elements of suspense weave an electrifying psychological plot, which holds and surprises the audience. Never the black part of the human soul was so clearly explored, where the image brings all the elements that build the minds of the characters, full of nuances and corrupted the morals of no return.
The movie was based on a novel by Robert Bloch, author of popular books and without literary value. Alfred Hitchcock anonymously bought the rights to the book, paying between nine and eleven thousand dollars, depending on version. When the master of suspense presented the project to adapt the story of Robert Bloch, met with resistance producers at Paramount, who refused to invest in a literature considered vulgar. Faced with the refusal, Hitchcock decided to produce the film himself. After acquiring the rights, he bought all the copies available in the market, preventing it to be read by people, which contributed to the suspense and the outcome of the film were not disclosed.
" Psycho" was opposed by major producers not only come from a broadsheet, but even the title, which was considered bizarre and of little interest to attract large audiences. Hitchcock followed his intuition and genius, producing a masterpiece of world cinema. Scenes anthology, as the murder of Janet Leigh's character in the shower, still stir the sensibilities of those who watch it.
" Psychosis" is mainly composed by her fabulous photo gallery, printing the truths and dangers around the characters. The feeling is that the imminent danger will jump back to the characters at any time, bringing a final for their sins. Nobody is immune to the story that appears in the shadows mind.
Debuting in American theaters in 1960, " Psycho" remains one of the most watched films in the world. Several sequences were made from the eighties. In the late nineties, a new version hit the screens. But none managed to scratch or beat the original. " Psychosis is one of those untouchable masterpieces, final, a gem that brightens the movie theater.
The Embezzlement of Marion Crane

By assuming the film, Hitchcock had a budget of eight hundred thousand dollars. Faced with budget constraints, the British director did not hire big stars. We used a team of actors with whom already worked in his television series, presented by American networks.
Several actresses were quoted to do the role of Marion Crane, among them Lana Turner, Piper Laurie, Eva Marie Saint, Hope Lange and Martha Hyer. All of them blond and lean, a constant image in the heroines of the old master. But the final choice fell on the beautiful Janet Leigh, who find in Marion Crane, his character in the final film.
Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) is living a normal life, is secretary of a property in Phoenix, Arizona. Pretty woman, model professional, she lives a romance with a young Sam Loomis (John Gavin). With the lover she lives in love and tender moments. One of the most beautiful scenes of the film is the moment of love between the young and beautiful couple. While not revealing the nakedness of the actors, the moment is an implicit eroticism, considered daring for 1960. Hitchcock had told Janet Leigh who touched the face of John Gavin as if from a sexual act.
But not everything was clear in the mind of the beautiful Marion Crane. Dark moments of naivety contrasted with an ambitious intelligence insider. Very soon, the dark side of youth will weave a big hit. The opportunity to release their awareness of the established moral, happens when one day witness a great deal from the boss, who received forty thousand dollars in cash. That afternoon, a sweltering Friday, Marion does not stand up, hereby defraud his master's money, dreaming can enjoy it with her lover, Sam Loomis.
's mind Marion Crane works quickly after stealing the money. Excuses to the boss to leave early. She leaves the building carrying a package with the forty thousand dollars. He knew that the embezzlement would only be discovered on Monday. Had the weekend to escape. Decides to leave for the city of Fairvale, Calif., where he is Sam. The beautiful woman follows in his car to meet the beloved.
Death in the Shower

Images of the Bates Motel bring a gloomy atmosphere. The establishment had been isolated after a detour at Highway made almost disappearing. Everything seems decadent, revealing an atmosphere veiled in mystery and danger. Marion is received by Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), a handsome young man, but a look dark and weird. It registers with the false name Marie Samuels. Suddenly the meeting with Bates seems an act of moral redemption in the face of the world. Gently, the boy talks to a guest. He speaks briefly of life, its pitfalls. It shows a shy young man, dominated by his mother, a woman old and sick, who cares. At that time already
remorse affects the soul of the fugitive. Suddenly no longer made sense forty thousand dollars, the flight, the embezzlement. A conversation with Norman Bates is ambiguous in determining the fate of Marion Crane, through her, decides to return the next day and return the money. What she does not know is that plunged into a road of no return, and life no longer gives you time to fix the mistakes. From the window of her room, she was the voice of an old woman, who looked severely discuss with the child. Marion
staying in the apartment number 1. The images give a claustrophobic feeling that one is being observed. This feeling is reinforced when Norman Bates

