But exactly the greatest enigma, which governs its own life, will be the point Search Oedipus. Caught in the tangle of their truth, Oedipus kills his father Laius and marries his mother, the beautiful Jocasta. Becomes a mighty king, ruling with wisdom justiçae on Thebes. But Oedipus, who committed the acts innocent, is guilty of the murder of his father and incest with his mother. Fate had decided his tragedy, the gods led him to the crimes, that the curse would come true that he was legacy.
One characteristic of the polytheistic religions is that man is born and now lives with the determination of Destiny, the larger entity and sovereign of the gods. The monotheistic claim that man is who, through free will determines his destiny. The Oedipus myth aligned contradictions, because even innocent, he is guilty of inheriting the curse on generations of their family as well as Adin , that of Catholic Christianity cast curse of death on their generation human.
Oedipus is the most human and tragic myths. The victory over the Sphinx, the will to triumph over the curse of the gods, the murder of her father, marrying his mother, and the need to discover the disturbing truths of the human soul make Oedipus the most vulnerable men in the mirror, as well as humanity is to face his own truths. Oedipus is the key to the eternal love between involuntary maAnd son, between truth and falsehood. By discovering who you are, not support the image of the world and of himself, sticking his own eyes. Oedipus, in its tragedy, is the most perfect human conception of mythological creation, the vision that escapes from heróie of the gods, drawing the picture universal psychology of the mind of man and his eternal struggle against the gods created to justify the loneliness of the soul.
Oedipus, the symbol of the Greek Theatre of Tragedy

the Greek Theatre that was appropriated the Oedipus myth, transforming the issue in his greatest tragedy. It was through the theater that the character through the centuries, becoming the symbol of human tragedy, revealed in the whole design, both in his psychology, sexuality, ambiçãoe intelligence.
The profile of the Oedipus myth is the most well-known that Sophocles (496? -406? BC) described in his tragedy "Oedipus the King ", "Oedipus at Colonus "and" Antigone . "Oedipus Rex " describes him as a young and impetuous, that the peak of his apotheosis, wins the Sphinx, kills his father, marries the maAnd becomes the most powerful kings of Thebes. At the height of power and happiness, Oedipus is confronted with the truths of their actions. In Sophocles' play brings a climax of suspense, which develops as a rigid and precise mathematical theorem, a fact which actually reveals is the cruelest of truths. The play ends with the death of Jocasta and Oedipus blindness. In the play "Oedipus at Colonus ," the sovereign appears old and blind, exiled and driven by his daughter Antigone. Finally, " Antigone", last part of the Theban Trilogy , shows the tragedy of Oedipus in the offspring that reaches Antigone, Ismene, Eteocles and Polynices, sons had with his mother.
Aeschylus (525-456 BC) also devoted part of his work in creating plays about Oedipus myth, making them part of the Theban cycle, "Laius & rdquo ;, "Oedipus "," Seven Against Thebes "and" The Sphinx ", the latter being a satirical drama. Finally, Euripides (480? -406 BC), last of the three major Greek tragedians, wrote "The Phoenician " where Oedipus shows an old, living in Thebes, enclosed by their own children.
Thus, Oedipus is synonymous with the greatest tragedy of Greek drama. Fundamental point of his essence. It is the largest human character created by the imaginative genius of the culture of ancient Greece.
The Roots of Tragedy About the Children of Labdacus

In the realm of Pelops, Laius and Chrysippus, the youngest son and favorite of the king, fell in love violently. Hidden love that young people live with the fury of lovers. Blinded by feelings, Laius decides to kidnap the beautiful Chrysippus. On the Trail, attracts to itself the wrath of Pelops, who pursues relentless lovers. Fearing punishment from his father, Chrysippus committed suicide. Overcome by grief and hatred, Pelops casts a curse that will befall all generations descending of Labdacus, present, past and future. Upon hearing the curse of Pelops, the Gods take care that it is fulfilled, and the Destiny takes the mission of putting it for three generations. After the death of
Chrysippus, Laius returned to Thebes, has waged an uphill battle against the usurpers of the throne, returning it definitely for you. To reign and absolute sovereign, the king decided to take as wife the beautiful and sensitive Jocasta. As soon as he saw it, it became a passion for it, being perfectly matched pela mulher. Juntos, reinaram sobre Tebas, trazendo prosperidade para a cidade, e despertando o respeito do povo.
Feliz ao lado de Jocasta, Laio já não se lembrava da tragédia que se abateu sobre Crisipo. Reconstruíra a vida, fazendo-se justo e bondoso, amante e ardente. Para completar a felicidade, só lhes faltava um filho, que seria herdeiro de toda a opulência de um dos mais prósperos reinos da Grécia.
Édipo Nasce Sob os Presságios do Oráculo

