Considered the next generation of Olympians, the more important the equivalent of his father, Zeus, lord of the gods, becoming more revered than the uncles, Poseidon (Neptune), king of the seas and Hades (Pluto), lord of the underworld. Considered the god of light, Apollo, gradually stole the functions of Helios (Sun), undermining the worship that god.
In ancient Greece the light was seen as essential to the development of civilization. It was through her that lightened the darkness of the earth and man. The fire, which transmitted light and heat, was regarded as a vital element in the psychological construct of man. So much from the theft of Prometheus to the flame of the gods, that human consciousness was awakened. By harnessing the light, Apollo guarantee of food crops, and to illuminate the human mind, took the men from the darkness of ignorance, making the triumphant face of the arts, medicine and philosophy. Without the light of Apollo, Greece would be dead, perpetuated in darkness.
Divinity of Indo-European origin, to be introduced in Greece, retained much of its primitive functions. The primitive nucleus of the myth of Apollo brought in essence the explanation of the primary necessities of life, because the light warranty agriculture and navigation. Apollo was the one who protected the existence of man of natural phenomena that led to the formation of a society that survived the camp, livestock and sea. When Greek civilization was developed, creating advanced urban cores, dipped in politics and philosophy, Apollo also acquired new functions, leaving early to become protector arts, medicine, music and poetry.
Through Apollo, the gods take on a human face. God comes to represent the beauty and obsession Greek perfection. Apollo becomes the desired image of beauty, endlessly pursued in numerous statues that are conferred. Becomes the symbol of victory over the beautiful ugly, scholar on the vulgar, the philosophy of ignorance, of light over darkness.
Driving a car pulled by horses gifted by Helios, the sun, Apollo sails the sky, bringing light to men. Beside his subjects, the Muses, inspiring poets and artists, teaches men the art of medicine, and symbolizes the harmony of perfect beauty, the essence of the Greek ideal.
The Multiple Roles Primitives

At the beginning of Greek civilization, fire and light elements were considered essential, vital to human progress. Without light there would be only darkness. When the cult of Apollo was introduced in Greece, was likened to Helios, the sun Helios If it was own solar star hovered in the sky, Apollo was light, the driver of the heat on soil. The light guarantee survival, as it were triggered several phenomena, which led many functions of Apollo. Clarity, the seas could be navigated, if Poseidon was the lord of the seas, lord of storms, earthquakes and tsunamis, Apollo was the orientation. None Greek mariner dared to go to sea without invoking the protection of the sun god. Apollo stole, well, the cults of Poseidon. As the Greek islands represented a larger economic force than the continental land, the cult of Apollo became tougher inside.
If the light was essential to ensure the pastures, agricultural crops, once again the Greeks invoked the protection of Apollo, which assumed the functions of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter (Ceres) . The first harvest of spring was dedicated to Apollo by great festivities. The farmers thanked well, the return of Apollo and the world order winter.
One of mythological legends attributed the fall and winter the abduction of Core (Proserpine) by Hades, god of the dead. The girl's mother, Demeter, was uncomfortable about having her daughter to live in the kingdom of Hell. Disgusted, abandoned the goddess of agriculture land, which was ravaged by famine. To mediate the situation, Zeus ordered Core lived six months of the year and six months at Erebus on Olympus, with his mother.
Attribution winter Apollo, who once a year traveling to the country of the Hyperborean, bringing with it Helios. In the land of good men and fair, Apollo lived happy, harmonious to the echo of the chants of corals and their Hyperborean boys. When the vacation ended, Apollo returned to the world, and he turned the sun began to spring. Thanks to this legend, Apollo was attributed to the change of seasons.
Thus, shepherds, sailors, farmers, and promoted religious ceremonies in honor of Apollo, where they offered sacrifices to God. Multiply crops, and lead the shepherds, guiding the Mariners were the functions that were part of the primitive myth of Apollo.
The Protector God of Music and Poetry

primitive functions of Apollo were joined by new ones, many of which contrasted with each other. He became the protector god of arts and inspiring artists. It became the symbol of Greek lore, who imposed their culture on the people around.
The legend of Apollo and Marsyas dispute reflected the victory of Greek culture on Asian culture. For the Greeks the flute an instrument was rude, unable to keep up the beautiful songs of the great Greek poets who extolled the epic of their heroes. The lira was considered as a perfect instrument, the Hellenes elected its sound as the purest, most harmonious that they could produce. The Apollo was attributed to his invention. The flute from Asia, has become an instrument to arouse the jealousy of the Greek musicians.
Legend has it that one day, Apollo was called to a noble assembly atop Mount Parnassus, where lived the nine Muses, with his lyre to compete with a famous flute, Marsyas, who arrived from Phrygia. The flute of Marsyas came a sound coarse and vulgar. The lyre of Apollo heard a high sound, perfect harmony and beauty irresistible. Charmed with the lyre of Apollo, the Muses declared it

