modernist, Paul Geraldy reveals a universe expanding on the subtleties of psychological relationships, family and existentialists, reflected in a sublime moment of French society, trapped in peacetime between the two world wars.
In the theater, Paul Geraldy launched his personal views on family and marriage, describing the French intellectual bourgeoisie of the first half of the twentieth century. Part of his drama pieces " Aimer" (1921), "Robert et Marianne" (1925) and " Duo, d'apres Colette" (1938) . His work is full of feelings experienced in everyday life, standing always passionate love, the feelings that scare touched men and women fascinate. His style attracted a large female audience, which allowed her success.
But the greatest honor of Paul Geraldy came with poetry through the book "Me and You " (Toi et Moi ), published in 1912, which became a and a classic ode to passion. Language and delicate feelings always present in modern man, the work brings an intimate conversation between a couple in love, revealing all the secrets of the heart, all relationships on worries of everyday life. Free verses that describe the way fascinating, erotic, sensual and courageous love between two people.
All poems of this article were taken from "Me and You " in Brazil, it was the translation by Guilherme de Almeida. Paul Geraldy died almost 98 years, on March 10, 1983. His poetry of courtly love, sensual, disturbing and delicate, it is always a lovely discovery, snatching the hearts in love over the decades.
I like, like you

I have for you a folly ...
I speak, speak, or know what
But like, I like you so well
You heard what I said? ...
You laugh? I look like a fool?
But what to do to explain it right, To
you feel? ...
What I say is so hollow!
I seek, I seek a way ...
Not exactly the kiss may suffice.
Any thing that drowns me, s between solutions.
We need to express, translate, explain ... Nobody feels
senãoo who spoke.
Lives is words, nothing more.
But I must get
These words and I say, you know ... And
But what? If I could speak
As a poet that feels, I would say
more than
When I take the hands
This beautiful head and a hundred thousand times, crazily
And I say and I repeat yet again around the :
You! You! You! You!
Expansions (original)
Ah! Je vous aime! Je vous aime!

You hear? I'm crazy about you. I'm crazy ...
I tell myself, always the same ...
But I love you! I love you!
... I love you, do you understand?
You laugh? I look stupid?
But how then to let you know well,
So you feel good? What we said was so empty!
I seek, I seek a way ...
This is not true that kissing may suffice.
Something is choking me, here, like a sob.
I need to express, explain, translating.
It does not feel quite that what we have said.
We live more or less through words.
I need words, analysis.
must, I must tell you ...
You must know ... But what!
If I could find things a poet, in
I say more - respond to me -
when I hold you so, little head, and that
hundred times a thousand times and I
Again you madly and you repeat
You! You! You! Thee ...
We could never get to know us maybe!

My love, imagine, then,
All this made us luck
To be here, to be two of us!
We were made for each other - you say.
But think of what it took to bring
of coincidences, that
there could be only this: our love! What
before joining our destiny bum,
live far apart, and alone, separated, and that is so
long time, and it is so big world,
and we could not have found.
You never thought, my beautiful romance, this love
and ran the risk and indecision when
to meet one another, around the infinite
gravitated no wonder our hearts?
You do not know then that it was uncertain that road that led
our ideals, and that
a whim, an almost nothing
could not have joined us anymore?
never confessed to him this weird thing: when I visited you
the first time, the
principle and saw that you were beautiful ...
almost did not notice you.

Her friend drew me more with your smile.
was not until long after we crossed the look ...
We could not have read any of it:
and you do not understand, and I do not even dare.
What would we be if, that night, someone would seek
you before?
Or if, among the lights, you will not blush when I wanted
also help put your manteau? ...
For those reasons were, you remember yet?
A delay, an impediment, and nothing would exist
this enchantment, this metamorphosis
never happen to love what happened!
You would not now in my life ...
My heart, my heart, my dear, I think of that disease
you almost died ...
Chance (original)
Et pourtant, nous ne pouvions never

Mon amour, imaginez-vous tout ce
that Fate had
allow you to be there to love yourself, and whether we?
You say: "We were born for each other." But
think that it had to have to chance, contests,
causes, coincidences,
to achieve that, simply, our love!
Think before uniting our minds wandering,
we lived alone, separated, lost,
and that is a long time, and that's great, the world
and that we could not meet us.
Did you ever think, my beautiful adventure, the dangers
ran our poor happiness when
um toward each other at the bottom of the infinite nature
mysteriously gravitated our two hearts?
Do you know that this race was very uncertain
which led us to an evening, and
a whim, migraine,
could get away from each other forever? I did
ever said something extraordinary:

