Considered alongside Pablo Neruda, the greatest poet of the twentieth century, Fernando Pessoa was one of those responsible for the Portuguese culture reached the contemporary world, giving more fame to the literature of his country than Luis de Camoes himself. The world surrenders to his poetry. Fernando Pessoa
shared his work with various characters he created, giving them names and distinct personalities. The so-called heterônimos, doctor Ricardo Reis, Alberto Caeiro the peasant and the engineer Alvaro Campos, among the most famous poetic voices were leaving the genius of the poet, who enriched his great work.
Being the most read poet of the Portuguese language, with a translated work successfully in several languages, Fernando Pessoa lived a quiet life, without love stories recorded, without facts or scandalous personal dramas. He spent time with artists of Portuguese modernism, such as Almada Negreiros and Sá Carneiro. To survive in the trade worked as translator and as a developer of advertising agencies. Justified professions parallel to its Written by saying: "Being poet and writer is not profession but a vocation . His enigmatic personality won the discretion to life, exploding in the beauty of his work.
Ironically, Fernando Pessoa just published a book in life, " Message," a collection of poems dedicated to the heroes of the Portuguese, and the ultimate dream of Sebastianism: The Fifth Empire. The book had about thirty pages, nothing on a twenty-five thousand manuscripts he left in part by ranking, within its mythical ark.
Fernando Pessoa died at age 47. His death not caused a stir because it was a virtual unknown. His work gradually was being taken from the ark magic and discovery around the world. Dust of the manuscripts, it has proved a dazzling world and the infinite greatness of the human soul. Even today, unpublished poems continue to emerge from the chests. Your personality, how much more work left to read, isolated on a level unattainable in a mysterious magnetism unabated. Person not only was part of the human race, but was its own essence of the soul.
Childhood and Adolescence in South Africa
Son of a small family of aristocrats, the boy had his life changed Fernando to five years in 1893, when his father died of tuberculosis. Following the tragedy, lost his younger brother, George, in 1894, who did not complete a full year. Faced with adversity, Maria Magdalena was forced to auction the furniture and move to a more modest house on Rua de São Marçal.
In 1895, his mother remarried by proxy, with Captain John Michael Rose, Consul of Portugal in Durban, South Africa Due South stepfather's profession, the small the family moved to Durban in 1896, where he would live for many years.
was in South Africa, then a colony of Britain, that Fernando Pessoa acquired an English education that would influence the rest of your life. It was in Durban that saw Wake her talent for literature. In 1903, when applying to the University of the Cape of Good Hope, do not get a good rating, but it gets the best mark in the test of English style. At fifteen, he receives the test, the Queen Victoria Memorial Prize Award (Queen Victoria). Since that time, the poet has demonstrated his talent for writing in English, starting the production of several poems in this language.
Participation in Cultural Life Portuguese

her grandmother dies Dionysia in 1907, leaving him a small inheritance. With the money, the poet establishes a small typography, Typography, Ibis Publishing Company - Steam Shop. To manage it, he abandons the course of letters, but the business does not prosper, and in a few months then bankruptcy. From then on he worked as a translator and a foreign correspondent in commercial places. Profissãoo work that the rest of your life. Fernando
Person has an interest in the work of Cesario Verde and Father Antonio Vieira. In 1912, takes on the activity of essayist and literary critic, debuting with the "New Portuguese Poetry Sociologically Considered ," published by "Eagle & rdquo ;, official organ of the Portuguese Renaissance. For this magazine, would even the articles " Reincidindo ..." and " The New Portuguese Poetry in its psychological aspect."
Soon disconnects from the Renaissance group, allying themselves to the younger generation, Mário de Sá Carneiro, Almada Negreiros, which would mark the Portuguese modernism. With friends, he founded the magazine " Orpheus" in 1917. In 1921 he collaborates with the single issue of "Futurist Portugal." In 1921 it launched the "Contemporary . In 1924, directs the Ruy Vaz " Athena." In 1927 he writes for the "Presence "where shall give notice of his verses. This time working with texts for newspapers. Going to work with an advertising agency that would exercise activity from 1925 to 1935, the year of his death.
Life Without Large Passions and Caters To Occultism

A single woman was part of his biography, Ophelia Queiroz, coworker, who had a brief affair and exchanged love letters. Ophelia was addressed to him in letters as Ferdinand Personne, or "Monsieur Personne . Later, Agostinho da Silva, who personally met Fernando Pessoa, the poet confided recount that you regret having written love letters to Ophelia, as he had done heteronym moved by fantasy, without ever having had a passion by it. When he saw Ophelia, a needy woman, was hopelessly in love with he became aware of the ruse of fictional love living and put an end to it, to do a real woman in love and suffer.

