The creative inspiration of the people was given by the Muses and the Graces, mythological beings who constitute one of the most beautiful views that the Hellenic culture invented to symbolize the power of creation of the mind. Muses and Graces draw the man who had the most beautiful in your heart, making poets of the shepherds, the brutal warrior smooth singers, sculptors navigators of a work almost perfect.
In ancient meaning of the legends, the Muses were nymphs inhabitants of the woods and mountains, living near the rivers and springs. Beautiful and harmonious, walked through valleys bucolic beauty and poetic inspiration, and at one stage of Greek culture, elevated to deities of inspirational poetry and song.
The Greek poet expressed his poetry through song and music, which also made the Muses singers and songs, creative dances excels. In the most complete version of the myth the Muses were nine deities, daughters of Zeus (Jupiter) and Mnemosyne (Memory). Were generated by the master of Olympus so that through the universal memory inherited from the mother, perpetuating the achievement of the gods through time, from all over the world. In one version of the myth, inhabited the mountain Helicon, in Boeotia, a place full of woodlands and fountains. In more poetic versions, were inhabitants of Mount Parnassus in Delphi beside the god of light, Apollo, whom he courted and helped in the creative inspiration of mortals. Thanks
The three are mythological beings which gladden the hearts of men and nature, making the sensitivity of the poet to emerge and sing. Represent all that is sweet, like the flower bloom, the foliage green and reborn, charm, sweetness human, making life less sad.
Muses and Graces in Greek mythology represent the inspiration that signifies the actual essence of art, the embodiment of supreme beauty harmonizing man with nature, the body with the perfection of the muscles and features, aesthetics with the word, the corner with poetry.
Origin and Housing of the Muses

Legend has it that when Zeus defeated Cronus (Saturn) and the Titans in the war by the power of the gods, felt the need to record the songs of victory over the world. To perpetuate the splendor of the new era that led the government of the Olympian gods on mortals, it was necessary that special beings endowed with memory and did through the ages. Zeus chose the titania Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, for her son to engineer that would perpetuate the corner of the victory of the gods. For nine nights, the lord of Olympus loved Mnemosyne. This love made in the form of a poem of hours, not one child was born, but nine daughters. Nine sisters who brought together the beauty and harmony, mingled with the gift of inspiration. They were the nine Muses.

The legend that attaches Mnemosyne as the mother of the Muses, says they were born in Pieria, east of Mount Olympus, where lived the goddess. Therefore they were called the Muses Pierias. Strands of the legend give the location as the house of the gods. Many point Mount Helicon, in Boeotia, as the true home, and authorities called Boeotian Muses. The most propagated by poets through the ages is that inhabited the mythical Mount Parnassus at Delphi in central Greece, are known as Delphic Muses. Whichever version of the house of the Muses, was always a place full of fountains and woods, where the waters (in particular the Mount Helicon) had properties to design the prophetic gift and inspire poets.
The Worship of the Deities Inspirational Art

The earliest temple was erected to the Muses in Thrace, where did they worship. Later, this cult spread to Boeotia, having great importance to the foot of Mount Helicon, considered the magical place where they lived. Inspiring art, especially poetry and music, they were part of the entourage of the god Apollo, and for this, along with the god worshiped at Delphi, one of the largest sanctuaries of Greece old, erected in honor of the god of light.
In ancient times, the Muses were worshiped as the virgin goddesses, which severely punished those who tried to touch them and possess them. With the evolution of Greek culture and its member cities, the myth of the Muses has also evolved and are no longer seen as perpetual virgin, emerging legends of love they lived marriages and children. Calliope Clio or two of the Muses, would be the mother of Orpheus, as the version of the legend.
Following the Greek cultural evolution, came to be seen as inspiring the great kings, making them more sensitive to art and more fair. Later, in addition to the poets, were inspiring further urged the doctors, scientists, policy makers and navigators. The inspiration was regarded as sacred by the Greeks, making poets of men near the immortality of the gods, the divine origin of the inner energy of the artist was only one, the Muse.
the Artists and Muses

But it was not only the Olympians who were awarded the charm and beauty of the Muses, also personally enjoyed the deadly art of the goddesses. Legend has it that at night, the nine goddesses draped in soft clouds, descending to the homes of mortals, participating in their festivals and celebrations. Quietly, joined the chorus of human voices, making them a melodious and divine softness. When a choir reached the apex Beauty, it was said that the Muses were governed at that moment that fruitful. Great poets
attributed their inspiration to the Muses. Homer (ninth century BC), claimed them to assist in preparing its concepçãoe epics, "The Odyssey " and "The Iliad. " Sappho (sixth century BC), writer of the island of Lesbos, announces a muse to inspire your writing and all the poets. Pindar (518-446 BC), mentions them in his famous "Odes . Hesiod (eighth century BC), said that outside the Muses who had aroused the gift of poetry when he was still a pastor, being responsible for the creation of his masterpiece, " Theogony. " Throughout ancient Greece, the epic poets and lyricists, invoking the Muses, calling their names in public. Occupied an important place in the comedy of Greek theater, not going in the same tragic drama. Also sculptors sought inspiration from the beauty of their images not only Apollo, as those who were part of his entourage.
Names and Functions of the Nine Muses

