Initially, a casa servia uma bebida amarga e pouco difundida em Lisboa, o café. Aos poucos, Adriano Telles, seu inaugurador, conseguiu fazer da bebida uma tradição, e em 1908, abria a primeira sala de café na cidade. O termo “bica”, usado pelo lisboeta para designar uma xícara de café, teria sido criado por Adriano Telles, jamais saindo do vocabulário da população.
Na década de 1920, A Brasileira tornou-se um importante centro cultural de Lisboa e de Portugal. Longas tertúlias eram regadas por fumo e café, promovidas por painters, artists, writers, politicians and many representatives of the intelligentsia Lusitanian. There passed Fernando Pessoa, Almada Negreiros, Jorge Barradas and many of the Portuguese modernist. The evidence of the great exponents of this golden age were the walls of the cafe, with tables made exclusively for the exhibition's permanent home. The historic tradition of
The Brazilian crossed the twentieth century, the Salazar dictatorship passed without losing the glamor, saw the dawn of the nails of April, saw the Lusitanian capital exile their characteristics parochial and become a European city strongly and fully enclosed in the European Union, left intact the huge fire that destroyed much of the Chiado, in 1988, has adapted to changing times, creating a new customers, without losing the playfulness emblematic that attracts thousands of tourists throughout the year and receive the traditional clientele Lisbon, formed by various sections and movements that plague the city.
Customer service sucks the cafeteria. Serves a mediocre pastries, the restaurant is the worst quality, and coffee, which has in secular motto the phrase " the best coffee is the Brazilian " for decades is that only in words. Despite all the problems, have a coffee on the terrace of The Brazilian during the summer or inside during the winter, is one of the most magical and playful city of Lisbon. Meeting point of all the tribes, there is nothing more elegant, provocative, and the offender to merge the tourists and regular customers at the end of the afternoon. Only then, do we see the seductive mystery that the environment d ' The Brazilian has on us all. Paradoxically, the worst coffee serving Lisbon, The Brazilian is the best place in Portugal to drink it.
Cafe Comes to Lisboetas

Located in one of the finest and most well attended in Lisbon in the early twentieth century - the Chiado district, the house founded by neighbors as a Telles had the traditional "House Havaneza " most importer of cigarettes and cigars of your time, and which still resists the third millennium as one of the most emblematic of Lisbon, and the "David & David Retrozaria . Faced with the neighbors so sophisticated, it was vital to innovative offerings of products offered. The Brazilian brought a novelty, the sale of "genuine coffee from Brazil," as announced Telles. The coffee was not part of the culture Lisbon, being a beverage little appreciated and even avoided by the population.

Initially, the coffee was far from being served in cups, to be extracted from acquiring machinery and creamy. Telles served the drink to each customer, to prove that, so without being charged. It was a bitter drink, served hot and aromatic. Next to the coffee that was offered at the counter, Adriano Telles teaching the client how to do it together offered a newspaper advertising the house and others nearby in Chiado.
Legend has it that Adrian Telles have invented the term "tap" to designate a cup of coffee. Served in a coffee maker, Telles have ordered the waiter to bring alcoholic beverages to be served in cup filled from the spout of the bag. Used the word spout, which became part of the vocabulary of Lisbon, being used till today.
Gradually, Adrian Telles, by d ' The Brazilian was in the habit of introducing coffee to the people of Lisbon. The success led to inaugurate the house to make it in 1908 in a coffee room, surprisingly fell in love elite Lisbon. Quickly, a coffee n'a Brasileira do Chiado became fashionable, being transformed in place cult by the more advanced sectors of society of the time.
The Permanent Exhibition of Art House Chiado

In the first half of the twenties, The Brazilian underwent a major remodel the space, coming to house the works of emerging artists who were frequenters of the coffee.
In 1925, eleven screens that would become valuable in the Portuguese modernism are shown n ' The Brazilian . They were so beyond the conservatism of the time, who suffered heavy criticism from the press, being called " Screens T olas ". A new slogan spread to Lisbon for defining works of art: "The best coffee is d' The Brazilian, and the worst of the panels are also there." The authors of the eleven paintings were seven: Eduardo Viana (two works), Almada Negreiros (two works), Pacheko José Antonio Soares (two works), Jorge Barradas (also works with two), Bernardo Marques and Stuart oaks. The conservative intellectual elite Portuguese had to mirror the art of Malhoa and Columbano, not seeing the modernist movement and the new trends in the arts that would devastate the decade.
Despite the rejection of the time, works of art