If your love life has been made in mystery, mysticism and the occult tambémo that it practiced left large gaps in data. His alleged links with Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian never been proved, not knowing the poet no affiliation to these schools in their stores or fraternities. What has registered is a public defense of these organizations, made by him in " Diário de Lisboa "against the persecutions of the Estado Novo in 1935.
Fernando Pessoa set astrological charts for most of its heterônimos and Portugal. Astrological consultations made for himself. During her studies of astrology would have made more than a thousand horoscopes. Das
called occult sciences, Fernando Pessoa proved to be a profound scholar, having given a reasonable library of esoteric subjects annotated, and the writings of his own. Proclaimed himself a Christian Gnostic and inducted into the Order of Knights Templar in Portugal. It was a great admirer of Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Templars were burned alive at the stake. He said in defense of the martyr of the Knights of the Temple which everybody should fight " his three killers - Ignorance, Bigotry and the Tyranny .
heteronyms of Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa is the division of self, leading to extreme limits the growth of personality, making the false identity of each of them in real, making them immiscible.
heterônimos The best known in the work of Fernando Pessoa were three: Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and Alberto Caeiro. Upon them the poet himself wrote in a letter to Adolfo Casais Monteiro:
" I created, then a coterie nonexistent. Ricardo Reis was born in 1887, can not remember the day and month (...), in Porto, is a doctor and is currently in Brazil. Alberto Caeiro was born in 1889 and died in 1915, born in London but has lived almost his entire life in the countryside. He had no profession or education almost all. Álvaro de Campos was born in Tavira on October 15, 1890 (at 1.30 hours in the afternoon, tell me Ferreira Gomes, and it is true, therefore, made the horoscope for that hour is right). This, as we know it is a naval engineer (for Glasgow) (...). Caeiro was of medium height, and although really thin (died of tuberculosis), did not seem as fragile as it was. Ricardo Reis is a little, but very little, lower, harder, drier. Alvaro de Campos is tall (1.75 m tall, more than I cm 2) thin and a little tending to bend. Shaven face all - Caeiro colorless blond, blue eyes, kings of a vague dark mate; fields between white and dark, vaguely sort of a Portuguese Jew, hair, however, smooth and usually departed next, carbon century. Caeiro, as he said, had more education than almost none - only primary education; died early and her father and mother, (...). He lived with an old aunt, great-aunt. Ricardo Reis, educated

with distinct personalities and stories own lives, each heteronomous will take you to one type and subject of poetry. Alberto Caeiro, master, keeper of sheep, has a philosophical poetry. He was killed by his demiurge in the same year it was created in the journal Orpheus. " Alvaro de Campos is a futuristic engineer, farmer and progress of the machine, his poetry is more critical. Ricardo Reis, the monarchy, Horace cultivates in his poems and classical tradition. There is a fourth heteronym of great importance the work of the poet, Bernardo Soares, who is seen as more like Fernando Pessoa, hence, often regarded as pseudo-heteronomous. Bernardo Soares, the social misfit, scribble their impressions and fragments of Lisbon in "The Book of Disquiet .
Fernando Pessoa died on November 30, 1935, the Hospital of St. Louis of the French in London, his hometown. The causes of death would be a "hepatic colic, associated with liver cirrhosis, the result of long gatherings at the" Martinho da Arcada "And" Brasileira do Chiado, "watered aguardente.Tinha to 47 years old. It is said that in the last moments of life, wrote in English, the last sentence: "I know not what Will tomorrow bring -" Do not know what tomorrow will bring, & rdquo ; .
[275] - Poems inconjunct - Alberto Caeiro

If I'm already dead, flowers blossom from
And the trees will not be less green than last spring.
Reality does not need me. I feel a tremendous joy
To think that my death has no meaning
If I knew died tomorrow
And Spring was the day after tomorrow, I would die happy
because she was the day after tomorrow.
If this is your time, when she had to come but in his time?
I like everything to be real and it's all right;
And like for that was, even if I did not like.
So if you die now die happy,
Because everything is real and everything is right. Latin
can pray over my coffin, if they wish.
If they want, they can sing and dance round him.
not have preferences for when we can not have preferences.
it is, when is the case, will it be what it is.
Passage of Time (Grafts) - Álvaro de Campos
kiss on the mouth all the prostitutes,

Kiss on the eyes all souteneurs,
My passivity lies at the feet of all murderers
And my cover to hide the English withdrawal to all thieves.
Everything is the raison d'etre of my life.
committed all the crimes,
Vivi inside of all crimes
(I was not one or the other in the vice,
But the very people vice-practiced among them, and these
hours are more arc-of-the triumph of my life). I multiplied
me, to feel,
To feel I needed to feel everything,
overflow, not but did pour me
Despi me, I handed rne,
And there in every corner of my soul an altar to a different god.
The arms of all athletes suddenly squeezed my female
And I fainted at the thought of muscles assumed.
were given in my mouth kisses of all meetings,
beckoned my heart tissues of all farewells,
All appeals of obscene gestures and glances
Beat me in full throughout the body based in the sexual centers. I
all ascetics, all-in-part of posts, as they all forgotten, And all
pederasts - absolutely everyone (not missed any).
Rendez-vous in red and black on the bottom of my soul, hell!