Hesiod and other ancient poets gave names to the nine Muses, the function of each has been allocated in more recent times. Thus, each Muse is responsible for part of the art and science:
Clio - His name means "glory and reputation, "is the science that represents the history, having made the report as the basis of all Greek heroes and universal. Its symbols and the water clock horn. In the arts, is represented as a young man crowned with laurel, bearing in his right hand a trumpet and a scroll on the left ajar.
Euterpe - His name means

Talia - His name means "the ever blooming." Embodies the comedy of Greek theater, is represented as a young man wearing a comic mask, crowned with branches of ivy and wearing buskins.
Melpomene - His name means "he says and sings." It represents the tragedy in Greek drama, drama, despite not to make allusions to the great classical tragedies Muses, Melpomene was the Muse protective of the genre. In the art is represented with a tragic mask, crowned with vine leaves. Brings a serious countenance, bearing rich dresses, wearing boots.
Terpsichore - His name means "pleasure." It symbolizes the dance. It is represented crowned with garlands, playing a lyre or harp, the instrument played by Apollo and also considered de som perfeito pelos gregos antigos.
Érato – Seu nome significa “a amável”, a que desperta desejo. Personifica a poesia lírica e erótica. Na arte é representada como uma jovem coroada de mirto e rosas, segurando na mão direita uma lira, na esquerda um arco.
Polímnia – Seu nome significa “muitos hinos”, ou segundo algumas versões, “muita memória”. É a Musa protetora da oratória e do ditirambo, composição lyric that, by expressing a strong pulse of excitement, was used as a hymn in honor of Dionysus (Bacchus). In the art is represented with brooding, wearing white and carrying a veil.
Urania - His name means "heavenly," represents the Astronomy and Mathematical Sciences in general. Its symbols a celestial globe

Calliope - Your name means "beautiful voice" and is noted as the wisest of the nine Muses. Its responsibilities suffer divergence of the authors and are seen by some as the Muse of eloquence, rhetoric and heroic poetry, and by others as representative of epic poetry . In art, Calliope is depicted with a golden diadem that sets her apart from her sisters, being singled out and identified as the queen of the Muses. According to some versions, the love between Calliope and Éagro, king of Thrace, fruited the birth of Orpheus, the greatest singer of all Greek mythology. Other aspects of the Orpheus legend link as the son of Clio and the god Apollo.
The Three Graces

Like the Muses, the Graces are inspiring good and beautiful. The worship of three gods was usually performed in Greece along with the Muses. The poet Sappho of Lesbos created a brotherhood dedicated to Aphrodite (Venus), the Muses and the Graces. The brotherhood was popularly known as the abode of the servants of the Muses called the "museum", giving rise to the word used in the present day where they are stored artworks. The main center of worship of Thanks stood at Orcômeno in Boeotia, there were worshiped along with Aphrodite.
The Graces were seen by the poets as entities that mirrored the sweetness of nature, earth and fruit, as reflected in the beauty of flowers, branches of trees. Greek women worshiped goddesses, who learned the art and education that gave them good manners. Thanks on the cult, they cultivated the ideal of feminine beauty, the grace and delicacy. A Greek woman should know how to dance and know how to play an instrument, to accompany his voice, which should be soft and smooth. To that end, should seek inspiration to Musas e às Graças, para que pudessem ser belas e saudáveis, sendo assim, aptas a dar prazer ao homem.
Divergências sobre o número e os nomes das Graças são encontradas ao longo dos séculos e dos autores. Em épocas mais remotas, apenas duas Graças eram mencionadas. Seus nomes mudavam conforme a região. Em Atenas eram chamadas de Hegemone e Auxo; em Esparta eram denominadas Cléia e Faena. Também

The most common legends relating to the Graces, which are called three: Euphrosyne, Aglaia and Talia. In the arts are often depicted as three young men in a circle of hands given, with two sisters at the ends facing outward, while the middle back is turned. They are often represented as part of the retinue of the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite.
Aglaia - His name means "bright", more glittering. It was considered the most beautiful of the sisters, symbolizing intuitive intelligence and creativity.
Euphrosyne - His name means "she who cheers the heart." Embodies the joy and grace, summarizing the benefits of the Sun
Talia - name also given to one of the nine Muses, whose meaning is "ever blooming" or "that makes it flourish," bringing the solar heat that did spring forth.

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