words of love as spoken by the most primal of mortals become a moment of beauty, when spoken by the more sensitive they become a love poem . Words of love, not who spoke them? Who wrote it not? Who stole the poets not to feel its intensity or give the love?
In the trunk of my memories, hey I come across my words of love juvenile, who then called the poems. But as poetry is in the tear of sensibility, even when broken by the aesthetics of the metric, call free verse to my words of love.
Sometimes I look at who wrote them and who now finds himself lost in the time of my mind, and I wonder: who was you who wrote them? Heteronomous that was detached from the mirrors of my feeling? It would still be able to write them well, so free, committed only feelings, without the aesthetics of technical words? But the poet has no commitment only with the deepest sense of self? Has no obligation to make the beautiful pain rhyme with love?
One day I got tired of writing I love and live it in its raw essence. My verses were lost in sheets and stained by the strange pleasure, distanced themselves between the legs snuggled unknown that afflicted my insatiable urge to ejaculate love. Sofistiquei love in the webs of pleasure, often clash against the heat of the heart. So where to find
the young man who wrote poems of love? What became known in! I close my eyes and I can see it romantic, dreaming of a blue rose garden forever secret. I recall, sweaty naked bodies, relief drawing of passion with her own hair art the half-light of the room. Resurrected images inaccurate bellies adrift, that at the peak of my pleasure, picked the little death of me. So I, mature man, I collect words of love written by my self of youth. Rob them to me at all words of love, love songs, love poems, who are these need.
Bird in Hot Asphalt

I walk into an open world stage,
As a traveler on the run,
A bird of asphalt,
Looking for the secret of thy seed ,
Let me sleep in your eyes my body,
Let me close my eyes and you dream,
Let me burn my world to chase you,
defoliate my screams And in your voice,
Let me take your fears my luck Let me try
the risk of loving you,
drop my destination by road,
Landing my flight in your warmth,
Let me feel your body on my hands,
Let me moan your name in full night,
Let me die in my footsteps your freedom,
And the day could only smile your love.
Other words come to me,
Other packing secrets to me, I shut
Another silence, another sun
It warms me, beat me
Other smiles,
Steal my soul to the wind,
Another will
Another dream,
Other desires stir me, hide me
Other halves,
New fears me scream,
Other birds fly,
They chase the morning light,
Another spell to blow me,
caresses the strength of foreboding,
Another destination drags me,
Succor my agony,
Other friends come to me, As if
Other promises of life ,
And many vows of love, sin
Another Night, Another piece
that if I loose,
Another tenderness that expands
Another love,
Another lie ...
State of Affection

much waiting time,
From lights stuck on dark
Walking unlimited
No future philosophical
no past gagged,
Suddenly today I summarized,
this fascination that struck me, a search
incomparable, I
playing boy
making your eyes shine, How
bird that does not land,
making calls in your chest, I
denying my fate,
From you try to get away
But can not go to the moon, With
drinking the same, Thy
cloud that floats me,
Go pierced my secrets,
And my fear of hurting you,
The torturing our poetry, How
Sad Mariners,
not run away from the wreckage, burned
not your memories,
not forget your voice, not
tore your address, do not argue
get it ; it,
Or blame I deserve, I fear my
In dropping your poem,
Please do not go away,
My eyes disappear,
I believe and confess, today I
your verses .
It is almost a boy,
excited my destiny, He walks
Brings chest tightness,
is a divine poem repeats
Almost a hymn,
He is more than child
carries within itself the memory, in
Wanders mornings, evenings
Dogs Out,
He lives on drugs,
Of love not finished, he walks
With a look persecuted
In a few moments conversation, just
N'outros versa
takes away your soul ,
Without urges calm,
He is more than a month, a corner
What suffocated,
He is everything he says,
When nothing did,
But it is folly,
For almost a boy.
Thoughts of Love and Existence - Jeocaz Lee-Medd
"Love the impossible maims more than the worst of wars."
"NĂ£ the we can lose ourselves when we love someone. It's like losing the direction of life and draw from an air lethiferous.
"not to promise anything that goes beyond next spring. No allegiance to the resists human dissatisfaction, if this were the case, Adam would still be in Eden, faithful to the promises of God. "
" I feel comfortable in know that I am part of nature, its constant renewal. I feel less like the human race to see me only as an object of nature. "
" After the storm there's a sublime moment of encounter between hatred and love. "
"If we do not keep the birthday of who we are important in memory of the heart, not worth writing it on the agenda."
"The Calendars have been created for inserting our existence in a brief moment of God. "
" I have no philosophy of self or others, just defy the world! If not dealt with what was bequeathed us, we will be prisoners of time and its limitations. "
" Being selfish part of the sons of Adam degenerate. Also be magnanimous. "
" Every time that I found myself happy, I became lazy to seek happiness. "
" Often he who makes everyone happy with their back, this happiness can not provide itself. "
" My extreme never allowed me to be a Renaissance landscape, no, my soul is a landscape by Van Gogh, beautiful, tremulous and thirst for living the pain. "
" The I find my sincere becomes colorless on the demand of the truths of the city. "
Text, poems and thoughts: Jeocaz Lee-Medd
Photos: Paulo Cesar (1 Love Is ... , 4 Love Among NOSO ) Guilherme Santos (2 The Sky Beneath Opaque Shadows), Luis Antonio (3 Jeocaz Lee-Medd Ode to Light , Plural Jeocaz 5, 6 Portrait Jeocaz Lee-Medd )
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