Marion Crane would go down in cinema history, producing an anthology of the most scenes of the cinema. Backs to the door, she let the water run over the body, not realizing when someone enters. Suddenly turns to a plastic curtain in the bathroom, are suddenly open by a giant shadow, bringing a knife in his hand, lifted into the air. Marion Crane out a scream of panic. At the sound of a soundtrack that would become classic, made by Bernard Herrmann, watched the girl being brutally stabbed. Slowly, life leaves the woman, who let go falling in the bathtub until it falls completely lifeless.
The shower scene is the most complex " Psycho," was so important that the reason the movie was shot in black and white because Hitchcock was concerned that the scene got too shocking if done in color, lost in the exaggerated amount of blood that gushed.
Janet Leigh was not naked on stage, wearing a slinky outfit to skin. To give greater accuracy, a stuntman was hired, who did the nude scenes necessary to make them more realistic.
For the jets of water were

But the climate that would make this scene in one of the most famous movie, was not acquired through the music of Bernard Herrmann, element essential tensãoe suspense over the murder of Marion Crane. The scene of his death in the shower used seventy different positions of cameras, taking seven days to shoot. Since then, a simple shower was never the same in the minds of people.
Marion Crane's body is wrapped by the killer in plastic curtain in the bathroom, being loaded into the trunk of the car. Thus, the victim is played with your car in a swamp. It remains to watching the film a question, who killed the unfortunate woman? Norman Bates? Or his possessive mother?
Another Death in the Bates Motel

Another key character is introduced in the plot, Milton Arbogast (Martin Balsam), hired by Marion's boss, who to give the coup, tries, through its services detective, recovering stolen money. Realizing that the people closest to the runaway are worried about their disappearance, Arbogast begins to investigate the motels that had the path she would have used. After a thorough investigation, he arrives at the Bates Motel.
Norman Bates denies he received guests at the time of the disappearance of Marion. Arbogast discovers he lied to

willed to uncover the truth, Arbogast back to the Bates Motel. Scenes electrifying show their steps to climb the stairs to the second floor of the mysterious and shadowy house where Norman Bates lives with her mother. But the detective is discovered, being attacked and killed by the same mysterious person who had murdered a few days before Marion Crane.
The Mother of Norman Bates

Tired of running through tracks without exits, Sam and Lila decide to seek the sheriff of the place, Al Chambers (John Mclntire). The sheriff, upon hearing the strangers, calls for Norman Bates, wanting information about the detective Arbogast. Norman said the detective was at the motel, to ask some questions, but then withdrew, not more coming.
The mystery is following a psychologically ball labyrinth. Norman Bates tells the mother that she will have to move to the basement. It's never shown his face lady Bates. Sometimes if you hear his voice. At this crossroads of the film, the shy boy, submissive mother is almost exonerated by the viewer, and the mother declared guilty. Almost deduced that protects the poor guy a murderous mother.
Chambers tells Lila and Sam found no one at the motel, and Norman Bates. Dissatisfied with the investigations, the youth decided to return to the motel, because there is sure that will find the clues they had discovered and Arbogast, mysteriously disappeared soon after.
Sam Lavender and rent a room in the Bates Motel, register as husband and wife. While Bates is distracted by Sam, Lila investigates the motel. In the fourth number one discovers traces of the presence of his sister. Lila goes to the compartments of the house, now with the certainty that Marion was there.

