73% of domestic workers in Brazil are informal
Research shows that household are less protected by Social Security.
this Thursday (27), we celebrate the National Day of Domestic Employees. According to National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD/2004), there are 6.4 million household across the country. Ninety percent of these workers are women and only 27.1% have a formal contract. Research shows that professional category is excluded from most welfare rights in Brazil.
The maids who are formally contribute to Social Security between 7.65% to 11%, while employers pay a monthly 12% of the salary base these employees, rate lower than that of other employers, which is 20%.
In Alagoas, 2,236 domestic enroll annually in the register of the INSS. In March, the INSS registered the payment of 9501 contribution to household employees.
Social Security provides for these workers the right to disability retirement, by age and length of contribution, the sickness and maternity benefits. The dependents can receive pension and death allowance imprisonment in case of arrest.
To encourage the formalization of these professionals, the federal government issued Provisional Measure 284, of March 6, 2006, which allows employers to deduct from income tax in 2007, year 2006, up to R $ 378.00 12% of the contribution paid into Social Security on wages of a domestic worker.
For the registration of the INSS, you must have signed the Professional Card, Identity and CPF. Registration can be accomplished by the site www.previdencia.gov.br at PREVFone (0800780191) or through the Social Security offices. The accelerated
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Shipping A Bed Across Country
A torment: 300 laws changed daily in the country
everyday accountant, concerned with the salaries of tax deadlines, delivery of ancillary obligations, declaration of income tax, among other tasks, it is a challenge to the professionals - after all, their time could be well managed to deliver new services to customers.
The chaotic Brazilian legislation, especially tax, is a torment for the class. According to Thomson IOB, specializing in tax information and tax (www.iob.com.br) are about 300 laws changed daily in the country
Faced with this barrage of laws, provisional measures, decrees and amendments, companies consulting help accountants, advising on all changes daily. "What once took about a week - to receive updates through printed newsletters, for example - is now available the same day on the Internet, "the director of Tax Information and Legal FISCOSoft (www.fiscosoft.com.br) Paschoal Naddeo.
He said the cost / benefit of such service is beneficial: "In practice, the counter gets agility and no need to book a space in your office to store all the legislation, since everything can be found on line. "
Army legal
To keep up with constant changes, the IOB has about 300 professionals, including lawyers, accountants, economists and journalists. "The main difficulty of accounting is to monitor and quickly compile the tangle of rules. He needs much objectivity to know what is in effect at that minute that certain information is being provided to the Treasury because it can be changed quickly, "remind the coordinator of corporate marketing, Alik Votisch, and advisor to the Income Tax accounting and corporate law of the IOB, Rogerio Ramos.
According to professionals, currently accounting alone can not keep up with rapid changes in the legislation: "This would be expensive and unproductive. We must recruit people to focus on monitoring, selection and understanding of legislative changes. "
Another company focused on updating the accounting officer is Informare (www.informanet.com.br), which serves around 160 000 consultations per month. The bulletins and updates are also discussed by experts, for the easy understanding of the rules, often overly technical. "We interpret a language close to our daily lives," says the company's commercial director, José Augusto Dresch. Tech Support
Another ally of the accountant in streamlining your routine is the advancement of technology in business management. Software increasingly modern cause a revolution in accounting offices. The promise of specialists in software for the accounting profession is to end or reduce the movement of roles within and across enterprises.
Contmatic The Phoenix (www.contmatic.com.br), which specializes in accounting and administrative software, recently launched Phoenix Remote program that allows electronic transfer of files through an administrative system integration, whose documents are available both for business and for the accountant.
"Both exchange information and add data to files with formatting final set," says the CEO of Contmatic Sergio Content. He said today is impossible without working with accounting information: "I think the challenge for any company is developing software with many functions, but easy to handle."
integration and mobility
The Office2 developed by Prosoft Technology (www.prosoft.com.br), also allows online access to the client any document that is stored in the accounting office. According to the company's chief executive, Carlos Meni, this is a different type of service that the accountant can offer the market: "More and more people will want this convenience, either because of lower costs with processing of papers, when receiving information quickly and safely. Able to work anywhere and anytime is a market trend. "
Beyond remote access, companies are also developing computerized systems to manage the routine quickly for firms in fiscal, financial and human resources.
everyday accountant, concerned with the salaries of tax deadlines, delivery of ancillary obligations, declaration of income tax, among other tasks, it is a challenge to the professionals - after all, their time could be well managed to deliver new services to customers.
The chaotic Brazilian legislation, especially tax, is a torment for the class. According to Thomson IOB, specializing in tax information and tax (www.iob.com.br) are about 300 laws changed daily in the country
Faced with this barrage of laws, provisional measures, decrees and amendments, companies consulting help accountants, advising on all changes daily. "What once took about a week - to receive updates through printed newsletters, for example - is now available the same day on the Internet, "the director of Tax Information and Legal FISCOSoft (www.fiscosoft.com.br) Paschoal Naddeo.
He said the cost / benefit of such service is beneficial: "In practice, the counter gets agility and no need to book a space in your office to store all the legislation, since everything can be found on line. "
Army legal
To keep up with constant changes, the IOB has about 300 professionals, including lawyers, accountants, economists and journalists. "The main difficulty of accounting is to monitor and quickly compile the tangle of rules. He needs much objectivity to know what is in effect at that minute that certain information is being provided to the Treasury because it can be changed quickly, "remind the coordinator of corporate marketing, Alik Votisch, and advisor to the Income Tax accounting and corporate law of the IOB, Rogerio Ramos.
According to professionals, currently accounting alone can not keep up with rapid changes in the legislation: "This would be expensive and unproductive. We must recruit people to focus on monitoring, selection and understanding of legislative changes. "
Another company focused on updating the accounting officer is Informare (www.informanet.com.br), which serves around 160 000 consultations per month. The bulletins and updates are also discussed by experts, for the easy understanding of the rules, often overly technical. "We interpret a language close to our daily lives," says the company's commercial director, José Augusto Dresch. Tech Support
Another ally of the accountant in streamlining your routine is the advancement of technology in business management. Software increasingly modern cause a revolution in accounting offices. The promise of specialists in software for the accounting profession is to end or reduce the movement of roles within and across enterprises.
Contmatic The Phoenix (www.contmatic.com.br), which specializes in accounting and administrative software, recently launched Phoenix Remote program that allows electronic transfer of files through an administrative system integration, whose documents are available both for business and for the accountant.
"Both exchange information and add data to files with formatting final set," says the CEO of Contmatic Sergio Content. He said today is impossible without working with accounting information: "I think the challenge for any company is developing software with many functions, but easy to handle."
integration and mobility
The Office2 developed by Prosoft Technology (www.prosoft.com.br), also allows online access to the client any document that is stored in the accounting office. According to the company's chief executive, Carlos Meni, this is a different type of service that the accountant can offer the market: "More and more people will want this convenience, either because of lower costs with processing of papers, when receiving information quickly and safely. Able to work anywhere and anytime is a market trend. "
Beyond remote access, companies are also developing computerized systems to manage the routine quickly for firms in fiscal, financial and human resources.
Capricorn Compatibility
Advances tributaries
A new simplified system of rates that will affect the payment of taxes of 98% of companies in the country is about to be passed by Congress. The goal is for this project, which promotes micro and small enterprises, to take effect in early 2007. The new system, dubbed Super Simples Nacional, comes as the single full ten years without ever having gone through updates.