when I saw you first, I did not
first that you were pretty.
I just took care of yourself. Your friend
occupied me much more, with his laughter.
is late, very late, that our eyes met.
Dream, we could not learn to read,
And you do not understand, and I do not dare.
Where would we be if ow night, that night, thy mother thee
um recovery earlier?
And if you did not blush, under the lights, when appropriate
help you put your coat?
Because remember, these were all causes.
retardation, um impediment
and nothing would have been the beloved intoxication
the exquisite makeover!
Our love could never happen!
You might not be today in my life ...
My little heart, my heart, my darling, I think
cette maladie dont vous avez
faille mourir ...
You say: "I think you just

all day."
But think of me much less than in
and says: "My eyes hurt
living just wish
spend hours awake when I sleep."
But his soul is more than satisfied
crazy. You think more in
that kiss on the mouth.
You are not worried
you sure that this good
somente seu e é meu. Mas o amor é
uma necessidade. Você gostaria mesmo menos
of mim, muito menos não
had to pit had?
Doubt (original)
You said: "I think of you

all day."
But you think less of me that has
You said: "My eyes wet
who can forget
stay awake long
when I lie."
But your heart is grayed
less amused.
You think more than
mouth kiss.
You do torment.
You know, without looking farther,
our joys are ours ...
But love is a need.
you love me less if I
Eu bem sei
that ciumento, demanding, impulsivo, irritado,

infeliz por tão banais sewed,
vivo has been provocar discussões no reason ...
But I love it so badly because I love too.
And torment you, and persecute ...
You had better to be loved and happier too,
if not for you my only joy, love
and if this was not my only asset.
Aveu (original)
Je sais bien qu'irritable, et exigeant morose,
insatisfait, jaloux, Malheureux pour un mot, je te cherche souvent
querelles des sans cause
Si je t'aime itself evil, c & rsquo ; est que je t'aime trop.
Je te poursuis. Je te tourment. Je te grond ... Tu serais heureuse
plus et mieux aussi Aimée, if thou
n'étais pour moi tout ce qui compte au monde, et
you ce pauvre seul souci mon amour n'était.
We love one begins,

by simple curiosity,
for reading a certain look
And how, ultimately, whether we
very well, loves loves only
the taste as it has.
sake of love begins to spread
por dor dor.
E is accustomed depressa, a trocar
frases de amor.
E, sem pensar, vai falando,
have that de novo já Falou. E então
continued amando Só porque já começou
Meditation (original)
We love first by chance,

per game, out of curiosity,
um look for in
read possibilities.
And then as the substance itself
we love each other very much,
be someone loves you, you love
compliance by of goût.
On rend grâce if, on the s'invite
partager ses moindres Maux. On prend l'habitude
, vite, d'échange
of petits mots.
Quand on a les memes Longtemps dit, on
sans y penser les Redit.
Et alors, mon Dieu, l'on aime Parce qu'on
to commence.
But that's not fair! I am very sensitive ...

Any evil that you make me that I try to reciprocate
, I can not, it is impossible!
I suffer more than you.
You tolerate the endless provocation, the silences
looks bad and brutal ...
But do not be cruel, pity me!
When I suffer, I suffer too much ...
... But no! Hear! I confessed
naive and weak, one thing that I should not confess ...
You now know my weak:
and will perhaps take advantage ...
Défaite (original)
It's not fair at last! I'm too sensitive.
When you hurt me, although sometimes I try to
you make. But it is never possible!
I still suffer more than you.
You, you know endure long sulks,
looks hard and obstinate silence ...
Ah! do not be mean to me, darling!
I have too much grief when I j'em ...
... But I'm mad! Do not listen! I confess
naively dangerous truths ... You go to
présent ma faiblesse:
tu vas peut-être on profite ...
Let's not be too demanding:

luck is not always accessible
everybody, to everybody.
It is only the less sensitive
or the rich, naturally ...
not desire the impossible. We should be glad
being who we are: just dating
dating is wildly from time to time. It is already
one big thing we
be two apart, among mortals,
two mutually
that are sufficient and do not bother too much.
And we are more demanding,
is sometimes the soul still feels
single and sad, this is explainable: unbearable
have a genius ...
or are very intelligent.
Sagesse (original)
Soyons Ne pas trop exigeants:
le bonheur n'est pas accessible

the sorts of genes. Il faudrait être moins
sensible, or bien avoir beaucoup
money ... Do not ask the impossible. We must find
be happy beings we are: intermittent
lovers who are crazy about each other in sum
is already much for two,
two side by side on the Earth, which can suffer
them and live without too much silence.
And if one is more demanding,
if you feel in thinking
soul still too single,
c'est qu'on a mauvais caractère ...
or qu'on est trop intelligent.
Mea Culpa
After all, my crazy gesture,