Realizing the ruse of the couple, Norman Bates reacts with violence, attacking Sam, leaving him on the floor. Desperate, he runs toward the mysterious house, looking for Lila Crane in the premises where it was. To sense the approach of the boy, the girl is hiding, not knowing what is about to reveal the biggest secret of the film. Lila seems to hear the voice of a lady. Sure you will find Bates, she walks into the basement. By entering, you see a lady sitting in a chair, facing backwards. When approaching, the chair rotates and reveals not an old lady, but a mummified body. She was the mother Norman Bates.
Lila screams in horror at the sight of so loathsome corpse. The light hanging from the ceiling of the basement rocks. Emerges a figure with arm raised, bringing a knife, ready to be driven into the body of the young intruder. He is dressed as a woman, but it was not a woman. It was Norman Bates, embodying the personality of the mother. Ready to kill Lila, Bates is prevented by Sam, who holds him from behind. Deranged Norman Bates goes into convulsions, falling to the ground. Your secret is unveiled, and with it, the whole mystery the film.
The Image and Mind

voice of the psychiatrist is made the revelation in the life of Norman Bates. The young stranger, distressed and lonely, had had an incestuous love for his mother and possessive. When she took a lover, Norman not supported, blinded by jealousy and anger at seeing the two together in bed, he poisoned them. Your sick mind has shut himself in a strange world where he fantasized about being the mother, living and dressing like her. In the unconscious of his mind, he killed all the women who had an interest in, like the mãea kill them out of jealousy. Returning the time of the crime, was seized by remorse and guilt before the horrors committed by the "mother". After each murder, he talked with his mother, catching fervent discussions. Thus, Norman Bates did not kill Marion Crane and Milton Arbogast. It was his mother he had created in the mind who had done it.
The last scene of the film shows Marion Crane's car being withdrawn from within the marsh. In the suitcase is the girl's body and nearly forty million dollars. Closed
is one of the most complex and brilliant films of all time. Norman Bates chased forever the career of Anthony Perkins, and he returned in the eighties, to play the character in movies
Janet Leigh does not appear in any movie, but the death scene of Marion Crane was the biggest of his career. It was nominated for best supporting actress and Golden Globe in the same category.
Alfred Hitchcock, who appears in the movie wearing a cowboy hat , earned prestige and fifty million dollars in ticket sales. " Psycho" was elected by the American Film Institute (AFI) as the 18th best movie of all time. It is considered the largest and most aesthetic of the genre of suspense. It is revered worldwide by thousands of people. A masterpiece of cinema!
Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Year: 1960
Country: United States
Ge nero: Thriller
Length: 107 minutes / black and white
Original title: Psycho
Screenplay: Joseph Stefano , Based on the novel by Robert Bloch
Production: Alfred Hitchcock
Music: Bernard Herrmann
Director of Photography: John L. Russell
Art Direction: Robert Clatworthy and Joseph Hurley
Costume Designer: Rita Riggs and Helen Colvig
Editing: George Tomasini
Special Effects: Clarence Champagne
Estú dio: Shamley Productions
Distribution: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, John Gavin, Vera Miles, Martin Balsam, John Mclntire, Simon Oakland, Vaughn Taylor, Frank Albertson, Lurene Tuttle, Patricia Hitchcock, John Anderson, Alfred Hitchcock
Synopsis: Secre ; estuary (Janet Leigh) steals $ 40,000 to marry. During the flight, stops at an old motel, where he is lovingly attended by owner (Anthony Perkins), but he hears the voice of the boy's mother, saying, you do not want the presence of a stranger. But what actually hear is something so bizarre that it could not imagine that he would not live to see the next day.
Alfred Hitchcock

Born into a humble family, his father, William Hitchcock, sold fruits and vegetables. He and his two brothers received a strict Catholic education. The dogmas of Catholicism were repeatedly psychologically challenged in some of his films. Because her father died when she was 14 years, was forced to leave the Jesuit school he attended, going to work as a cable manufacturer company in Henley, where he developed the work of advertising and graphic design.
Alfred Hitchcock's career in film began in 1920 when he began working at Famous Players-Lasky, Paramount Pictures, where did the pictures that appeared dialogues of silent movies. He learned to create scripts and edit movies. Already in 1922, performed his first film, " Number 13," which was never completed. The following year he went to Berlin, where he worked in UFA (Universum Film AG), until 1925. It was in this studio that he performed the first complete film, "The Pleasure Garden " in 1925.
The first major success would come with " The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog " (The Pensioner ), 1927's, which was based on the crimes of Jack the Ripper. It was the beginning of his immersion in the world of suspense. It was this film that made the