"The current design changes quite simple. The tracks are the same, but the rates are lower as well as encompassing the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), state, and Service Tax (ISS ), municipal, "says consultant of the Unit for Public Policy at the Sebrae, André Spinola.
For now, it is a substitute amendment to the Draft Supplementary Law No. 123 - the new statute's National Micro and Small Enterprise Size - awaiting vote in the House. "The project is top priority. We're just waiting for the release of the agenda in the House. This can occur in up to two weeks. So, the vote is started after the House and Senate. The goal is to approve it before the election period to enter into force in January 2007, "says the congressman from the PSDB, Luiz Carlos Hauly, rapporteur of the project.
Remember, the bill also takes suggestions, called "amendments to the plenary," while awaiting the start of voting. Therefore, some rules can be changed until the final publication. An important novelty
Super Simple is provided for allowing the company to gather monthly in a single document, eight different taxes: Income Tax, PIS, COFINS, IPI, social contribution, on Social Security payroll, ICMS and ISS. In the current single, are not included in the ICMS, ISS and fees.
To get an idea, simple in force, the rate has a variation under the VAT regime for micro, different in each of the 26 states of the country. In Super Simples Nacional, the tax rate would be the same for everyone.
In the simplified scheme in place, the tax rate on gross revenue can vary from 3% to 18.9%. There is still the ISS or the GST paid by the company in different regions of Brazil, which must be added to the percentage.
In Super Simple, what else should ease the life of these companies is the possibility of reducing the tax to be paid, including GST, and already the ISS, said Spinola.
By joining the Super Simple, companies in the industrial sector will have to calculate the percentage of gross revenue and add another 0.5% with respect to the IPI. In the service sector (which is already part of the current single), there is a 50% increase in the rate calculated on gross income. In short, the maximum tax rate for providers that are already on the Simple and migrate to the Super Simple would be 17.42%. In percentage was included all taxation on payroll for the INSS.
As happens today, most of the activities of the sector of services - especially services regulated by law as a doctor, dentists, engineers, journalists, among others - remains prohibited to join the Super Simple, according to the bill.
Other categories of service providers, once excluded the simplified system, may join the Super Simple. The first group is composed of management and leasing properties, production of film and theater arts, academy of dance, capoeira, yoga and martial arts; physical activities and sports, decorating and landscaping, provision of computer services, office accounting services, security, cleaning and conservation.
This first group of service providers that adhere to the Super Single will make two types of calculations in time to collect taxes. An account is made on the average gross income over the past 12 months. The rate can vary from 5.13% to 18.24%.
The other account to be made by the first group that will debut at the Super Simple is based on payroll. The figures will go to Welfare. Currently, the rate on the Social Security payroll is 26%. In Super Simple, would drop to 20%. It was found to form this new group would not cause impact on the value received by Social Security, because the number of employees in this group is generally higher.
There is a second group of providers of services, excluded from the current single, which will also join the Super Simple in 2007. This is the segment of construction, operators of passenger transport alternative, art schools, language, technical and managerial courses.
Only this second group of providers is a novelty. A company with fewer employees will pay higher tax rate. Who has the most contract employees, will pay less.
That is, if the service provider has more than 40% of revenue spent on salaries and payroll taxes, have lower rates, which vary from 4.5% to 16.85% of the average gross revenue for the last 12 months, has included the ISS. Remember that besides the percentage of revenue, will have to collect 20% of the payroll to the Social Security system in the Super Simple.
In general these two groups of companies collect the tax regime or the deemed income and taxable income, from January, will attend the unique system of aliquots of the Super Simple. According to the consultant
Sebrae, André Spinola, data from the Ministry of Finance and Welfare show that in 1998, almost one year after the single entered into force, the income declared in the country increased by 124% and formal employment, 70%. "With the Super Simple gain from the collection may be more," says Spinola
Second, a study by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro, six months ago, projected revenue gain of $ 10 billion to be divided into three levels: federal, state and municipal levels, with the entry of the Super Simple. Since the IRS no longer receive $ 6 billion. The projection takes into account an optimistic scenario, growth economical.
Currently, the accounting firms calculate the profit tax payment by the actual or deemed income. From 2007, with the approval of the law, may opt for the first time, the simplified system of tax rates, the Super Simple.
The president of the National Federation of Enterprise Financial Services (Fenacom), Carlos José de Castro Lima, and has done some accounts, he said, the accounting firms pay on average 11.33% of taxes (IR, social contribution, PIS and Cofins) deemed income. Moreover, there is a municipal tax which, according to the city, ranges from 2% to 5%. In Super Simple, the tax rate, Based on the average of gross revenue over the past 12 months may vary from 5.13% to 18.24%, already including the ISS.
"The difference in values of the simplified tax system for what we pay today may be small in some cases. The Super Simple facility is to allow direct calculation of tax revenue, without separating profits, expenses and other items. It made a single payment, "says Castro.
The president of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Armando Monteiro Neto, explains that the studies prepared by the CNI, the rates provided for micro and small industries could be lower. However, after exhaustive meetings, the IRS has accepted the percentages set forth in the current project.
"It is not the bill perfect, but represents a major advance. Under the new rules of the project there will be the impact of taxes on exports of small and micro enterprises," said Monteiro Neto. Another advantage brought by the bill, which awaits House vote, is the preferred limit of $ 80,000 for micro and small enterprises in public procurement, says.
Super Simple is not only to unify tax rates at the federal, state and municipal levels, but will also define the concept of micro and small company. Today, there are different criteria for defining the market. For Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES), for example, micro-enterprise is one with revenues of $ 1.2 million per year, while the small one that is making up to $ 10.5 million.
According to the status of micro and small enterprises, a turnover of up to £ 433 000 is the micro, and small, up to $ 2.13 million. Moreover, several states and municipalities have their own concepts, which causes even greater confusion. In Amapá, for example, for the micro enterprise has to earn up to $ 48,000. From £ 96 000, is already considered small. In Bahia, the company which earns up to $ 360 000 is classified as micro, while revenue limit for the small businesses is $ 2.4 million.
With Super Simple, limits of $ 240,000 for microenterprise and £ 2.4 million for small e would be respected by the federal government, states and municipalities. But there were complaints and it was determined, for example, that states (and their respective municipalities) with participation up to 1% of GDP may adopt the limit of $ 1.2 million. Those states with participation up to 5% of GDP comply with the limit of $ 1.8 million. And, finally, respective states and cities with over 5% share of GDP will be the limit of $ 2.4 million for small businesses.
A new simplified system of rates that will affect the payment of taxes of 98% of companies in the country is about to be passed by Congress. The goal is for this project, which promotes micro and small enterprises, to take effect in early 2007. The new system, dubbed Super Simples Nacional, comes as the single full ten years without ever having gone through updates.
"The current design changes quite simple. The tracks are the same, but the rates are lower as well as encompassing the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), state, and Service Tax (ISS ), municipal, "says consultant of the Unit for Public Policy at the Sebrae, André Spinola.