my mistake, dear, was it put into
you the full weight of my life. By starting this
love a heart so different from my thought
can put my entire universe.
And this error is so deep that we
suffering then.
You can not put a
world on a heart.
Your heart is sincere, passionate
But to me, alone, is sufficient to fend
relatives and my friends?
Mea Culpa (original)
Au fond, vois-tu, mon erreur,
great ma folie, c'est d'avoir
charge ton coeur de tout le poids
de ma vie. Le jours où
l'on s'est aimé, j'ai cru qu'en ce
coeur pouvoir offert
j'allais nurses
tout mon univers.
C'est de cette erreur maintenant nous Profonde
that souffrons. On ne fait pas
tenir le monde derrière un
front. Ton coeur est
tendre et sincere, ardent et
soumia. More
, tout seul, pouvait-il que je me faire
pass ma mère et de
amis me?
Well, goodbye. Nothing forgotten? ... It has everything already?

can go ... But no! Wait a minute! How
raining! ... Wait for it pass.
wrapped up well! It's cold outside.
You should put a "manteau" heavier.
already has all that is yours? Nothing remains for me now?
His letters? The picture ...?
Since we are going to separate, yet look at me a moment ...
But without crying: it would be silly.
How horrible it is now a distant memory
From what we were in a former life and beautiful!
Our lives are totally confused ... And now each
resumes its path!
We'll leave, each more alone,
Start, wandering around ... Certainly
will suffer too ... But come, then
Oblivion, the only thing that forgives.
And there you have me there, we two;
To be this: one person and another person.
See! You're going into my past!
We'll see us on the street, casually ...
I shall look and go, without having gone through ... You will
with new dresses, different ...
And live our lives parallel ...

And Friends contarãoa you my story ...
And I'll tell you, it was my glory,
My Forcaos my faith: "How is she?"
our love ... this thing was worthless! ...
however, that the madness of the first day! Remember
well? What apotheosis, that magic! ...
If we loved each other! ... And this was our love!
Even us, to us so when we say "I love you!"
What matters is what we are saying ...?
It's humiliating, my God ... We're all the same?
Same as others, we ...? But as it is raining!
You do not go well with a time ... Stay with me!
Stay! Let's live - do not know ... - More resigned ...
Our hearts, though well changed, perhaps to reinforce
If lights old dream ...
Let's try. Be good again. What else!
can say: we have your habits ...
So? Do not go! Stay! E ao meu lado Retome o seu tédio,
In retomo ao seu lado a minha Solidao.
Finale (original)
So, farewell. You forget anything? ... That's good. Will t'em.

We have nothing to say. I leave you.
You can go ... Yet, still waiting, waiting.
It's raining ... wait till it ceases.
Cover yourself well mostly! You know it's very cold outside
. It um winter coat he had put ... Well I've
whole record? I have nothing more to you?
You took your picture, your letters?
... Come! Look at me, since it will leave ...
But beware! Do not cry! It would be stupid.
What effort must be made, eh? our poor heads,
to review that we were lovers!
both our lives were to each other all data,
forever ... And now we resume!
And we'll go, each with its name,
again, roam, live somewhere else ... Oh! no doubt we will suffer
... for some time. And then what?
oblivion comes, the only thing that forgives.
And there will be you, and there will be me, we did
among the other two.
So already, you will enter my password!
We will meet by chance in the streets.
I'll watch from a distance, without crossing.
You will go with dresses unknown.
And we will remain without seeing for months.

And friends will give you my news.
And I say to you that was my life, you
that was my strength and gentleness: "How is she?"
Our big heart, was this little thing!
Were we crazy enough, however, early days!
Do you remember the magic, the apotheosis?
we loved each other! ... And now: it's our love!
So we, even we, when we say "I love you",
That is the value it has! My God!
True, it is humiliating. It is So all the same?
We're like the others? ... Because it rains!
You can not leave by this time ... Come, rest!
Yes, rest, go! We will try to work out.
is not known. Our hearts, though they have changed,
resume is perhaps the charm of old things.
It will do its best. It will be good. And
we may say, basically, there are patterns ...
Sit down, go! Take back your boredom with me
me close to you I will take my loneliness.
Antologia Poetics:

1908 - The Little Souls
1912 - You and Me (Você E Eu)
1960 - You and Me
1916 - La Guerre, Madame!
1938 - The Prelude
1951 - Man and Love
1917 - Les Noces d'Argent 1921-
Love 1922 - The Great Garc we
1925 - Robert et Marianne
1932 - Christine
1938 - Duo d'apres Colette
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