, introducing one of the largest right-wing dictatorships of the twentieth century, which would last two decades. During that time, the country would become involved in World War II alongside Adolf Hitler, whom Mussolini's government would become totally dependent and submissive. The march on Rome
represented on the stage of politics, a great encenaçãoe apparatus that has led so apotheosis, the fascists to power.

Consolidation of the Fascist Movement Party Like

In March 1919, Benito Mussolini founded in Milan, the fascist movement. Coming of leftist movements, Mussolini was Italian Socialist Party member, getting to drive the newspaper Avanti . After founding the newspaper "Il Popolo d'Italia , was expelled from the party in 1914.
In 1921, the fascist movement was transformed into a party, ruled by an exaggerated right-wing ideology, which preached among other things, nationalism, the abolition of the right to strike of civil servants and FRANCIZATI ; the dictatorship in Italy, as a solution to their economic and social problems.
The black shirts, name derived from the official uniform of the fascist militants, became quickly, a powerful paramilitary organization, the intimidaçãoe used violence to harass their opponents. Italo Balbo, the most powerful commander of the black shirts in northern Italy, made in 1922 between May and August, a series of exploits that demoralized the existing government, occupying with his squad major cities such as Ferrara, Ravenna and Parma, replacing the local authorities by his men, by installing a parallel and illegitimate government.
The rise of the fascists, in just three years after the creation of motion and less than a year of consolidation as a party, it was dizzying. Strategically waved to Mussolini's army, preventing his men went into combat with him, thus making the sympathy of many commanders in the Italian armed forces. Strategy was also part of the church, which in January 1922 with the death of Benedict XV, Pius XI elected as new pope, and that Mussolini strongly welcomed and respect. Army and church no longer fear the fascists, was left to win the support of the monarchy.
Simultaneously with the rise of fascism, came the decline of the Socialists, who have gradually undermined, often physically removed in an ambush prepared by his enemies.

The Fascists They assured the Monarchy

In early 1922, after failing in an attempt to form a cabinet on the left, which contained the rise of fascists, the government of Bonomi resigned. To replace him, he was appointed the liberal and expressionless Luigi Facta.
In July, the fascists promoted an invasion of the city of Cremona, raiding the headquarters of Socialist Party, occupying municipal buildings and burning the house's deputy Party Popolare Guido Miglioli. In response to the atrocities, members of both parties have moved a motion of no confidence against the government of Facta, weakening it and causing him to fall later that month. After twelve days of negotiations, was again sworn in Facta government.
addition, the fascists demonstrated their strength in the face of opponents. In Emilia-Romagna, a general strike was organized by the Socialists in protest against the actions Fascists. Because the government failed to stop the strike, the Fascists have taken over essential public services, guaranteed to be maintained during the strike. The action resulted in a humiliating defeat for the Socialists.
With more and more forceful actions, the fascists have continued success in attacks on towns and the headquarters of the hostile parties, forming shadow governments. Matured to idea of a fascist revolution that took power. Mussolini showed himself torn between trying to spark a revolution or conquest Pacific power.
Politics, Mussolini had reassured the army and the church, that would not be achieved with the fascist rise to power. It remained calm the monarchy. On September 20, the leader of fascist speech at a rally of the party in Udine. He claimed that radical changes could be upgraded without affecting the monarchy. So the army, the church and the monarchy, Fussing stopped in front of a fascist revolution possible. Cleverly, Mussolini conquered the sympathy of many Members of those powerful segments of Italian society and politics.