For now, it is a substitute amendment to the Draft Supplementary Law No. 123 - the new statute's National Micro and Small Enterprise Size - awaiting vote in the House. "The project is top priority. We're just waiting for the release of the agenda in the House. This can occur in up to two weeks. So, the vote is started after the House and Senate. The goal is to approve it before the election period to enter into force in January 2007, "says the congressman from the PSDB, Luiz Carlos Hauly, rapporteur of the project.
Remember, the bill also takes suggestions, called "amendments to the plenary," while awaiting the start of voting. Therefore, some rules can be changed until the final publication. An important novelty
Super Simple is provided for allowing the company to gather monthly in a single document, eight different taxes: Income Tax, PIS, COFINS, IPI, social contribution, on Social Security payroll, ICMS and ISS. In the current single, are not included in the ICMS, ISS and fees.
To get an idea, simple in force, the rate has a variation under the VAT regime for micro, different in each of the 26 states of the country. In Super Simples Nacional, the tax rate would be the same for everyone.
In the simplified scheme in place, the tax rate on gross revenue can vary from 3% to 18.9%. There is still the ISS or the GST paid by the company in different regions of Brazil, which must be added to the percentage.
In Super Simple, what else should ease the life of these companies is the possibility of reducing the tax to be paid, including GST, and already the ISS, said Spinola.
By joining the Super Simple, companies in the industrial sector will have to calculate the percentage of gross revenue and add another 0.5% with respect to the IPI. In the service sector (which is already part of the current single), there is a 50% increase in the rate calculated on gross income. In short, the maximum tax rate for providers that are already on the Simple and migrate to the Super Simple would be 17.42%. In percentage was included all taxation on payroll for the INSS.
As happens today, most of the activities of the sector of services - especially services regulated by law as a doctor, dentists, engineers, journalists, among others - remains prohibited to join the Super Simple, according to the bill.
Other categories of service providers, once excluded the simplified system, may join the Super Simple. The first group is composed of management and leasing properties, production of film and theater arts, academy of dance, capoeira, yoga and martial arts; physical activities and sports, decorating and landscaping, provision of computer services, office accounting services, security, cleaning and conservation.
This first group of service providers that adhere to the Super Single will make two types of calculations in time to collect taxes. An account is made on the average gross income over the past 12 months. The rate can vary from 5.13% to 18.24%.
The other account to be made by the first group that will debut at the Super Simple is based on payroll. The figures will go to Welfare. Currently, the rate on the Social Security payroll is 26%. In Super Simple, would drop to 20%. It was found to form this new group would not cause impact on the value received by Social Security, because the number of employees in this group is generally higher.
There is a second group of providers of services, excluded from the current single, which will also join the Super Simple in 2007. This is the segment of construction, operators of passenger transport alternative, art schools, language, technical and managerial courses.
Only this second group of providers is a novelty. A company with fewer employees will pay higher tax rate. Who has the most contract employees, will pay less.
That is, if the service provider has more than 40% of revenue spent on salaries and payroll taxes, have lower rates, which vary from 4.5% to 16.85% of the average gross revenue for the last 12 months, has included the ISS. Remember that besides the percentage of revenue, will have to collect 20% of the payroll to the Social Security system in the Super Simple.
In general these two groups of companies collect the tax regime or the deemed income and taxable income, from January, will attend the unique system of aliquots of the Super Simple. According to the consultant
Sebrae, André Spinola, data from the Ministry of Finance and Welfare show that in 1998, almost one year after the single entered into force, the income declared in the country increased by 124% and formal employment, 70%. "With the Super Simple gain from the collection may be more," says Spinola
Second, a study by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro, six months ago, projected revenue gain of $ 10 billion to be divided into three levels: federal, state and municipal levels, with the entry of the Super Simple. Since the IRS no longer receive $ 6 billion. The projection takes into account an optimistic scenario, growth economical.
Currently, the accounting firms calculate the profit tax payment by the actual or deemed income. From 2007, with the approval of the law, may opt for the first time, the simplified system of tax rates, the Super Simple.
The president of the National Federation of Enterprise Financial Services (Fenacom), Carlos José de Castro Lima, and has done some accounts, he said, the accounting firms pay on average 11.33% of taxes (IR, social contribution, PIS and Cofins) deemed income. Moreover, there is a municipal tax which, according to the city, ranges from 2% to 5%. In Super Simple, the tax rate, Based on the average of gross revenue over the past 12 months may vary from 5.13% to 18.24%, already including the ISS.
"The difference in values of the simplified tax system for what we pay today may be small in some cases. The Super Simple facility is to allow direct calculation of tax revenue, without separating profits, expenses and other items. It made a single payment, "says Castro.
The president of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Armando Monteiro Neto, explains that the studies prepared by the CNI, the rates provided for micro and small industries could be lower. However, after exhaustive meetings, the IRS has accepted the percentages set forth in the current project.
"It is not the bill perfect, but represents a major advance. Under the new rules of the project there will be the impact of taxes on exports of small and micro enterprises," said Monteiro Neto. Another advantage brought by the bill, which awaits House vote, is the preferred limit of $ 80,000 for micro and small enterprises in public procurement, says.
Super Simple is not only to unify tax rates at the federal, state and municipal levels, but will also define the concept of micro and small company. Today, there are different criteria for defining the market. For Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES), for example, micro-enterprise is one with revenues of $ 1.2 million per year, while the small one that is making up to $ 10.5 million.
According to the status of micro and small enterprises, a turnover of up to £ 433 000 is the micro, and small, up to $ 2.13 million. Moreover, several states and municipalities have their own concepts, which causes even greater confusion. In Amapá, for example, for the micro enterprise has to earn up to $ 48,000. From £ 96 000, is already considered small. In Bahia, the company which earns up to $ 360 000 is classified as micro, while revenue limit for the small businesses is $ 2.4 million.
With Super Simple, limits of $ 240,000 for microenterprise and £ 2.4 million for small e would be respected by the federal government, states and municipalities. But there were complaints and it was determined, for example, that states (and their respective municipalities) with participation up to 1% of GDP may adopt the limit of $ 1.2 million. Those states with participation up to 5% of GDP comply with the limit of $ 1.8 million. And, finally, respective states and cities with over 5% share of GDP will be the limit of $ 2.4 million for small businesses.
Windows Replacement For Camper Shell
Learn what changes in fare collection telephony
Many consumers are still 'in the dark' when it comes to changing the criterion for recovery of charges for fixed telephony - which will be made in minutes instead of pulses. The change should occur by the end of the year as expectations of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel).
is important that consumers know that will be available on the market at least two types of plan, dubbed the base and alternate bid which will be mandatory for all operators. Besides these two options, each company can create other types of plan that meet different consumer profiles of its customers. These plans will undergo review the FCC prior to marketing.
Up for he was not aware of how much you spend per month on local calls in minutes - that information will be available when the new form of recovery come into force through the details of the account - the user's telephony should not precipitate. Many operators are already looking for its customers and offering plans in minutes. "Consumers are still" blind and do not know today how much they spend on the minutes to see if the plan offered is really worthwhile or not, "said Maria Inês Dolci, legal coordinator of the Brazilian Association of Consumer Protection - Pro Test." If the call operator offering a plan, I recommend that you ask the user to the company information of how many minutes he has spent per month over the past three months to have a basis for comparison, "said Maria Ines.
" Users should be aware of the contracts, because the carriers are free to set way of levying rates on other plans that offer, besides the basic plans and alternative, "says the lawyer Daniela Trettel, the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Defense (Idec).
