Cape Sounion
- Cold -
Title: Cold
Characters: Kanon Gemini
Genre: angst, melancholy
Rating: yellow
Notes: flashfic
Prompt: Cold by
Dedicated to my beta
milodiscorpio and my faithful reader Kiki May
- Cold -
Title: Cold
Characters: Kanon Gemini
Genre: angst, melancholy
Rating: yellow
Notes: flashfic
Prompt: Cold by
Dedicated to my beta
That night the sea was rough. Already normally his cell was never very hot, as the sun could penetrate only at sunset and the last rays of the dying day had very little heat, but at that moment was particularly cold. The waves were rushing more than usual and it broke with a crash against the rocky promontory, constantly invading the small prison in spite of the low tide.
Kanon had retired into a corner, trying to escape the violence of the waves. The cold wind whipped the the face, bringing with it cold drops of rain and foam, wet clothes, not only could not keep warm, but made him feel even colder while the long hair the color of the sea, too wet, had the stuck to the face, rigandolo to the slightest movement of drops freezing.
It was curled up against a wall, looking in vain for shelter against those rugged rocks, your knees close to his chest, arms to encircle the legs, trying to keep what little heat.
The limbs were covered by continuous shivering and her lips, slightly purple, trembling and her eyes were burning, bloodshot from lack of sleep and salt water sea. Closed them for a moment, trying to concentrate and raise forces despite the tiredness, just a golden aura of Cosmo wrapped, subsiding gradually shivering, but had tried to hold too long that protection, that take quick energy valuable.
In fact, after a few moments, exhausted, passed out, collapsing on his back on the bare rock of the cell, while returning to the waves lapping the wet clothes and hair. The rising tide resumed. Would be the end if the tide had caught just then, just when was not in to defend and fight for survival as he always did. Before the water sommergesse, Cosmo is a golden, well brighter than the one outlined by Kanon, cleared the dark prison of the promontory lashed by the wind, circling the boy locked inside, protecting it from the fury of the current and the biting cold that shook the limbs . Kanon would never know what happened that night, nor that an unknown Cosmo had come to his rescue.
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