How many empresses and princesses reign of deposed you were to me!)
Mary, whom I read in Burns day how sad to feel live,
Mary, you know how many couples barely honest, how many happy families,
you lived in my eyes and my arm wrapped around him and my conscience uncertain
His quiet life, the their suburban houses with gardens,
Their unexpected half-holidays ...
Mary I I'm unhappy ...
Freddie, I'm unhappy ...
Oh, all ye, all ye casual, time-consuming,
How many times have ye thought of thinking of me, without the fossil
Ah, how little I was in what you are, how rather, how little -
Yes, and what have I been, my subjective universe,
O my sun, my moon, my stars, my time
O outside of me lost in a maze of God!

And every city in the world, rustling up inside of me ...
Court my heart, my heart market
My heart room on the Exchange, stop my heart from the Bank,
My heart rendez-vous all mankind, My heart
bank garden, tavern,
Inn, dungeon thing any number
(Here estuvo en el Manolo going Visper al jib) My
heart club room, the audience, doormat, currency, gangway,
Bridge, cancels tour, walking, travel, auction, fair, camp,
wicket My Heart, My Heart
order, letter
My Heart, luggage, satisfaction, delivery,
my heart And the margin, lirrite the scoresheet, the index, there
Eh-eh-la, hey-la, my bazaar coraç ; will.
All lovers kissed in my soul,
All vagrants slept a moment on me,
All despised touched for a moment on my shoulder,
crossed the street, my arm, all the old and the sick,
And there was a secret that I said all the killers.
We live in Countless - Ricardo Reis

we live in many;
If I think or feel, I ignore
Who thinks or feels.
am only place where you feel or think.
I have more than one soul. There are more I
than myself.
Existo however
Indifferent to all.
I get them to shut up: I speak.
impulses cross
of what I feel or not feel
Struggle in who I am.
I ignore it. Nothing
dictate to whom I know: I 'screvo.
Vacancy in Blue Large Unleashed - Fernando Pessoa
going wrong.
My past does not return.
It's not what I'm crying.
What cry is different.
Get more into the soul of soul.
But how, without us in the sky, A cloud floats
calm. And this reminds
sadness And the memory which is sad, I give
miss the richness of emotion that weaves the time.
But in truth, what bitter cries
In my anxiety
Higher than the cloud arrears
It is beyond nostalgia.
not know what is not consent
The soul that knows it well.
seen the pain that lie
pain that my soul has.
1893 - born in January, his brother Jorge. On July 13, her father dies, victim of tuberculosis.
1894 - Die brother George in January, shortly before completing a year.
1895 - In July, the little poet writes his first poem. John Michael Rose, her mother's suitor, is appointed Acting Consul in Durban, South Africa, departing for the region. In December, the Consul marries the mother of Fernando Pessoa, by proxy.
1896 - Party with the family to Durban. In November comes the sister, Henrietta Magdalene.
1897 - The poet enters primary school.
1898 - Birth of second sister in October.
1899 - Joins Durban High Scholl. Creates the pseudonym Alexander Search.
1900 - born Luis Miguel, the third brother of the poet.
1901 - Passed the examination of Cape High Scholl Examination. Die middle sister. One begins to write poetry in English. Along with the family, in part to an August visit to Portugal.
1902 - born in Lisbon, Brother John Mary. In September, back to Durban.
1903 - Pays examination for admission to the University of Cape Town, getting the best score in English test, winning the Prize Queen Victoria.
1904 - born in August, Sister Mary Clare. Concludes the study in South Africa
1905 - Alone, returns permanently to Lisbon, passing to live with her grandmother Dionysia.
1906 - Tuition on the course on literature, in Lisbon. Die Sister Maria Clara.
1907 - Give up the course on literature. Grandmother dies Dionysia. Opens for a short period, a printing press.
1908 - Begin working as a foreign correspondent in commercial offices.

1910 - writes poetry and prose in English, Portuguese, French.
1912 - Literary magazine published an article on " Eagle."
1914 - Creates the heterônimos Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and Alberto Caeiro. Write the poems of "The Keeper of Sheep " and "Book of Disquiet .
1915 - In the first issue of " Orpheus, the poet Alberto Caeiro kills.
1916 - Suicide to his friend Mario de Sá Carneiro.
1920 - know Ophelia Queiroz. The brothers and mother return to Portugal. Depressed, thinking of interning in a nursing home. Ophelia breaks.
1921 - Founds the publisher Olisipo, which he published poems in English.
1924 - Ruy Vaz directs the magazine Athena. "
1925 - dies on March 17 in Lisbon, the mother of the poet.
1927 - Passes to collaborate with the magazine Presence. "
1929 - Back to relate to Ophelia Queiroz.
1931 - Rompe again with his girlfriend.
1934 - is published his book " Message."
1935 - hospitalized in a hospital, on November 29 with a diagnosis of hepatic colic. Died on day 30
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