For now, if the company is offering the plan does not provide the amount of minutes spent now by the user, the recommendation is expected that the new rules take effect. Until that changes occur effectively, consumers should monitor their consumption profile and, as experts suggest, check which of two alternatives for mandatory minimum (basic plan and alternative plan) he would fit at first.
The alternative plan was developed recently and is still under public consultation, the period of closure is scheduled for 18 days. This
option was presented as an alternative by the FCC, in addition to the basic plan, to serve users who spend more time on the phone and using dialup internet. Users with this profile would be unprofitable to choose the basic plan, suitable for those who characteristically use the phone for a short time - the basics is recommended for those who usually make short connections, lasting up to three minutes - according to Anatel.
The main differences between a plan and others is the minute value, the form of collection and franchising. In the basic plan, the FCC found that the pulse will be equivalent to 1.7 minutes, while the alternative plan the pulse correspond to four minutes - that is, the minutes will come out cheaper in the background.
In normal times, the user will pay for the basic plan, each route, with the minimum paid for 30 seconds (even if you speak of that time, pay the equivalent of half a minute). After 30 seconds, the value of one tenth of a minute will be billed every six seconds. In
alternative plan, the difference is the recovery rate of completion at the beginning of the phone call (equivalent to the amount charged by four minutes). The charge for usage time will be done as in the basic plan (value of one tenth of minutes billed every six seconds). There are also differences in the franchise (see table above). The deductible is the amount of minutes obtained by paying a monthly subscription.
entities still have doubts
Organs of consumer protection as the Pro Test Idec and asked the FCC access to study for the completion of the conversion from pulses to minutes. "We do not know how the agency arrived at the values that are charged for each minute or how come the number of how many minutes are worth the wrist," says Maria Inês Dolci, from Pro Test.
Among the data that the agency disseminates on the study, the information is that 85% the 200 million calls were monitored less than four minutes. Consumers will have the opportunity to take your questions on the subject. During this month, the FCC held a public hearing on the alternative plan - public consultation No. 691 - Sao Paulo, on June 11, Rio de Janeiro, 9 days, and in Brasilia, June 16th. In Sao Paulo, the event is at Avenida Prestes Maia, 733.
More information can be found at www.anatel.gov.br. Questions such as Jefferson Santiago are common. "There are differences between plans for individuals and corporations? Is difficult to calculate changes in spending are not yet know how many minutes we are using the phone, "he says.
Many consumers are still 'in the dark' when it comes to changing the criterion for recovery of charges for fixed telephony - which will be made in minutes instead of pulses. The change should occur by the end of the year as expectations of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel).
is important that consumers know that will be available on the market at least two types of plan, dubbed the base and alternate bid which will be mandatory for all operators. Besides these two options, each company can create other types of plan that meet different consumer profiles of its customers. These plans will undergo review the FCC prior to marketing.
Up for he was not aware of how much you spend per month on local calls in minutes - that information will be available when the new form of recovery come into force through the details of the account - the user's telephony should not precipitate. Many operators are already looking for its customers and offering plans in minutes. "Consumers are still" blind and do not know today how much they spend on the minutes to see if the plan offered is really worthwhile or not, "said Maria Inês Dolci, legal coordinator of the Brazilian Association of Consumer Protection - Pro Test." If the call operator offering a plan, I recommend that you ask the user to the company information of how many minutes he has spent per month over the past three months to have a basis for comparison, "said Maria Ines.
" Users should be aware of the contracts, because the carriers are free to set way of levying rates on other plans that offer, besides the basic plans and alternative, "says the lawyer Daniela Trettel, the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Defense (Idec).
For now, if the company is offering the plan does not provide the amount of minutes spent now by the user, the recommendation is expected that the new rules take effect. Until that changes occur effectively, consumers should monitor their consumption profile and, as experts suggest, check which of two alternatives for mandatory minimum (basic plan and alternative plan) he would fit at first.
The alternative plan was developed recently and is still under public consultation, the period of closure is scheduled for 18 days. This
option was presented as an alternative by the FCC, in addition to the basic plan, to serve users who spend more time on the phone and using dialup internet. Users with this profile would be unprofitable to choose the basic plan, suitable for those who characteristically use the phone for a short time - the basics is recommended for those who usually make short connections, lasting up to three minutes - according to Anatel.
The main differences between a plan and others is the minute value, the form of collection and franchising. In the basic plan, the FCC found that the pulse will be equivalent to 1.7 minutes, while the alternative plan the pulse correspond to four minutes - that is, the minutes will come out cheaper in the background.
In normal times, the user will pay for the basic plan, each route, with the minimum paid for 30 seconds (even if you speak of that time, pay the equivalent of half a minute). After 30 seconds, the value of one tenth of a minute will be billed every six seconds. In
alternative plan, the difference is the recovery rate of completion at the beginning of the phone call (equivalent to the amount charged by four minutes). The charge for usage time will be done as in the basic plan (value of one tenth of minutes billed every six seconds). There are also differences in the franchise (see table above). The deductible is the amount of minutes obtained by paying a monthly subscription.
entities still have doubts
Organs of consumer protection as the Pro Test Idec and asked the FCC access to study for the completion of the conversion from pulses to minutes. "We do not know how the agency arrived at the values that are charged for each minute or how come the number of how many minutes are worth the wrist," says Maria Inês Dolci, from Pro Test.
Among the data that the agency disseminates on the study, the information is that 85% the 200 million calls were monitored less than four minutes. Consumers will have the opportunity to take your questions on the subject. During this month, the FCC held a public hearing on the alternative plan - public consultation No. 691 - Sao Paulo, on June 11, Rio de Janeiro, 9 days, and in Brasilia, June 16th. In Sao Paulo, the event is at Avenida Prestes Maia, 733.
More information can be found at www.anatel.gov.br. Questions such as Jefferson Santiago are common. "There are differences between plans for individuals and corporations? Is difficult to calculate changes in spending are not yet know how many minutes we are using the phone, "he says.
Difference Ugg Ultra Ultimate Short
BNDES financing for small businesses
BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social) today announced measures to simplify the funding for individuals, medium, small and micro companies. One of the measures
is the end of the requirement of consultation prior to the Automatic BNDES operations - financing of investment projects of up to $ 10 million. In other words, the banks onlending resources may approve the transaction.
"The requirement of collateral in these operations is now in charge of financial agents, and may even choose not to provide warranty of any kind in those operations," said the president of BNDES, Demian Fiocca.
From now is also the criterion of financial agents to set default interest in the automatic indirect operations and not automatic.
Moreover, Fiocca seconds, the average time for approval of the operations of Finame (purchases of machinery and equipment) and BNDES to officers has dropped significantly. He said in 2002, the average term was 25 days. Fell for nine days between January and April last year and five days in the first quarter of 2006.
"The measures contribute mainly to the facilitation of access to credit for micro, small and medium enterprises, which have major role in generating employment and income and account for about 25% of total disbursements of BNDES," said .
Disbursements from the bank for medium, small and micro enterprises totaled U.S. $ 7.781 billion Last year, 24.96% more than in 2004. With respect to individuals totaled R $ 3.880 billion, an increase of 38.9% over the same period of comparison.