Outlined Plans for the March

During the second half of 1922, the specter of a march on Rome that resulted in the seizure of power by the fascists, echoed in the political arena . An advance on the capital seemed imminent. On October 11, the intent of the march became clear publicly when in Cremona, the crowd cheered the leader Mussolini shouted " for Rome, to Rome ... "In
October 1922, Mussolini finally decided to unleash the revolutionary process. It met in secret in the village San Marco in Milan on October 16, with fellow Italo Balbo, Michele Bianchi, Cesare Maria De Vecchi and Marshal Emilio De Bono, among others. It was decided that the militias would be unified under one command, in charge of Balbo, De Bono and De Vecchi. The march on Rome would be held, the date of its outbreak would be marked in Fascist Congress, which would take place from October 24 in Naples.
At first, De Vecchi, a former royalist who had no sympathy for method revolutionary, and De Bono, did not think the time of the great march on Rome was, but turned back before the revolutionary enthusiasm of Italo Balbo and Mussolini himself.
Initially, the strategic plan suggested that Mussolini was by three great pillars of the fascist militias stayed concentrated in the provinces of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and the Lakes, where converge to Rome. The generals on active duty and Cecherini Fara, who did not belong officially to the party, but they were at the meeting in Milan as guests of Mussolini, warned of the imprudence to go a long way, nearly half of Italy. Given the caveats, Italo Balbo gave the suggestion that would be implemented, the merger would give three points near Rome, in Tivoli, Civitavecchia and Monterotondo, moving to the barracks general in Perugia. Plans for a massive march on Rome was finally established.

During the Congress in Naples

It took about eight days between the secret meeting of Congress Milãoeo fascist party in Naples. Enough time to do away all obstacles and perfected the great revolutionary plan.
On October 23 Mussolini, coming from Milan, en route to Naples, passed through Rome, where he met with Salandra, which planned, along with the fascists, to form a rightist government. The next day in Naples, forty thousand fascists marched in the afternoon, the square of the Plebiscite. Before them, Mussolini gave a fiery speech that would shake the nation. Eloquently stated:
" solemnly assure you, however, that our time sounded. Either we give the government or we are going to Rome to conquer it. It is a matter of days or hours. "
Final preparations for the march were established that night at the Hotel Vesuvio in Naples, before Mussolini left the city secretly towards Milan The powers of the military operation, when it was launched, would be given to fully quadrunvirato consisting of Italo Balbo, De Bono, The Bianchi and Vecchi, and they should be broadcast at midnight on 26 October. A mobilization secret began to be made on October 27, and finally, on October 28th attacks revolutionaries begin to city newspapers, the offices of organizations opposing the fascists, police stations, union, station s Post and several other strategic points. Following the attacks, yet on Oct. 28, a concentration of black shirts in three different points, begin the march on Rome.
In front of the Hotel Vesuvio, fascist militias paraded, singing and shouting so eloquently: " To Rome! To Rome! "

The March of Victory Fascist

On October 26, the fascist commanders assumed their posts in the concentrations of the militias. Civitavecchia, the command was given to Perrone Compagni, aided by General Cecherini, the column would be commanded by Ulysses Monterotondo Igliorie, and the Tivoli, by Giuseppe Botai. The quadrunvirato consisting of Italo Balbo, De Bono, The Bianchi Vecchi and signed the manifesto written by Mussolini, which would be released at the height of the outbreak of the march. In
Rome has spread panic in the face of a revolutionary fascist march with unpredictable consequences. Facta is advised to resign. After reluctantly, when news of the march of the three columns of black shirts, who came to the alarming capital, Facta, decided to finally resign.
Before the news of the resignation of Facta, one of the requirements for the fascists not to attack Rome, De Bono, Balbo, and Bianchi decided to suspend action for 24 hours, waiting new guidelines. But the movement was already underway and it is impossible to reverse or control. Rain and cold, the march on Rome continued.
At dawn on October 28, Luigi Facta, has resigned and awaiting the appointment of his replacement, received a call from Michele Bianchi, accusing him of being responsible for a possible sible bloodshed. At five o'clock in the morning, Facta convened an emergency meeting of Cabinet government. Simultaneously, the newspaper "The Popolo d'Italia "was put into circulation, bringing the manifesto drawn up by Mussolini and signed by quadrunvirato revolutionary. Published in its entirety, the statement urged:
" Italian fascists. Sounded the hour of the decisive battle. (...) (...)
Fascists from all over Italy, apelai for your spirit and your strength. We have to win. Venceremos.
Viva Italy, fascism alive.
While the proclamation of the Fascist manifesto circulating on the streets, Luigi Facta and his cabinet decided decree a state of siege. He went to Vittorio Emanuele III to sign the decree, but King says that you must avoid conflict, and refuses to sign the document. Trapped, Facta communicated to politicians and military officials that the state of siege was not worth living.
On October 29, Mussolini published in the journal The Popolo d'Italia, "one who would be his last article as a journalist. Emphatically, the fascist leader concluded: "Fascism wants power and there to get it .
Words are met. In Rome, De Vecchio summoned to the palace, receiving the mission to summon Mussolini to Rome to be appointed prime minister of Italy.
In Milan, Mussolini received the telegram with the news of his appointment as prime minister. Accepted it immediately. Pass the direction of the newspaper "The Popolo d'Italia" to his brother Arnaldo, leaving instructions for it to completely destroy the socialist newspapers " Avanti "and" Giustizia. Following morning by train to Rome.
On October 30, the train that brought Mussolini arrives at 9.30am to Civitavecchia. There, using a black shirt, takes stock of the fascist militia who were ready to march on Rome. An hour later, he triumphantly arrives in the Italian capital. Still wear the black shirt, was received warmly by the king, the Quirinal Palace. Minutes later, Vittorio Emmanuel and Benito Mussolini appear on the balcony of the Quirinal, being acclaimed and applauded by the crowd. In
night of October 30, 19:00, Benito Mussolini, already stripped of the black shirt, to wear a coat, took the king of Italy a list with the names of ministers who would form his cabinet. At 39, he was the youngest Italian to hold office during the past sixty years. The fascists came to power. The dictatorship was established in Italy.
On the streets of Rome, the militias of black shirts, who had prepared for an intense armed struggle, performed in the presence of the king, a joyful and triumphant march to claim the victory. After rally, Mussolini, as the first Italian Prime Minister ordered the columns to disperse, and all returned home. On the night of October 31, the trains carried to Rome the last black shirts, now in power, which would extend for two decades. The most troubled of the recent history of Italy and the world.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bathroom Orange And Brown