To punish the audacity of Marsyas, the Phrygian, Apollo skinned him alive, then lifted his body at the entrance of a cave, for all to see the end of an imperfect sound and admired the Greek lyre as the most perfect instruments. The legend represents the superiority of Greek culture in the face of Asia.
The association of Apollo with the Muses became part of the myth of the god of light. Absolute shield of the arts, the Muses were acting as intermediaries of God. They were the poets who called on direct protection. Also through the muses, doctors invoked the protection of Apollo.
God of Medicine and Medical

medicine was regarded as an art, health was nothing more than harmony between the external body and soul, between the various anatomical parts of man and mind, an art so fine as to mutual music. The doctor was a mediator as well as a musician, took care of dissonances that disturbed the harmony and beauty. It was up to protect the Apollo medicine and doctors. When
born Asclepius (Aesculapius), son of Apollo and Coronis, the god of light and art to his son passed allocation guard of medicine. Asclepius wisdom inherited from the father. Educated by the centaur Chiron wise, soon developed the art of medicine, discovering antidotes syrups and wild plants, drinking miraculous taken from the roots. Preparing balms that overcame serious illness, and ointments that relieved the most terrible wounds. The fame of great
physician Asclepius traveled throughout Greece. The place where he lived, Epidaurus, began to receive visitors from all parties, who came in search of healing their ills. Gradually, the Greeks began to worship the son of Apollo, forgetting to Zeus, the lord of Olympus. Worried about the power of Asclepius on human life, jealous of the worship directed to him, fearing that there was more death among the sick, which would free the protection of the gods, Zeus decided to strike down grandson with its rays. For this, the Cyclops asked to do so.
In revenge, Apollo exterminated the Cyclopes, returning to assume the role of protector of Medicine, who was assigned to the child. It was up to God not only healing but also cause disease and pestilence.
Images Apollo

Apollo was the god of light, art and beauty. The statues paying homage to him brought a perfect beauty, a symbol of the Greek ideal. Inspiration was found in the gyms of athletes, where men showed their naked bodies when practicing sports. The statues of Apollo brought a perfect nakedness, sometimes cut by a mantle. For they were carved, the artists got together the finest young men, each selecting a body part more perfect, adding what was most beautiful in human anatomy.
When the work was carved from the god of light, everything was carefully studied, the lineament between the head and trunk, the perfection of the torso as compared to members, the perfect symmetry between the forehead and chin, the head and hair. Gathering the data, created the image of a god of beauty ideology, which represented the ideal pursued by the Hellenic civilization at its apogee of culture. The most beautiful statues of Apollo were produced in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, as the famous statue of Apollo Belvedere, an unknown author, or the work of Praxiteles (370? - 330? BC) , modeled on the traits of seven beautiful boys Athenians.
Amores fiery

Greek Sexuality and loving their customs, also reflected in the legends of Apollo. The Greek custom of resorting to child abuse as sexual initiation, which was considered of profound social uplift an aristocratic older man taking a young man as a lover, not just passing it the secrets of sex, as the cultural, military and religious. The myth of Apollo which served to be legitimized this practice in Greek society.
Of all the Olympian gods, Apollo is one that has highest number of gay love. The most famous were those who lived with him and Ciparisso Jacinto. Jacinto lived with an intense love, after winning a dispute with the boy's heart Zephyr. When I practiced throwing discs with her lover, Apollo was surprised by the vengeance of Zephyr, who blew the disc thrown against the face of Jacinto. By losing the loved one to death, Apollo transformed the shed blood in a purple flower, with cup-shaped lily, which he called hyacinth.
Ciparisso threw darts with Apollo, fatally when a pet deer who gave him the god. Desperate, the young mistress cried incessantly, asking that Apollo never dried her tears. To meet the demand, Apollo Ciparisso transformed into a cypress tree which formed its resin droplets of tears in the trunk.
The legend of love's best-known myth of Apollo is that he lived with Daphne. When faced with the beauty of the nymph, the god was struck by their passion. He declared himself to her, made him the tenderest vows love, but not to the heart of the beautiful. Lonely,

But Apollo was lost passion. I could not see anything except the body of the young, the smell intoxicating. Determined to possess such a delicate beauty, Apollo initiated a prosecution determined to Daphne. Desperate, she entered the woods, fleeing when the impetuosity of God. But Apollo had the speed of light on his feet, reaching the beautiful nymph. Desperate, without seeing an exit, Daphne prayed to Gaia (Earth), which protects the body from having deflowered by that love wild. The goddess mother answered the cries of the nymph. Apollo evil touched her body, she felt her skin to wrinkle, to tighten up, cut by deep grooves. Given the silence suddenly realized that the beloved Apollo had been transformed into a tree. Heartbroken, God hugged the tree, which he called daphne, a name in their language meant laurel. In honor of the beloved, said The laurel tree sacred. Its leaves, once the hair from Daphne, would be used to purify the priests and crown those who obtained great victories in arts, sports and battles.
The Symbol of the Great Greek

The temple of Apollo at Delphi was the largest temple in Greece. The oracle was receiving people from all walks of life, coming from the four corners of the country. Military leaders did not engage in battles that were asked without guidance to priests. Mariners dared not face the sea without being advised by the oracle of the god of light, like kings, aristocrats and the people, seeking to unveil the future and know how far they would succeed in business in love, in war and travel.
By reading the entrails of sacrificed animals, priests predicted the future from those who resorted to them in the name of Apollo, it was them who put the prophetic words on the lips. The oracle of Delphi became a major center of pilgrimage and prophetic of Greece. Every nine years, the inhabitants of Delphi celebrating the mythical victory of Apollo over the legendary serpent Python. People of all Greek cities went to the spot where a pompous ceremony relived the fight of God and the serpent, representing the victory of light over darkness.
God of light on the essence of the myth, Apollo was who, in their primitive functions, bringing good harvests, and the shepherds tending their flocks and guided sailors while in the midst of the sea. In its role as god of a developed civilization, illuminating the artists, inspired poets, musicians and sculptors; protected the doctors, watched over by the balance of men's health; unfold the future, predicting it to those who paid him homage and all the functions mentioned sacrifĂcios.Por, Apollo was representation of the absolute victory of intelligence over ignorance. It is the symbol of the god who came closest to the obsession of the Greek ideal of perfection in search of beauty.

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