Fiocca said that a study by the BNDES reveals that companies can finance the bank generate more jobs than those who did not have the support. (Source: Folha Online, 11/05/2006)
BNDES financing for small businesses
BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social) today announced measures to simplify the funding for individuals, medium, small and micro companies. One of the measures
is the end of the requirement of consultation prior to the Automatic BNDES operations - financing of investment projects of up to $ 10 million. In other words, the banks onlending resources may approve the transaction.
"The requirement of collateral in these operations is now in charge of financial agents, and may even choose not to provide warranty of any kind in those operations," said the president of BNDES, Demian Fiocca.
From now is also the criterion of financial agents to set default interest in the automatic indirect operations and not automatic.
Moreover, Fiocca seconds, the average time for approval of the operations of Finame (purchases of machinery and equipment) and BNDES to officers has dropped significantly. He said in 2002, the average term was 25 days. Fell for nine days between January and April last year and five days in the first quarter of 2006.
"The measures contribute mainly to the facilitation of access to credit for micro, small and medium enterprises, which have major role in generating employment and income and account for about 25% of total disbursements of BNDES," said .
Disbursements from the bank for medium, small and micro enterprises totaled U.S. $ 7.781 billion Last year, 24.96% more than in 2004. With respect to individuals totaled R $ 3.880 billion, an increase of 38.9% over the same period of comparison.
Fiocca said that a study by the BNDES reveals that companies can finance the bank generate more jobs than those who did not have the support. (Source: Folha Online, 11/05/2006)
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Gastômetro: a great idea
staffed by specialists in the public budget, business and union leaders are preparing the" gastômetro. "boards are light, to be scattered in large cities, showing the second second as the government spends tax money. So if you know how much we pay per second to maintain, for example, only the retirement of three million federal workers (U.S. $ 76 billion a year).
This is an adaptation of something already known, impostômetro, in which measures how much out of our pocket per second, well-shaped plates light.
This is one of those small projects that teach, in fact, which means citizenship. Nobody can really tell if a citizen does not follow what they do with their money. Hence it tends to grow the movement called "an eye tax," which requires that any product purchased please the share going to the government - most people do not even know that there is direct tax. (Source: Folha de S. Paulo, 05/09/2006) simplifies
Gastômetro: a great idea
staffed by specialists in the public budget, business and union leaders are preparing the" gastômetro. "boards are light, to be scattered in large cities, showing the second second as the government spends tax money. So if you know how much we pay per second to maintain, for example, only the retirement of three million federal workers (U.S. $ 76 billion a year).
This is an adaptation of something already known, impostômetro, in which measures how much out of our pocket per second, well-shaped plates light.
This is one of those small projects that teach, in fact, which means citizenship. Nobody can really tell if a citizen does not follow what they do with their money. Hence it tends to grow the movement called "an eye tax," which requires that any product purchased please the share going to the government - most people do not even know that there is direct tax. (Source: Folha de S. Paulo, 05/09/2006) simplifies
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The superpowers of Super-Revenue
The Internal Revenue Service (SRF) was established in 1968, the profitable management of the Minister Delfim Netto, absorbing huge structures and bodies broad powers : The Directorate-General of the Treasury (DGFN) and the Departments of Internal Revenue (DRI), Customs Revenue (DRA), Income Tax (DIR) and Collection. Headed by a secretary, the SRF was organized according to their activities, supervised by Coordination System (Taxation, Audit, Collection and Economic and Fiscal Information) and equipped with a private career, that of fiscal federal taxes (now Revenue Auditor Federal), which, however, was not structured hierarchically - like the career diplomatic and military - in positions of different denominations, because of the degree of responsibility and levels of complexity of their charges. Suggest (unsuccessfully) in the decade of 1980, that the tax would be career ready in positions of agent, inspector, inspector, superintendent and tax consultant. In the Attorney-General of Finance, SUCH started with the creation of the attorneys general, as the prosecutor, but then there was a setback. They will both remain in the "mass grave" of alphanumeric tables.
Over the years, it became evident that SRF had excessive amount of power. At the same time it collects the taxes and controls, monitors and punishes taxpayers, SRF prepares proposals for new tax measures and legislates through Normative. In the U.S. model of federalism in which Brazil was inspired administrative rationality prevails, there is a gap between those two costs: the development of new tax measures rests with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, while the collection of taxes and monitoring of taxpayers fit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an independent the other, both directly subordinated to the Treasury secretary (minister). IRS charges are excluded sympathetic to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the United States Customs Service.
The powers of the SRF will further increase with the Over-Prescription of Brazil, as the bill that it transfers the collection of contributions and unifies oversight of all federal taxes and contributions. The transfer to the Treasury, the Social Security revenue will, however, barriers to social sectors of government and violate the letter and spirit of art. 165, § 5 of the Constitution, which prescribes a budget (and therefore revenue and expenditure) of social security separate from the fiscal budget. The merger of the careers of Revenue and Welfare, with 13 thousand employees, curb the principle of specialization (will merge as a career with the Navy Air Force, the Military Police with the Fire Department) and will generate a huge body supervision difficult. In light of the lessons of Professor Northcote Parkinson, one can conclude that the sheer size of the SRF will be at the beginning of its demise. Because of DGFN, DRI, DRA, DIR and also BNH Sunabe, IBC RFFSA Telebras, etc..
The SRF should use their superpowers to remove difficulties for the operation of the Board of Contributors, highly qualified, to which individuals and corporations since 1931, recourse against decisions in tax cases. Should accept the repeal of the requirement of filing prior to the filing of an appeal, which had been abolished in 1969 and that it violates the right to legal defense is constitutionally guaranteed. And it should make any kind of remuneration for directors.
In turn, the Minister of Finance should review the ordinance that transferred from the executive secretary to the Secretary of Revenue the powers relating to the appointment of advisers, both representatives of Finance as the taxpayers, because judges can not be designated the head of the agency whose actions are the subject of appeals. It should, instead, pay attention to the requests of taxpayers, who are led to a lack of dialogue, to defend them directly with the National Congress, as happened in the rejection of the Provisional Measure No. 252/05 ("MP the Well "), and the adoption by the Chamber of Deputies, the reopening of the deadline for compliance Refills. Finally, we should meditate on the creation of a body with superpowers, which unbalance the backbone of your home folder (which has already lost the foreign trade department and the Central Bank) and the federal government itself. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/10/2006)
The superpowers of Super-Revenue
The Internal Revenue Service (SRF) was established in 1968, the profitable management of the Minister Delfim Netto, absorbing huge structures and bodies broad powers : The Directorate-General of the Treasury (DGFN) and the Departments of Internal Revenue (DRI), Customs Revenue (DRA), Income Tax (DIR) and Collection. Headed by a secretary, the SRF was organized according to their activities, supervised by Coordination System (Taxation, Audit, Collection and Economic and Fiscal Information) and equipped with a private career, that of fiscal federal taxes (now Revenue Auditor Federal), which, however, was not structured hierarchically - like the career diplomatic and military - in positions of different denominations, because of the degree of responsibility and levels of complexity of their charges. Suggest (unsuccessfully) in the decade of 1980, that the tax would be career ready in positions of agent, inspector, inspector, superintendent and tax consultant. In the Attorney-General of Finance, SUCH started with the creation of the attorneys general, as the prosecutor, but then there was a setback. They will both remain in the "mass grave" of alphanumeric tables.