One of the most compelling films and violators of the work of Pedro Almodovar, "Law of Desire " (La Ley Del Deseo ) is a paixãoe ode to sex, and taken to extreme. Provocative, marginal, underground, the film closes the most creative and caustic English director. Since then, Almodóvar would gain world fame, his lapidary work, losing the crude language with corrosive humor that permeated his characters.
The film features a gallery of complex characters, intricate in their identities and secrets. All of them are driven by Verve sex, shooting up to the cliff's latent desire. Tina (Carmen Maura), sweet and passionate woman in essence, is the reflection of her mirror a man of sorrows, who as a child was sexually molested by father. To live this incestuous passion, underwent a sex-change surgery to become a transsexual. Pablo (Eusebio Poncela), brother of Tina, is a successful director of theater and cinema. In its empty, use cocaine to escape the truth of feelings, nurtures a passion for the beautiful Juan (Miguel Molina), but is not matched in its beauty. Finally Antonio (Antonio Banderas), an impulsive young woman seeking her identity, fighting his homosexuality, but gets carried away by passion, soon turned into obsession, by Pablo. And in a context of passion, full of snares and traps of feeling, that forms the fatal triangle between the three characters involved in the irresistible impulses of sex and passion. Never
gay themes, common in the work of Almodovar, was exposed for him so explicitly. Never love was so torn the nail in his lacerating wit as here. The feelings of the labyrinth are extracted to the surface, leading the audience to a resounding end, leaving her breathless. Antonio Banderas has never been so mischievously innocent, passionate, eloqüente e sincero como ator como aqui, mantendo-se anos luz da imagem do machão latino que desenvolveria no cinema norte-americano. Nunca a tragédia do amor derrubou tanto os preconceitos como em “ A Lei do Desejo ”.
O filme não é considerado o melhor de Pedro Almodóvar, mas é um dos mais cultuado por seus admiradores e pelos críticos. Corajosamente ele encerrava a fase underground da sua carreira, deixando o universo da Madri marginal, para conquistar o mundo como um grande cineasta. Última grande parceria com Carmen Maura, que se diluiria em “ Mulheres on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown "(1988), only to return in" Volver "(2006). " Law of Desire" is, over the years, a historical picture of the cinema of Pedro Almodovar, and the careers of Antonio Banderas and Carmen Maura. He is the director in its purest essence creative.