omen, Laius decided to go to Delphi, where he would consult the temple of Apollo. In oracle, asked about the heir to be born from the womb of Jocasta. Relentlessly, the oracle revealed a terrible prophecy: "The son that the queen was on his belly would kill his own father, and would marry the mother, and finally lead to the ruin palace of Thebes .
Laius was upset before such a tragic revelation. Upon returning to the palace, he found the words of the oracle to Jocasta. The Queen was saddened, heartbroken, no longer felt joy to look at the belly. Even sad, never stopped loving that which it would rise, even though it brought a curse on all.
When the child was born, Jocasta united all the forces of your being to hand it to her husband. Suffering, saw the child being torn from her arms by the force of prophecy. Laius, in silence, took the child to himself and left. Jocasta let himself fall on the bed, crying all the tears of a mother, but with the certainty that preserved the justice of the sovereign. Away from the palace
Laius went next to a slave, to the mountain Cithaeron, with a determination to eliminate child. In the middle of the woods, he looked small. Dared not kill him directly. Determined, violently punched the feet of the newborn, amarrando-os com uma correia, pendurando-o em uma árvore. Ali, deixou o pequeno para que morresse.
Mas o Destino já decidira que a criança não morreria, que cumpriria as palavras dos deuses, proferidas através do oráculo. Ao caminhar aos pés do monte Citerão, um pastor ouviu os choros do pequeno. Compadecido, tomou-o para si. Levou-o para Corinto, entregando-o ao rei Pólibo. O soberano limpou o sangue dos pezinhos da criança, lavando-os com água quente. Viu-o parar de chorar e sorrir na sua inocência infantil. Pólibo levou o pequeno à presence of his wife, Merope. The Queen was taken to happiness, because his belly was never able to conceive a child. Together, the rulers decide to adopt the child. Deposit it in a cradle of white silk. They call him Oedipus, would be created with all the love that refused her real parents.
A Father and Son in Fatal Clash

But as an adult, he heard rumors that she was adopted. Despite the denial of the parents became suspicious and unsure of who she was. Oedipus never be closed to their truths, as a boy who was chasing her, she was fearful or joyful. Thus, under the suspicion of the rumors that came, came to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, for the gods to render its hidden truths. Again the oracle was ruthless in his words, saying the young man: "Thou shalt kill your father and marry your own mother. "Faced with the cruel
prophecy Oedipus tried to annul the words of the gods. Desperate, he left Corinth, fleeing Greek roads. He had decided never to return, not to fulfill the prophecy and kill Polyhus marry Merope. It would be eternally wandering exile from Corinth.
But the gods had already decided that the prophecy would be fulfilled. Wandering the streets, Oedipus arrived at the crossroads of Megas, where the paths converge Daul and Thebes. Stop undecided. Where to go? To Thebes? Why feel almost vital to follow the path of that city? On the road, an unexpected surge, the arrogant Polifontes, requiring that the foreigner himself off the road, so that his master, Laius, can pass. Faced with the harsh words of the servant, Oedipus does not move and remained impassive. Angered, the young Polifontes assaults. In defending himself, Oedipus strikes a blow against violent

spite of having committed crimes in a fight in self defense, Oedipus feels weird in front of those killed. Continues his wandering, heading to Thebes, where the gods reserved for him the complete fulfillment of the curse. On the road, lay Laius shed blood after the sword of the son.
Decipher the Sphinx Oedipus and married his mother

Nobody knew the answer. As punishment, she chose a Theban citizen and devoured it, making the population gripped by fear and terror. By finding the Sphinx, Oedipus has accepted the challenge to him. When you hear the riddle, he promptly replied: "The man . In childhood creeps on hands weigh; in adulthood, remain on two feet, and in old age must use a cane to walk. "Given the intelligence
Oedipus, the Sphinx was grieved. Proposed launch you a new puzzle: "They are two sisters. One creates the other. And second, in turn, is generated by the first. Who are they? "
Oedipus answered without hesitation: " The light and dark. Daylight brightens opened in heaven, it generates the darkness of night, which in turn precedes the daylight .
Young answered all the riddles of the Sphinx. Wisely, it reveals the tricks and spells. Embarrassed, she rose to the top of the cliff, throwing himself on the rocks. The suicide of the monster was applauded by the Theban population. Oedipus was acclaimed by the people as their king, since Laius was dead and had left no heirs. Already
King Oedipus sought to know the sad widow of Laius. Sadly, the beautiful Jocasta found himself in his room closed. Impetuous, the new king invaded his privacy. Face to face, Oedipus and Jocasta contemplate themselves, moved by a strange attraction, urged that a recognition of the bowel. Without which they could identify those feelings were confused, we thought the passion fruit. Magnetically attracted to each other, they gave themselves a dance of hugs and kisses burning. Thrilled, joined the naked bodies in one soul. Maee son loved to exhaustion of the senses. In the mind of Oedipus was decided, the widow of Laius was his wife and queen.
In Truth Blindness

