Three Indian legends were adapted for this article, "Creating and Arowana dos Carajás, " Guarana " and "Mani ", which were fundamental to the culture of the Amazon Indians and the Center-West region.
Arowana and the Creation of Carajás , is more a tale of rich folk tradition of this tribe living on the banks of the Araguaia River, in the Midwest Brazil. It tells the origin of the Carajas Indians through the mythic figure Aruanã, first fish, then man. The legend gave rise to the party Arowana, one of the most exciting traditions of the Carajas Indians, held at the full moon, where the Indians dance and sing, reviving the rites and deeds that heroic people.
Guarana , tells the tale of the emergence of a more exotic fruits of the planet and symbol of the Amazon. Born of wisdom and charisma of an Indian boy and the envy of the serpent of evil, the fruit draws attention by the shape of a human eye. One of the most beautiful legends of the Indians of northern Brazil, full of philosophical lessons implied. Tupa is the repair of the injustice and pain through a happiness that the Guaraná fruit because when ingested.
Mani, another legend coming from the tribes of the Amazon region, reports the mysterious origin of cassava tuber staple food of primitive tribes and basic source of beer, drink it extracted, used in initiation rites. The legend recalls the Christian story of Mary and her pregnancy without intercourse and male participation. Cassava, sacred to some tribes, would be through a rise from the depths of spiritual mysticism.
Arowana and the Creation of Carajás

In celebration of the Dolphin, the lord of waters, held deep in the Araguaia, all of aquatics participated happy. There were beautiful and her sister Iara Jururei-Açú, goddess of rains, and all fish and denizens of the great river, a radiant joy. Arowana only showed himself unhappy, you feel strange that world, to regret having been born in the river and never power breathe the air.
Leaving the party of the Dolphin, Arowana swam, swam, always rising toward the surface of the water. In an outburst of courage and determination to feel the heat of the splendid sun's energy on Earth, he poses his head out of water. Almost choking on the air, spoke with all his might fish dreamer in search of happiness:
Tupa-Great, Lord of life and nature, water birth, but it does not want to die. If fish is my body, my heart is human. Get me out of the water which makes me miserable and meaningless, give me the air as a form of pulse and condition of man as director of life.
Words Aruanã fare so vehement that Tupa realized the true destination of the mighty fish and the essence of his soul. Touched, the master of the forest down to the depths of the Araguaia River, winning there the unfortunate fish. He flew with Arowana, which can not breathe, struggled in the air. Finally, Tupa left it in the field under the intense rays of the sun and gentle breezes of wind.
Aruanã struggled on the grass, thinking it would suffocate. Tupa has not cursed, by contrast, even without being able to breathe the air of Earth, thanks for that final moment, would die away from the water like always dreamed of. He made a praise to God and closed his eyes, waiting for death and happiness attained. Moved
, Tupa began the metamorphosis of fish. Instead of death, saw the scales Aruanã processed leather, lined with soft hair in the breeze skirted designs, muscled arms and legs gave him the look manly. The air finally got him lungs. He smelled of earth. He looked thrilled to his body and smiled happily, was no longer a fish, but a man, strong and beautiful.
-prove you have a great and brave heart. - He said Tupa. - You will be a great warrior among men, the wisest father of the tribes. Arowana fish wast, Aruanãs shalt call you as a man. Go ahead, fulfill your destiny of man warrior!
To pay off the handsome young Aruanãs the Paraje, entities of the justice of the woods, came and gave honors the warrior. They gave him one tribe and the most beautiful women. Joining the women, the young warrior had sons and daughters, giving rise to the valiant Carajas, which formed a valiant tribe of Indians living on the banks of the Araguaia River. Every year, during the full moon, the Carajás perform the ritual of the Arowana, paying through the dançae the corner, just a tribute to the father of the nation Carajá.