The Parade of Celebrities Strangers

The beginning of the film is already a defy which prepares the audience for what was coming. In the first scene, a handsome young man appears on her back, naked, touching her body as a voice commands. Embarrassed, but ready to fulfill its role, the boy comes into obscene gestures, almost pornographic. Ends up shooting and nude model, has your money. On the other side of the camera, starts, finally " Law of Desire."
The characters are presented in a crude, dubious and marginal environments in Madrid. The film director Pablo Quintero (Eusebio Poncela) pass through the bars at night, exchanging glances with pretty boys, moving to cocaine. In the shadow of Pablo, Antonio Benitez appears (Antonio Banderas), pretty young and impetuous, even denying their homosexual side, to masturbate by dirty toilets to think of being possessed by a man.
Across the city, walks Tina (Carmen Maura) and one child, Ada (Manuela Velasco). A strange relationship maAnd daughter joins the two. In a church, Tina, to sing an area, shows up unexpectedly to the priest, who was the boy who sang in choirs years ago. Tell him his most lacerating truth, as it passed into adolescence, was owned by his father. The incestuous relationship of the two meant that the parents' marriage came the end. To live that strange love, Tina was taken by his father to Morocco, where she underwent surgery for a sex change. Yes, Tina is a transsexual. Ada, the girl had been adopted by her. The characters
infect viewers with their truths, spoken with a caustic wit, piercing, in a baroque setting. Pablo, Ada and Tina exchange moments of tenderness and love, building a family as possible within the universe of each. Exotic, different, is the new family portrait of the times that spawned it, where father and mother do not always match what nature decreed, but the feelings.
Tina is lonely, he gives himself to art as an actress performing the monologue "The Human Voice " by Jean Cocteau. Clings to Ada, caring for her since her mother traveled. Interestingly Carmen Maura plays a transsexual, and the mother of Ada is interpreted by Bibi Andersen, a transsexual with a constant presence in the films of Pedro Almodovar. The small Ada platonic passion for Pablo. Good movie moments are experienced by Tina and Ada, as the performance on stage in a sublime moment, being done in the song "Ne Me Quitte Pas " by Jacques Brel, sung by the velvet voice of singer Maysa. In the credits of the film, the Brazilian still appears with the name Maysa Matarazzo.
Pablo, Antonio and Tina, three characters who will soon intertwine in an explosive encounter, sensual, disturbing and lethal, as never again watch the English cinema.

Obsessive Love Antonio

Pablo is a man who walks by feelings lightly, without getting lost in them. Walk almost sold to what is happening around you. I never knew or suspected the involvement of Tina with her father. His typewriter is your truth, it extracts the text that weaves his work.
Renowned as a filmmaker, Pablo frequents nightclubs undergrounds, like any gay man from Madrid does. Aware of the suffering harassment, is promiscuous and hunter. Privately, Pablo is passionate and beautiful young Juan (Miguel Molina). But Juan is in the prime of his youth and discovered, not loving the filmmaker with the same ardor. Breaking away from Pablo, the young leaves for the interior, leaving him in the clutches of loneliness in Madrid.
Juan Pablo thinks, misses the solitude of the bars. It will be the talk of the night you'll find Antonio, an engaging young and rebellious. Nursing a crush on Pablo, the boy decided about it. Soon they are involved by mutual seduction atraçãoe. Even in love with Juan Pablo Antonio accepts the harassment. Is he that m starts young in sexual life between two men. Pedro Almodovar describes the encounter in a raw scene where Antonio lets be possessed by Pablo under pain of penetration. The scene is transgressive, surprised and scandalized the audience of the 1980s. Later, it was cause for disagreement between Antonio Banderas and Almodovar; because of it, the actor tried to prevent the film from being shown in America, built where a Latin macho image in Hollywood films. The director was outraged by the attempt to veto.
Started in sexual life, passionate, ecstatic, Antonio was still innocent love affairs gentle moved by night. If Pablo out for a nice night of sex, for delivery outside Antonio, passion, unconditional love. Even with the refusal of Pablo Antonio is present in your life. Does your lover's existence. Become a suit man, willing to do all the wishes of the beloved, showering him with treats. Antonio begins to nurture a passion for violent and obsessive Pablo, being jealous and impulsive.
But the truth is only one of Pablo Antonio is an adventure, nothing more. Juan was chosen for him to walk his life. When Antonio discovers that the heart of the beloved is busy, filled with the fickleness of Juan, he is struck by the dark shadow of jealousy. Antonio
part of Madrid, heading to meet Juan. Inside, he seduces one that seemed the biggest rival. Antonio wants to know everything about the feelings of Pablo, including how it felt to have Juan. Pablo Antonio's own, including wearing a shirt like the beloved. Driven by jealousy, Juan Antonio draws to a fatal trap. In an act of fury, pushing the rival in the cliff, throwing him into a deadly flight. Before falling, clinging to Juan Antonio, ripping the shirt pocket. That would be the clue that would lead the police to get to Pablo, who became the prime suspect.