Over the years, it became evident that SRF had excessive amount of power. At the same time it collects the taxes and controls, monitors and punishes taxpayers, SRF prepares proposals for new tax measures and legislates through Normative. In the U.S. model of federalism in which Brazil was inspired administrative rationality prevails, there is a gap between those two costs: the development of new tax measures rests with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, while the collection of taxes and monitoring of taxpayers fit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an independent the other, both directly subordinated to the Treasury secretary (minister). IRS charges are excluded sympathetic to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the United States Customs Service.
The powers of the SRF will further increase with the Over-Prescription of Brazil, as the bill that it transfers the collection of contributions and unifies oversight of all federal taxes and contributions. The transfer to the Treasury, the Social Security revenue will, however, barriers to social sectors of government and violate the letter and spirit of art. 165, § 5 of the Constitution, which prescribes a budget (and therefore revenue and expenditure) of social security separate from the fiscal budget. The merger of the careers of Revenue and Welfare, with 13 thousand employees, curb the principle of specialization (will merge as a career with the Navy Air Force, the Military Police with the Fire Department) and will generate a huge body supervision difficult. In light of the lessons of Professor Northcote Parkinson, one can conclude that the sheer size of the SRF will be at the beginning of its demise. Because of DGFN, DRI, DRA, DIR and also BNH Sunabe, IBC RFFSA Telebras, etc..
The SRF should use their superpowers to remove difficulties for the operation of the Board of Contributors, highly qualified, to which individuals and corporations since 1931, recourse against decisions in tax cases. Should accept the repeal of the requirement of filing prior to the filing of an appeal, which had been abolished in 1969 and that it violates the right to legal defense is constitutionally guaranteed. And it should make any kind of remuneration for directors.
In turn, the Minister of Finance should review the ordinance that transferred from the executive secretary to the Secretary of Revenue the powers relating to the appointment of advisers, both representatives of Finance as the taxpayers, because judges can not be designated the head of the agency whose actions are the subject of appeals. It should, instead, pay attention to the requests of taxpayers, who are led to a lack of dialogue, to defend them directly with the National Congress, as happened in the rejection of the Provisional Measure No. 252/05 ("MP the Well "), and the adoption by the Chamber of Deputies, the reopening of the deadline for compliance Refills. Finally, we should meditate on the creation of a body with superpowers, which unbalance the backbone of your home folder (which has already lost the foreign trade department and the Central Bank) and the federal government itself. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/10/2006)
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Brazilian has already paid this year $ 300 billion in taxes
According to the Commercial Association of Sao Paulo, "the Brazilian was never paid as much tax"
Carolina Ruhman
SAO PAULO - impostômetro, which measures the tax collection federal, state and local show next Thursday, around 12 hours, the Brazilian has already paid $ 300 billion since the beginning of the year. In the evaluation of the Commercial Association of Sao Paulo (ACSP), which maintains the electronic billboard campaign by "Eyes on the tax," the Brazilian was never paid as much tax. "
"Brazilians do not support more than just pay and get nothing in return. With our tax burden was for all terms health, education, justice and security copies", protested the president of the ACSP, Guilherme Afif Domingos. Last year, the amount of fees and contributions reached 37.84% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We raised £ 732.87 billion in 2005, and the forecast is a 10% growth for this year. Bureaucratic and financial costs
According to the Commercial Association of Sao Paulo, "the Brazilian was never paid as much tax"
Carolina Ruhman
SAO PAULO - impostômetro, which measures the tax collection federal, state and local show next Thursday, around 12 hours, the Brazilian has already paid $ 300 billion since the beginning of the year. In the evaluation of the Commercial Association of Sao Paulo (ACSP), which maintains the electronic billboard campaign by "Eyes on the tax," the Brazilian was never paid as much tax. "
"Brazilians do not support more than just pay and get nothing in return. With our tax burden was for all terms health, education, justice and security copies", protested the president of the ACSP, Guilherme Afif Domingos. Last year, the amount of fees and contributions reached 37.84% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We raised £ 732.87 billion in 2005, and the forecast is a 10% growth for this year. Bureaucratic and financial costs
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may fall using the new electronic invoice
A new system for issuing electronic invoices promises to reduce bureaucratic costs and streamline the business relationship with the IRS. Launched in six Brazilian states (Sao Paulo, Bahia, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goias and Maranhao) in April this year, and NF-(Electronic Invoice) was presented on Wednesday (10/05) to more than one hundred businessmen during a seminar at Fiesp. The systematic
began with a pilot project which involved 20 large companies, but from August will begin to serve others. Until then, the capacity to issue fiscal notes via the Internet will increase from 340 000 per month for 3 million per month. Already next year, the goal is to issue 30 million per month.
To join the second phase of the project, companies must report to the IRS, show interest and declare the amount of receipts (Model 1 or 1A, used for sales between businesses or car) that emit a monthly basis. Oller
Newton de Mello, project leader at the Treasury of St. Paul, stated that there will be, at least for now, mandatory membership, since we must conduct an investment that is around $ 300 thousand to $ 3 million.
According to him, the amount invested can be recovered in a few years with the e-NC, eliminating the cost of professional paper and document storage space. These costs can grab 2% to 5% of total revenue as the current legislation requires the printing 4-5 routes and keep a copy for a period of five years.
Wickbold bread maker joined the pilot project because they believe that with the electronic system will reduce tax evasion and reduce unfair competition. Within a month of activity, 7000 electronic invoices were issued, spending only 4 seconds for each batch.
"We saved paper and obtain logistical gains. The advantage of e-NC is that it can circulate throughout Brazil, "said Wilson Smith, representative who presented his experience during the seminar. Even before receiving the product purchased from a company, a state that is not part of the project can receive via the Internet via an invoice. (Source: FIESP of 12.05.2006)
may fall using the new electronic invoice
A new system for issuing electronic invoices promises to reduce bureaucratic costs and streamline the business relationship with the IRS. Launched in six Brazilian states (Sao Paulo, Bahia, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goias and Maranhao) in April this year, and NF-(Electronic Invoice) was presented on Wednesday (10/05) to more than one hundred businessmen during a seminar at Fiesp. The systematic
began with a pilot project which involved 20 large companies, but from August will begin to serve others. Until then, the capacity to issue fiscal notes via the Internet will increase from 340 000 per month for 3 million per month. Already next year, the goal is to issue 30 million per month.
To join the second phase of the project, companies must report to the IRS, show interest and declare the amount of receipts (Model 1 or 1A, used for sales between businesses or car) that emit a monthly basis. Oller
Newton de Mello, project leader at the Treasury of St. Paul, stated that there will be, at least for now, mandatory membership, since we must conduct an investment that is around $ 300 thousand to $ 3 million.
According to him, the amount invested can be recovered in a few years with the e-NC, eliminating the cost of professional paper and document storage space. These costs can grab 2% to 5% of total revenue as the current legislation requires the printing 4-5 routes and keep a copy for a period of five years.
Wickbold bread maker joined the pilot project because they believe that with the electronic system will reduce tax evasion and reduce unfair competition. Within a month of activity, 7000 electronic invoices were issued, spending only 4 seconds for each batch.
