The fight for amnesty in Brazil had become intense, beyond the left parties illegal, reaching, since 1975, concrete and important sectors of Brazilian society. If women in 1964, the church and entrepreneurs have joined in demonstrations to receive military coup, the political landscape had changed the face of brutality of the dictatorship established in the country, no longer believed in the lie that was told about a possible Communist revolution. Mothers, wives, children and friends of political prisoners, along with students, politicians, journalists and stronger popular subscriptions, have banded together and formed committees to fight for amnesty, the broad and unrestricted Brazilian exiles all that sad and dark period of military dictatorship.
Pressured by the movements for the amnesty, the government sent in July 1979, a bill to Congress, which provided for the forgiveness of crimes politicians. The government's proposal, which excluded those convicted of terrorism and favored the military and the authorities responsible for acts of torture, had been rejected earlier by the opposition party Democratic Movement Brasileiro (MDB), which required a broad amnesty and blatant.
Even in the face of limited protests and eager to Brazilian society, by 206 votes to 201, was approved Law 6683, enacted on August 28, 1979, by the last military dictatorship of President, Joao Figueiredo. The amnesty law has benefited 4,650 people, causing them to return country to the politicians who in 1964 were taken as the greatest enemies of the military regime: the former governors and Miguel Arraes Brizola. Some time later, the Brazilian airports have been taken by returning one by one, the so-called stateless, one day, to fight against the military dictatorship, left by the back door of Brazil's history. The apotheosis was back in party mood, with wide press coverage. It was the biggest win against the repressive government installed since 1964.
Three decades after enactment of the law in 2009, Antonio Geraldo da Costa, Neguinho, a former marine and militant leftist organizations, was the last political exile to return to Brazil, ending forever the cycle.
The amnesty law promulgated since it had withdrawn some of its articles, and is still controversial, since it left the butchers exempted from the punishment of the holds of the dictatorship that tortured and killed hundreds of people. Even before the protests, was undoubtedly the biggest step to the back of the opposing leaders and historical and bury it for once, the military dictatorship, ends in 1985.
Women to Fight for Home Give Amnesty

In the first phase of the dictatorship, pre-AI-5, torture, although more discrete, only lost to the forfeitures. After December 1968, promulgated the AI-5, he withdrew the habeas corpus for political prisoners, and as a consequence of the institutionalization of torture banalizaçãoea . Repressive laws such as the National Security Act, or the death penalty for so-called terrorists were implemented. The leftists have lost their civil rights, going into hiding.
In immediate response to the government's repressive measures military, left the established urban guerrillas and kidnapping foreign diplomats in Brazil. Several political prisoners were exchanged for the hostages. In exchange, they were put on planes and sent to any country that would deign to receive them. Once out of Brazil, these political prisoners lost the right to citizenship, becoming stateless. Since then, began, tentatively, that a struggle for amnesty for the imprisoned and persecuted the scheme.
The fight for amnesty not only meant the pursuit of regaining redemocratizaçãoea political rights, but also the return of citizenship to illegal immigrants and stateless persons, and to end torture in the dungeons.
Officially, the fight broke her amnesty of Brazilian women. In 1975, the Organization of

Interestingly, the movement started from a traditional military family, confirming that not all of that sector of Brazilian society were in favor of dictatorship established in 1964. Therezinha Godoy Zerbini was always guarded by the police's repressive regime. Was arrested on charges of having procured the loan of the site Ibiúna, where he gave the famous and fateful conference of the National Union of Students (UNE) in 1968. Along with eight other women, the lawyer drafted a manifesto in favor of amnesty, reading it in Mexico City during a UN conference, in commemoration of International Women's Year.
hatch Movements By Amnesty

also sectors led by politicians who were part of support government, as Senator Teotonio Vilela. When you visit the 84 political prisoners on hunger strike throughout Brazil, the senator came into contact with the sad reality of torture in the country, showing the terror that fell upon those prisoners. Moved, Teotonio Vilela knelt in front of torture victims and apologized for not having seen before such barbarity. The senator would become a strong advocate of democratization in Brazil. In the struggle for amnesty, he went out at rallies across the country, releasing a dove as a symbol of hope. Your gesture will be repeated at the rallies of the Direct Elections Now movement in 1984. Teotonio Vilela go down in history with the nickname of "Minstrel of Alagoas. Seeing
touch so many movements, the government decided to send himself a draft amnesty for Congress to avoid that extended to its greatest enemies, called terrorists, and to safeguard the

Thus, the then minister justice, Petronio Portella, drafted the bill in July 1979, sending it to a vote in Congress in August. The final text would be announced in a televised ceremony.
Backstage, opposition to military regime condemned the project and the constraints that brought. From July 22 to August 22, 1979, was held a hunger strike in Brazil for political prisoners, contrary to the law of amnesty project drafted by Petronio Portella. Movements that erupted across the country, the slogans were: " Amnesty Broad, General and Unrestricted .
Enacted Law

The first group, comprising 1,729 people, was punished for the crimes of the politicians themselves, they being the clandestine militants who had not been involved in terrorism. Thus, the law benefited immediately, the leader Communist history Prestes, former student leaders such as Vladimir Palmeira, the political leader and former governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Leonel Brizola, the sociologist Herbert de Souza, sister ; of the Henfil, that would be immortalized by the song "Drunk and The Wire ," John Bosco and Aldir Blanc, and several others.
The second group, composed of 700 condemned inmates gathered for bank robbery and acts of terrorism. Facing criticism, Petronio Portella declare that in future, some of them could receive a pardon.
Finally, on August 22, 1979, the bill went to vote in Congress. That day, in Brasilia, three thousand people took to the streets in a rally to demand a general amnesty and unconditional. In the plenary session of Congress, no empty space left by the crowd that filled him. In the galleries, listen to the popular, which resoundingly booed every speech made by the representatives of the National Renewal Alliance (ARENA), the repressive government party. After a tight vote,

On August 28, 1979, the military president, Gen. Joao Batista Figueiredo, sanctioned the Law No. 6683, drafted by the government of the dictatorship, which would be known as the Amnesty Law. It was called the forgiveness that the repressive government, winner in 1964, gave his vanquished foes and future winners of democratization in 1985. They were pardoned all citizens punished since April 9, 1964, edition date of the Institutional Act No. 1 (AI-1). Students, intellectuals, teachers, scientists, former military, especially low rank, many deprived of their office, received the benefit of the new law.
But the Law of the amnesty would bring its restrictions. The reuse of public servants and military amnesty, was subject to the decision of special committees created by the respective ministries to examine each case. Gone are classified by the convicted persons " violent crimes or terrorist acts committed by those who resorted to groups armed struggle. Those who committed violent crimes against the left, the military torturers and murderers, have all benefited.
The amnesty law has reached and benefited 4,650 people. He freed political prisoners who were confined in jail in Brazil, benefited deprived of their jobs and duties, which allowed the return of exiles. On November 1, 1979, started arriving at airports, the first political exiles. Miguel Arraes, Herbert de Souza, Brizola, Fernando Gabeira ... Everyone who came was received applause and smiles from under the registration of the national press.
In 1985, Romero Theodomiro dos Santos, a former militant of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil (PCBR), the only political prisoner

Bringing Brazilians 'stateless' back, the opponents of the regime to release prisoners, ended a period of pain and shame in the history of Brazil. The amnesty tortured, thanked the Amnesty Law, despite challenge it at various points the pardoned torturers never made an apology to the nation, arrogantly continue to urge that complied with the patriotic duty, protecting the nation. Nation that they protected? The minority elite that represented?

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