would come from the hands of Hitchcock's first British sound film, " Blackmail" in 1929. The previous year, had their first born daughter, Patricia, from her marriage to Alma Reville, his assistant director.
Alfred Hitchcock was gaining prestige in British cinema, making several successful movies. His work caught the attention of David O. Selznick, who called him to work in Hollywood. Began to stage the American career of a great filmmaker, who was loved and revered worldwide. His film debut was in the U.S. " Rebecca "in 1940, already getting Oscar nomination for best picture. So they came successive major movies, which immortalized the filmmaker. In 1955 he became a naturalized American.
Master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock movie universe gives rise to endless analysis and quality entertainment as part of the real movie, even popular, never lost the vein of art. The teacher would receive in 1980 from Queen Elizabeth II, the KBE Order of the British Empire, becoming Sir Alfred Hitchcock. Four months after receiving the award on April 29, died of kidney failure in Los Angeles.
filmography of Alfred Hitchcock:
Feature Film

1922 - Number 13
1923 - Always Tell Your Wife
1925 - The Pleasure Garden (The Garden of Delights)
1926 - The Mountain Eagle
1927 - The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (The Pensioner)
1927 - Downhill
1927 - The Ring (The Ring)
1928 - Easy Virtue
1928 - The Farmer ' s Wife (The Farmer's Wife)
1928 - Champagne (Champagne)
1929 - The Manxman (The Islanders)
1929 - Blackmail (Blackmail and Confession)
1930 - Elstree Calling
1930 - An Elastic Affair
1930 - Juno and the Paycock
1930 - Murder! (Murder)
1931 - The Skin Game
1931 - Mary
1932 - Rich n Strange (Rich and Strange)
1932 - Number Seventeen (The Mystery at No. 17)
1933 - Waltzes From Vienna (Vienna Waltzes)
1934 - The Man Who Knew Too Much (The Man Who Knew Too Much)
1935 - The 39 Steps (The 39 Steps)
1936 - Secret Agent (Secret Agent)

1936 - Sabotage (The Husband was the Guilty)
1937 - Young and Innocent (Young and Innocent)
1938 - The Lady Vanishes (The Lady Vanishes)
1939 - Jamaica Inn (The Inn Maldita)
1940 - Rebecca (Rebecca, Unforgettable Women )
1940 - Foreign Correspondent (Foreign Correspondent)
1941 - Mr, & Mrs. Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
1941 - Suspcion (Suspected)
1942 - Saboteur (Sabotage)
1943 - Shadow of a Doubt (The Shadow of a Doubt)
1944 - Lifeboat (A Boat and nine destinations)
1945 - Spellbound (Spellbound - Spellbound)
1946 - Notorious (Codename Notorius)
1947 - The Paradine Case (Agony of Love)
1948 - Rope (Feast Evil)
1949 - Under Capricorn (Under Capricorn)
1950 - Stage Fright (Awe Backstage)
1951 - Strangers on a Train (Strangers)
1953 - I Confess (The Torture of Silence)
1954 - Dial M for Murder (Dial M for Murder)
1954 - Rear Window (Rear Window)
1955 - To Catch a Thief (To Catch a Thief)

1955 - The Trouble With Harry (The Third Shot)
1956 - The Nab Who Knew Too Much (The Man Who Knew Too Much)
1956 - The Wrong Man ( The Wrong Man)
1958 - Vertigo (Vertigo)
1959 - North by Northwest (North By Northwest)
1960 - Psycho (Psycho)
1963 - The Birds (The Birds)
1964 - Marnie (Marnie, Confessions of a Thief)
1966 - Tom Curtain (Torn Curtain)
1969 - Topaz (Topaz)
1972 - Frenzy (Frenesi)
1976 - Family Plot (Plot Macabre)
Short Film
1929 - Sound Test for Blackmail
1944 - Aventure Malgache
1944 - Bon Voyage
1944 - The Fighting Generation (uncredited) 1945 - Watchtower Over Tomorrow (not credited)

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