"We saved paper and obtain logistical gains. The advantage of e-NC is that it can circulate throughout Brazil, "said Wilson Smith, representative who presented his experience during the seminar. Even before receiving the product purchased from a company, a state that is not part of the project can receive via the Internet via an invoice. (Source: FIESP of 12.05.2006)
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"BY 2008, BRAZIL GAS WILL ALL YOU NEED" Senate approves
Government decided to anticipate production based on reserves of the country: 24 million cubic meters per day
Brazil will anticipate the production of gas from existing reserves, according to information from Minister of Mines and Energy, Silas Rondeau. By 2008, there will be additional production of 24.2 million cubic meters of gas per day. It is practically all the gas that Brazil imports from Bolivia, which nationalized its reserves, and half the current consumption of the country
This was one of the measures adopted at yesterday's meeting of the National Energy Policy (CNPE), whose theme was Brazil's energy independence. Along these lines, it was announced the development by Petrobras, a unique technology in the world: the use of soybean and other plants in the refining of diesel. The result is equal to mineral diesel fuel, but less polluting. With that, we will reduce the need for imports by Brazil and the price tends to fall. The
CNPE also discussed the use of alcohol in place of natural gas in thermal power plants, as anticipated yesterday the state. In September, the Plant Seropédica (RJ) will begin operating with turbines that operate with natural gas, ethanol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
crisis with Bolivia was just the backdrop of the discussions. "The topic was energy independence, that's all," said Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues.
The president of Petrobras, Jose Sergio Gabrielli, said he had hypothesized that the gas supply contract with Bolivia will be fulfilled, then there would be no need to worry. "It just showed that we have an alternative," he said. Asked whether this was a response to Bolivia, he said: "For good listener ..."
Director of Gas and Energy of Petrobras, Ildo Sauer, recalled that Brazil will not only anticipate its gas production, but will also replace it with other fuels. "The deduction is yours," he told reporters. "It's a determination that President Lula's Brazil is self sufficient in all its sources," said Rondeau.
Anticipation of gas will be made from the reserves found in the Holy Spirit. Gabrielli said, are new discoveries that will require a change in the pipeline network in South and Southeast. Initially, it was predicted that the reserve would take six to seven years to start producing. The period was shortened to two years.
The most celebrated by the government was the new technology of vegetable oil mixed with diesel refining. "It's a new paradigm for world agriculture", said Rodriguez. In the first quarter of 2007, three refineries from Petrobras (Paraíba, Pará and Rio Grande do Sul) will begin to refine the new diesel H-Bio.
In the estimates of the Minister of Agriculture, it would represent an increase in consumption of 1.2 million tons of soybeans. With this, the government kills two birds with one stone: increasing independence in diesel and strengthens the soybean market, improving product price. The soybeans have been at the forefront of protests against government agricultural policy. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/20/2006)
Government decided to anticipate production based on reserves of the country: 24 million cubic meters per day
Brazil will anticipate the production of gas from existing reserves, according to information from Minister of Mines and Energy, Silas Rondeau. By 2008, there will be additional production of 24.2 million cubic meters of gas per day. It is practically all the gas that Brazil imports from Bolivia, which nationalized its reserves, and half the current consumption of the country
This was one of the measures adopted at yesterday's meeting of the National Energy Policy (CNPE), whose theme was Brazil's energy independence. Along these lines, it was announced the development by Petrobras, a unique technology in the world: the use of soybean and other plants in the refining of diesel. The result is equal to mineral diesel fuel, but less polluting. With that, we will reduce the need for imports by Brazil and the price tends to fall. The
CNPE also discussed the use of alcohol in place of natural gas in thermal power plants, as anticipated yesterday the state. In September, the Plant Seropédica (RJ) will begin operating with turbines that operate with natural gas, ethanol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
crisis with Bolivia was just the backdrop of the discussions. "The topic was energy independence, that's all," said Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues.
The president of Petrobras, Jose Sergio Gabrielli, said he had hypothesized that the gas supply contract with Bolivia will be fulfilled, then there would be no need to worry. "It just showed that we have an alternative," he said. Asked whether this was a response to Bolivia, he said: "For good listener ..."
Director of Gas and Energy of Petrobras, Ildo Sauer, recalled that Brazil will not only anticipate its gas production, but will also replace it with other fuels. "The deduction is yours," he told reporters. "It's a determination that President Lula's Brazil is self sufficient in all its sources," said Rondeau.
Anticipation of gas will be made from the reserves found in the Holy Spirit. Gabrielli said, are new discoveries that will require a change in the pipeline network in South and Southeast. Initially, it was predicted that the reserve would take six to seven years to start producing. The period was shortened to two years.
The most celebrated by the government was the new technology of vegetable oil mixed with diesel refining. "It's a new paradigm for world agriculture", said Rodriguez. In the first quarter of 2007, three refineries from Petrobras (Paraíba, Pará and Rio Grande do Sul) will begin to refine the new diesel H-Bio.
In the estimates of the Minister of Agriculture, it would represent an increase in consumption of 1.2 million tons of soybeans. With this, the government kills two birds with one stone: increasing independence in diesel and strengthens the soybean market, improving product price. The soybeans have been at the forefront of protests against government agricultural policy. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/20/2006)
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within 120 to register at Refills
Companies that they owe taxes and can win the Revenue within 120 days to sign up for Refills (Tax Recovery Program), according to this amendment approved Tuesday by the full Senate.
The amendment was included by the Chamber in the Provisional Measure 280, which rearranged the table in 8% of Income Tax of Individuals (PIT) from February 1 this year and was also approved by Senate. But as the MP will be resubmitted to the House, will depend on the security of Members of the granting of 120 days to businesses.
According to the details of the repayment program, the debtor companies that join the program can pay off your debts by up to 180 plots or in the benefits defined by sales, in percentage between 0.3% and 1.5%. The PM will have to be voted on again by the House because it has changed to be considered by the Senate. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/16/2006)
Companies that they owe taxes and can win the Revenue within 120 days to sign up for Refills (Tax Recovery Program), according to this amendment approved Tuesday by the full Senate.
The amendment was included by the Chamber in the Provisional Measure 280, which rearranged the table in 8% of Income Tax of Individuals (PIT) from February 1 this year and was also approved by Senate. But as the MP will be resubmitted to the House, will depend on the security of Members of the granting of 120 days to businesses.
According to the details of the repayment program, the debtor companies that join the program can pay off your debts by up to 180 plots or in the benefits defined by sales, in percentage between 0.3% and 1.5%. The PM will have to be voted on again by the House because it has changed to be considered by the Senate. (Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/16/2006)
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How do all work in sync with the company
Management Consultant Eliyahu Goldratt come to Brazil to talk about his experience in realigning production logistics firms to improve their performance
By Stela Campos De Sao Paulo
The Israeli Eliyahu Goldratt, PhD in physics, was ridiculed when he said that the university would investigate the possibility of applying the methodologies used in the exact sciences in the area of administration. "They told me it would never be possible because people are not predictable," he says. "I'd say that nothing in the world is 100% predictable." Obsessed with proving his thesis, in the '70s, he invented the "Theory of Constraints", which uses logical reasoning to map all the chains of cause and effect in the production systems of companies.
His thesis was exemplified in the '80s, the book "The Goal" bestseller consumed by two million readers, translated into 20 languages and adopted by over 200 universities. In it, Goldratt fictionalized account of how the findings of a general manager who needs to quickly boost the profits of their factory. Changing your way of seeing the workings of his company, he finds the "bottlenecks" that they jammed the company's overall performance and discover how to circumvent the situation by making all work in sync.