The Passion Spent, the Far

Pablo had gone to meet Juan, when he learned of his death. Until then, he had not taken seriously Antonio. One begins to suspect that the young lover was capable of anything for your love, even kill. Distraught, he suffers an accident while driving the car.
Pablo remains some time in hospital. While convalesce, is visited by Tina. The sister reveals she's in love, had found the man in your life. Pablo does not suspect that the mysterious man is Antonio. Excluded from the life of her lover, the young man decides to close the circle, Tina enticing. In an exuberant moment, Carmen Maura leads a passionate Tina. His interpretation of escapes caricature and stereotype that develops around transgender characters. The actress is perfect, living one of the biggest challenges of his career. An anthology movie scene is when Tina Ada walks the streets of Madrid on a hot summer night. Passing by a gardener watering the street, turned to him and asks: "Irrigation me! Irrigation me! "When Pablo
leaves the hospital, the truth comes out. It was Antonio's love Tina. Desperate, he panics, they can only see the boy murderer, who had been away from the lover. Antonio finds himself increasingly stuck. Would soon be arrested and prosecuted for the death of Juan. In a desperate move, it uses Tina hostage, forcing an encounter with Pablo.
The film reaches its climax when Antonio, armed and determined, you can be alone with Pablo. Outside the building, the police and the press closes the circle. Breathless, Antonio POEA weapon behind the jeans, hugging each other and one begins to Pablo dance with him. Proves deadly in love. All had to have that moment of love with Pablo, and more would, if need be. No matter what the outside world. At that time Antonio gave himself up to his true universe. Broke all the rules, had violated any laws, only to live the higher law of desire.
Pablo moved by the passion of Antonio. Belatedly discovered the power of love that young impetuous. Together unveil the pitfalls of sent iment. They give themselves as lovers tender and passionate. In the arms of Pablo Antonio succeeded his moment of happiness and fulfillment. Have not needed any more. Let the lover in bed and back into the room. Pablo awakens from slumber by the noise of firing a shot. Run into the room to find Anthony on the floor, covered in blood, dead. He despairs. Juan lost, lost Antonio, both engulfed by the law of desire. Pablo mourns the death of the strangest and most intense he had ever had a lover. In a fury, grabs the typewriter and throws it out the window. Faced with that act, the police decided to raid the apartment. Apotheosis, Pedro Almodovar movie and closed the first phase of its films.


Law of Desire

Director: Pedro Almodovar
Year: 1986
Country: Spain
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Duration: 102 minutes / color
Original title: La Ley Del Deseo
Screenplay: Pedro Almodovar
Production: Miguel Angel Perez Campos and Agustin Almodovar
Mu ; music: Bonezzi Bernardo, Pedro Almodovar, Fred Bongusto, Fany McNamara and Maysa Matarazzo ( Ne Me Quitte Pas )
Cinematographer: Luis Angel Fernandez
Art Director: Javier Fernández
Set Decoration: Ramón Moya
Costumes: Jose Maria de Cossio
Makeup: Jorge Hernández, Juan Pedro Hernandez and Teresa Matías
edical o: Jose Salcedo
Special Effects: Reyes Abades
Som: Jim Willis
Estúdio: El Deseo SA
Distribuição: Paramount Home Entertainement
Cast: Eusebio Ponce, Carmen Maura, Antonio Banderas, Miguel Molina, Fernando Guillen, Manuela Velasco, Nacho Martinez, Bibi Andersen, Helga Line, Germain Cobos, Fernando Guillen Cuervo, Marta Fernández Muro, Lupe Barrado, Alfonso Vallejo, Muruchi Leon, José Manuel Bello, Augustin Almodad , var, Rossy de Pal ma, José Ramón Pardo, Juan A. Granja, Angie Gray, Hector Saurint, José Ramón Fernández, Pepe patatino, Victoria Abril, Pedro Almodovar
Synopsis: Pablo (Eusebio Poncela) gay film director, is passionate about Juan (Miguel Molina), who loves noo. At night in Madrid knows Antonio (Antonio Banderas), who will do anything to have your love, even kill those they send forward. Tina (Carmen Maura), Pablo's sister, born a man, but seduced by his father, made a sex-change operation. The two brothers engage in a tragic triangle, where the law of desire leads to feelings in an original story, intense and exciting.