But time passed, and the son was not coming. The couple went to the shaman in search of an herb that makes the woman's womb to grow and generate an Indian boy. The shaman said that they could rely on Tupa donation. They did. Humbly, fell on the floor asked the great god of the tribes and the woods, they conceive a child. Nine months later, Tupa presented them with a strong and healthy boy.
Time passed, and the child grew strong and beautiful. Become the most beautiful of all urchins. Wherever he went, he attracted to himself the grace of all, as a radiating light that transmitted peace and wisdom. His curiosity for the secrets of life, made him increasingly wise. The wandering in the woods with his father to hunt animals or catch fish, it made him discover all the secrets of nature, who loved the animals and they became friends. With his joy wise, visiting old patients, carrying joy to other Indian neighbors, always with a smile in your child's face lighted with a heart full of goodness from the claws.
Indian boy's parents felt honored, not had any children in the tribe as wise, beautiful and loved as a child. The fame of the goodness of the boy ran through the woods, down by river water, affecting all the tribes of the Amazon. Indians came from the most remote villages to hear the sweet words and wise Indian boy.
wisdom, goodness and beauty of the boy reached Maué Jurupari, the serpent of evil and darkness in the world. Jurupari he became interested in being enlightened. Invisible went to follow the Indian boy on all sides. The more you watch their deeds and how he was loved by all, a relentless jealousy gripped Jurupari. Do not stand so much goodness and intelligence in a single human being. It was almost perfection coveted by the shamans of indigenous forest.
One day, the Indian boy was in the woods, among the birds and parrots, talking to them all. Suddenly the shadow of Jurupari was felt by the birds, which fled to the skies in a sudden flight. Alone, the unsuspecting Indian boy. He began to cultivate wild fruits to eat. Seeing the act of the boy, Jurupari engineered a plan to wipe out such a perfect creature. The evil entity became a snake that had a great poison, generated by all the ills of the world and the envy burning.
metamorphosed into a snake, Jurupari approached the boy. Naive, he saw the look fresh and sly animal, another friend. But do not be approached, continued to bear fruit, not realizing that in a tree, the snake was curled up to his torso. By touching the fruit, felt the sting of fatal Jurupari. A shadow fell on the boy during his short life he learned the sweet knowledge of the wisdom of life, now felt for the first Since the bitter evils of the world. Too late to reconcile them in their being enlightened.
Later, the Indian boy was found by her father and the Indians of the village, lying on the ground, lifeless. All wept and mourned the death of the boy. The father uttered a cry of pain that echoed through the forests and rivers. The mother was lost in a tortuous regret. The whining and crying
all shook and the clouds moved Tupa. A big thunder descended from heaven, silent and scaring everyone. It was the booming voice of Tupa, announcing that it would offset the pain of all, fixing the evil and sadness that had violated Jurupari when poisoned and had cut off an innocent life. Tupa ordered it planted the child's eyes. Of them would bring forth a miracle plant, whose fruits would bring joy and happiness to those who consume them.
This was done, the Indians planted Maués the eyes of the Indian boy in the woods. Them were born guarana, a fruit-shaped eye. They were the eyes of the wise child. When eaten, the fruits brought happiness and welfare of the Indians, causing grief for the death of the Indian boy was appeased, changed into a pleasure.

One day the peace of the village was rocked by a novel, the beautiful daughter of chief appeared pregnant. The village leader gave a great cry in front of his disgrace. You had to know who was the author of the outrage and punish him with the rigidity required to honor. Furious, he asked his daughter, trying to learn the identity of the infamous. Passively, she replied that she had not had any relationship with the Indians of the village and neighborhood. The more the young woman refused to reveal who was lying, angriest was the village chief. Crazed, beat her daughter, confined her in a dark cave, he left her without food for days ... No punishment or threat had effect and the young woman continued to secure their innocence that never met a man in the intimacy of love.
Bitter, the chief ended the day with a certainty, it was necessary to punish his disgrace. If the child still refuses to denounce the Indian that you become pregnant, then had to kill her. When collecting in the hollow, lay on the network with the decision the next day to wash the honor with the blood of her daughter. When he slept, the chief did sleep invaded by Tupa, who took the form of a white man, told him the truth, her daughter was innocent, he never slept with any Indian. When he awoke, the chief heart was relieved, all the bitterness and hatred had been squandered by the dream.
Thus the girl's belly grew, as if he were more out of life. At the end of the ninth month, after all the suffering caused, the beautiful Indian gave birth to a girl of rare beauty, wearing a white skin that had never been seen in that village or anywhere in the Amazonian nia.
By knowing the birth of such different children, all from the village came to see her and admire her. The news spread to all indigenous peoples of the Amazon, encouraging an endless pilgrimage to the village. Everyone wanted to see the beautiful child of unknown race and new to mankind.
The girl was called Mani. Proved to be a child with strange powers, they talked and walked early. When completed one year, seemed to have five. A year later, when the Moon has completed all cycles, Mani lay on the network, and shut eyes and fell silent forever. He died without showing any illness or pain. Just fell asleep on the mantle of death.
With great sadness, the Indians buried inside the hollow Mani where he lived with his mother. Following the customs of the village, every day's grave and watered Mani was discovered by the Indians. After a few days, the pit began to sprout a strange plant, unknown to all the nations of indigenous Amazonian rivers. Faced with such a rare plant, the Indians decided not to pry it out of the grave of Mani.
Time passed, the plant grew, blossomed and bore fruit. The birds were the first to eat the fruits of the unknown plant. The birds showed up drunk and dizzy, which aroused the attention of the Indians, increasing the suspense and mystery that bypassed the plant. One day the earth around the plant was divided. The Indians dug the place and struggled with a white root, as was the beautiful Mani. The mysterious Indian child had become the root. When you eat it, the people discovered that it would become their main food. Learned to extract from the plant the beer, drink served to the initiations mystical and religious. Tuber, a tasty food nutria all Indians. They called the cassava plant, which meant Mani-hollow, hollow-Mani.
Illustration: Joseph Lanzellotti
Adaptation free: Jeocaz Lee-Medd
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