Now Goldratt is defending another much more controversial thesis called "Viable Vision". This time, he claimed that in four years a company applying its methodology can match their percentage of profit to its current sales. You talk to her that the "guru", quoted in renowned publications such as Fortune and BusinessWeek will come to St. Paul. He will participate in the seminar "Viable Vision", held on Wednesday at the Convention Centre Millennium.
Before leaving for Brazil the consultant, founder of the Avraham Y. Goldratt, gave an interview to Valor where he spoke about the importance of synchronizing "Gears" which move organizations and to measure the performance of people, and mainly tells them how it's done. The following are major excerpts:
Value: Having worked many years within large companies do. could tell what executives fear most when it comes to promoting changes in its administrative practices?
Eliyahu Goldratt: The principal managers fear, do not know if this is the best expression for it is its own administration. And I do not blame them because this is the hardest part of implementing a change. You must know how to synchronize all areas of the company, because everything should move the right way. You can not have some people sinking behind while others are jumping too quickly ahead. Synchronization is very important.
Value: Creating the commitment of people to change their business vision is the hardest part of the process?
Goldratt: It's probably the most difficult step. That is why before signing a "Viable Vision" we have to make sure that a step before that. At least 20 people at the top of the company have to be in consensus. Once the president understands what we do, the next step is to do an analysis to see if business is possible. Not always. Only 80% of companies have the necessary conditions.
Value: What is the importance of measuring the performance of people in these transformations?
Goldratt: We're not dealing with computers and atoms, but with people and you know what it means to measure their work. Tell me how you measure me and I'll tell you how I behave. Measurement is one of the forces that influence behavior. So if mediation is incorrect or conflicting you are creating a bottleneck in the production and unfortunately this is the case in many companies. If you do not measure, have no control, will not know where there is bureaucracy.
But when you measure one must keep in mind what it means to say how this situation will impact the measurement business, what will happen. Because it will influence people's behavior. The measurement will provide control but will also guide the people inside the company to do what is best for achieving the goal. This is not what happens today. One of the easiest things is to change the existing way of measuring to one that makes sense and everyone understands and collaborate.
Value: How to achieve better performance then the people?
Goldratt: This is called measurement. Be sure that the measurement by itself will encourage people to do what is good for the company as a whole. But you have to understand what is good for the company as a whole. Do not try to improve every area so that it becomes the best, this is wrong. It has to be the best, but giving support to the organization. No matter if she is better off alone. They are two different ways to make better.
Value: When Mr.. decided to apply the principles of the exact sciences in the administration?
Goldratt: I'm physical, my PhD is in physics. One day I looked at all the materials from university and realized that the approach we use in the exact sciences, physics, chemistry and biology, was very different from that used in the social sciences. I started to wonder what would happen if we applied the methodology of social sciences in the world, which involves people. Earlier, I said it was ridiculous to think about it just because people are not predictable.
Admittedly, people are not 100% predictable, but nothing like that. So I chose an area where I could find quickly was working or not. I chose one where I could measure results in figures. This is why I work with business and management. For example, if you are in a factory because everything can be measured when you have a solution and apply, you know quickly if it is working.
Management Consultant Eliyahu Goldratt come to Brazil to talk about his experience in realigning production logistics firms to improve their performance
By Stela Campos De Sao Paulo
The Israeli Eliyahu Goldratt, PhD in physics, was ridiculed when he said that the university would investigate the possibility of applying the methodologies used in the exact sciences in the area of administration. "They told me it would never be possible because people are not predictable," he says. "I'd say that nothing in the world is 100% predictable." Obsessed with proving his thesis, in the '70s, he invented the "Theory of Constraints", which uses logical reasoning to map all the chains of cause and effect in the production systems of companies.
His thesis was exemplified in the '80s, the book "The Goal" bestseller consumed by two million readers, translated into 20 languages and adopted by over 200 universities. In it, Goldratt fictionalized account of how the findings of a general manager who needs to quickly boost the profits of their factory. Changing your way of seeing the workings of his company, he finds the "bottlenecks" that they jammed the company's overall performance and discover how to circumvent the situation by making all work in sync.
Now Goldratt is defending another much more controversial thesis called "Viable Vision". This time, he claimed that in four years a company applying its methodology can match their percentage of profit to its current sales. You talk to her that the "guru", quoted in renowned publications such as Fortune and BusinessWeek will come to St. Paul. He will participate in the seminar "Viable Vision", held on Wednesday at the Convention Centre Millennium.
Before leaving for Brazil the consultant, founder of the Avraham Y. Goldratt, gave an interview to Valor where he spoke about the importance of synchronizing "Gears" which move organizations and to measure the performance of people, and mainly tells them how it's done. The following are major excerpts:
Value: Having worked many years within large companies do. could tell what executives fear most when it comes to promoting changes in its administrative practices?
Eliyahu Goldratt: The principal managers fear, do not know if this is the best expression for it is its own administration. And I do not blame them because this is the hardest part of implementing a change. You must know how to synchronize all areas of the company, because everything should move the right way. You can not have some people sinking behind while others are jumping too quickly ahead. Synchronization is very important.
Value: Creating the commitment of people to change their business vision is the hardest part of the process?
Goldratt: It's probably the most difficult step. That is why before signing a "Viable Vision" we have to make sure that a step before that. At least 20 people at the top of the company have to be in consensus. Once the president understands what we do, the next step is to do an analysis to see if business is possible. Not always. Only 80% of companies have the necessary conditions.
Value: What is the importance of measuring the performance of people in these transformations?
Goldratt: We're not dealing with computers and atoms, but with people and you know what it means to measure their work. Tell me how you measure me and I'll tell you how I behave. Measurement is one of the forces that influence behavior. So if mediation is incorrect or conflicting you are creating a bottleneck in the production and unfortunately this is the case in many companies. If you do not measure, have no control, will not know where there is bureaucracy.
But when you measure one must keep in mind what it means to say how this situation will impact the measurement business, what will happen. Because it will influence people's behavior. The measurement will provide control but will also guide the people inside the company to do what is best for achieving the goal. This is not what happens today. One of the easiest things is to change the existing way of measuring to one that makes sense and everyone understands and collaborate.
Value: How to achieve better performance then the people?
Goldratt: This is called measurement. Be sure that the measurement by itself will encourage people to do what is good for the company as a whole. But you have to understand what is good for the company as a whole. Do not try to improve every area so that it becomes the best, this is wrong. It has to be the best, but giving support to the organization. No matter if she is better off alone. They are two different ways to make better.
Value: When Mr.. decided to apply the principles of the exact sciences in the administration?
Goldratt: I'm physical, my PhD is in physics. One day I looked at all the materials from university and realized that the approach we use in the exact sciences, physics, chemistry and biology, was very different from that used in the social sciences. I started to wonder what would happen if we applied the methodology of social sciences in the world, which involves people. Earlier, I said it was ridiculous to think about it just because people are not predictable.
Admittedly, people are not 100% predictable, but nothing like that. So I chose an area where I could find quickly was working or not. I chose one where I could measure results in figures. This is why I work with business and management. For example, if you are in a factory because everything can be measured when you have a solution and apply, you know quickly if it is working.
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