Pedro Almodovar

Considered one of the greatest contemporary directors, Pedro Almodóvar Caballero was born on September 24, 1951 in Calzada de Calatrava, Spain. A humble family, headed for Madrid early on, performing various professions, among them the official telephone company of Spain.
In Madrid, Pedro Almodóvar circulated environments by undergrounds of the city, where they harvest enough material to develop and explore in future films. Homosexual, had gone down the meanders of the artistic life, working as an actor and as singer in a rock band, in which he had dressed.
But it was as a film director Almodovar who would become a household name around the world. His films, initially brought a crude language, a caustic and corrosive humor, replete with transgressive characters. In the first phase of his career, which began with " Pepi, Luci, Bom y Otras Chicas Del Montón " reveals a universe that deconstructs the character the characters in exotic situations and surprising. The actress Carmen Maura is the great muse of this phase, which also reveal the actor Antonio Banderas.
In 1987, Pedro Almodovar's films exceeded the borders of Spain, arrived in Portugal, where he won with "Matador " the biggest prize of the festival Fantasporto. Since then his work has been seen internationally. The great international success would come in 1988 with " Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown " was nominated for an Oscar, inaugurating a new phase of his filmography.
Pedro Almodovar is a controversial director, loved and revered throughout the world. His film "All About My Mother" (1999), finally snatch the Oscar. Great actors and actresses dream of being directed by him. But the director usually choose their favorites, with three muses distinct stages: the aforementioned Carmen Maura, Victoria Abril and Penelope Cruz. His work is always a pleasant surprise. His characters bring a bomb ready to be detonated in the center of manners.

Filmography of Pedro Almodovar:

Longa Metragem

1980 - Pepi, Luci, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom (Pepi, Luci, Bom e Outras Tipas do Group)
1982 - Laberinto de Pasiones (Labirinto of Paixão)
1983 - Between Darkness (Black Habits)
1984 - What Have I Done To Deserve This? (To Deserve You Isto Eu Fiz?)
1986 - Matador (Matador)
1987 - The Law Of Desire (A Lei do Desejo)
1988 - Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Mulheres à Beira Um Nervous Breakdown)
1990 - Atame! (Ata-me!)
1991 - Tacones Lejanos (High Heels)
1993 - Kika (Kika)
1995 - La Flor de Mi Secreto (The Flower of My Secret)
1997 - Live Flesh (Carne Trembling)
1999 - All About Mi Madre (All About My Mother)
2002 - Hable Con Ella (Talk to Her)
2004 - La Mala Educacion (Bad Education )
2006 - Volver (Volver)
2009 - Los Abrazos rotos

Curta Metragem

1974 – Film Político
1974 – Dos Putas, O Historia de Amor Que Termina en Boda
1975 – La Caída de Sódoma
1975 – Homenaje
1975 – El Sueño, o la Estrella
1975 – Blancor
1976 – Tráiler de “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
1976 – Sea Caritativo
1976 – Muerte en la Carretera
1977 – Sexo Va, Sexo Viene
1978 – Folle... Folle ... Fólleme Tim! Média


1978 - Salome
1985 - Trailer for The Forbidden Lovers (TV)

Participações As

Ator 1978 - Constitució Times n
1980 - Pepi, Luci, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom (Pepi, Luci, Bom e Outras Tipas do Group)
1982 - Laberinto de Pasiones (Labirinto of Paixão)
1983 - Between Darkness (Black Habits)
1984 - What He Hecho Yo To Deserve Esto? (What Have I Done To Deserve This?)
1986 - Matador (Matador)
1987 - La Ley Del Deseo (Law of Desire)
1991 - Truth or Dare / In Bed With Madonna (In Bed With Madonna)