In 1971, the permanent exhibition of the Chiado coffee would be updated with eleven new paintings, encompassing various aspects of current and aesthetic that portrayed the season. The authors of the works were: Eduardo Nery, Noronha da Costa, Joao Vieira, Antonio Palolo, Hogan, Nikias Skapinakis, Vespeira, Carlos Calvet, Fernando Azevedo, Joaquin Rodrigo and Manuel Baptista. The art collection
d ' The Brazilian still has the famous bronze statue of Fernando Pessoa, the authorship of Lagoa Henriques, erected in front of the coffee on its terrace. Person is sitting, with the next table, waiting for the coffee. The statue attracts a large number of tourists, sit around, recording the moment in thousands of photos.
The permanent works are to this day the walls d ' The Brazilian, making the site a sophisticated and valuable historical heritage. These characteristics make the coffee a unique place in the Portuguese culture of the twentieth century, in an unprecedented legacy that crossed the third millennium.
The Fascination of The Brazilian

Legend has it that Salazar had a deep respect for tradition's historical home of the Chiado, which prohibits making arrests inside the cafe. There are reports that several of the dictatorship of the politically persecuted, exiled to a few hours at the cafe to avoid being arrested, stood outside the police, waiting.
In the 1960s, colonial wars, the economic crisis led Portugal to a visible depletion, making the intellectual elite would lose much of its glamor. The Brazilian felt the crisis. In this and the following decade, since the twilight of the dictatorship, saw the importance of coffee become popular, leaving the great halls common to cafes, unsophisticated, and scattered throughout the city.
In the late 1980s, there has been a slouch in the quality of services, a neglect of the space, which gave an aspect of degradaçãoe decay. This crisis was bolstered in August 1988 when a huge fire destroyed much of the Chiado. Despite not having been burned by the fire, The Brazilian was

In the early 1990s, the Brazilian started to be administered from its name, fame and tradition, without concern for quality. At this time, the then owner, Jaime Silva, seeing no profit in the house, threatened to transform it into a lucrative burgers, following the trend of large networks of American burgers, who bought coffee and historic buildings throughout Europe. The Portuguese government's response was immediate, the house was listed as cultural heritage, not being allowed to be modified. Frustrated the plans of the hamburger, coffee has closed its doors in 1993, that they make a thorough reform. When reopened, the house brought her beauty and sophistication for years hidden behind the walls faded by time, now restored. The toilets, which lay at the bottom, were transferred to the basement, and its access via a ladder, who took the place of multiple tables. In the basement, opened a restaurant without any charm. In place of the old toilets were installed new kitchens. The house began to show its opulent beauty, despite not having any improvement in the service when it is served.
Even with the shortcomings, the house has never failed to get curious tourists, Lisbon's traditional and Portuguese clients from all parts of the country. Its terrace is open in the spring when the rains end. Reach their peak in summer, becoming a place contested by all aspects of the social movements of the city and tourists around the world. Late afternoon is a point of mandatory meeting of intellectuals and lovers of the night, which then moves into the bohemian Bairro Alto. It was on the terrace
d ' The Brazilian intellectuals and representatives of the movements of Lisbon, met to close the "Lisbon 94 " movement that gave the city the title of European Capital of culture that year. From there, he heard the bells of every church of the Bairro Alto, then acclaimed " Seventh Hill," to close the movement. Soon after, the statue of Fernando Pessoa was withdrawn and the terrace cafe temporarily disappeared to give way to the expansion of the subway. In 1998, the Baixa-Chiado station was inaugurated, with an entrance at the front of the legendary coffee.
Located in a prime location, with the Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos

century, The Brazilian remains the most emblematic place for a gathering, so you can meet people in constant boiling, which carry and promote the cultural movements of the city, or simply to catch great friendships between locals and tourists around the world. The Brazilian has this magic, makes all the tribes converge, views and behavior are broken, and everyone is open to great knowledge.

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