Worried about the tragedy that had befallen his kingdom, Oedipus decided to consult the oracle. He sent Creon, Jocasta's brother, to Delphi. Again, the gods were merciless: "The plague only end when the murder of Laius be avenged."
By knowing the determination of the oracle of Apollo, Oedipus begins a scathing investigation to discover the murderer of Laius. Relentless in the pursuit of truth and justice, Oedipus consult Teiresias, a blind old seer, capable of in the dark your eyes, see the future and the past. Pressed by Oedipus, not left to guess but reveal the disturbing truth, the king of Thebes was the murderer of Laius. Thinking
be the victim of a conspiracy to remove him from power, Oedipus Teiresias expelled from his kingdom. But do not give up on seeking the truth. Seeing the grief of her husband, Jocasta tries to reassure him, because he could not have killed Laius. Tell him that a prophecy had said that her husband would be killed by his own child, but annulled the prophecy that by abandoning the child to death on Mount Cithaeron. Laius, Jocasta said, had died in battle at a crossroads by a stranger. The more he heard
Jocasta, Oedipus more was lost in the truths that it filled the air. Restless, anxious, Oedipus one begins to question the details of the death of Laius. Knows that there was a survivor. Calls for it to be found and come to his presence.
Simultaneously, a messenger arrives from Corinth, announcing the death of Polyhus. Even with the sadness at the news, Oedipus breathing easier, the failed prophecy of the gods, the father does not died by his hands. But the relief is short lived, the messenger reveals to him that he was the son of Polybius, who had been rescued by a shepherd who saw Laio leave it on the mountain Cithaeron. Even a newborn was taken to Corinth and created by the rulers of the city.
Upon hearing this revelation of the messenger from Corinth, Jocasta understand the truth. The man she loved and who conceived four children, was the heir generated by your cursed womb. In desperation, the queen fled to his chambers. The pain of revelation burned his chest. Throughout his life he had dreamed of having the child arms, had it so unworthy as husband and lover. Oedipus was her son. Lost in despair of revelation, the beautiful Jocasta hangs up. Dies without dropping a single groan. In the pale by the arrival of death, the last two tears traverse its length.
In the immense hall of the palace, Oedipus, to get the servant of Laius, to hear him

Bring A Gap Body Oedipus

After spending time wandering in many lands, Oedipus arrived at Colonus, in Attica. There, he took refuge in the temple of the Eumenides, where he finally felt relief for his guilt, resting in the happiness of the righteous. Old and homeless, Oedipus had lost everything you can lose a man, youth, maAnd wife, the throne, wealth, vision. Was left to him the unconditional love of Antigone. After seeing Oedipus
wrong and the punishment had forced to live for himself, Apollo, the god who always prophesied to his misery, and through the pitfalls of Destiny, charge you the fulfillment of it, finally had pity on their suffering. The god of light comforted him in recent years, attracting the blessing of the Olympians to the place that would serve him for he had buried.
already old and tired, Oedipus walked to the edge of a cliff, there sat on a rock, dressing up in a shroud. There was a loud bang in the sky. The earth opened smoothly, getting the body purged of suffering and Oedipus. The location of the tomb of the most famous king of Thebes was never revealed. It is only known who is in Attica, and for this reason that land is blessed by the gods of Olympus.
Delivery of The Curse

return to Thebes, Antigone met the brothers, Eteocles and Polynices in serious competition for the throne. In a final confrontation, the two brothers engaged in a bloody struggle and fatal. The result was the death of both.
Creon, the uncle of the brothers fratricidal, Jocasta's brother, inherited the throne of Thebes. Eteocles was the favorite nephew of Creon, so he buried him with full honors, leaving the body of Polynices fallen dead where abandoned, forbidding under pain of death, any person to bury him.
Antigone was uncomfortable with the sort of Polynices, tried on all the arguments, convince the uncle to let her brother be buried, because he knew that without

Ismene, the last survivor of the sons of Oedipus and Jocasta, would later killed by the warrior Tideu. Upon reaching the third generation, was achieved by a curse on Pelops Labdacus.