What else caused revulsion in the work of DH Lawrence to his contemporaries, was the courage to give the characters sexuality. Far from being obscene, the writing of Lawrence makes sex a natural part of human essence and its conduct in society. The return of the bodies is the moment that man acquires with nature and its true dimension. The author does not shy away from giving importance to the meeting of skins, stripping the company of its era without making it obscene, but erotic and human, without prejudice of morals that would make the decadent Throughout the twentieth century, closing in see the remnants of Victorian morality in Britain.
Lawrence's work reflects a social nature evident, where the unbridled industrialization of England contrasted with the man of the field, with traditions. Giving sexuality was to portray the characters of the innermost secrets of the intimacy of a society. Obsessively, women, sex and love themes emerge as latent in the population of Lawrence. Boldness has cost dear to the author, who saw his work being criticized within the country. Classics like "The Lady Chatterley's Lover" or "The Rainbow ", Were banned for decades in Britain. A magnificent work was reduced to the obscenity of Puritanism at the time. Only time would prove the literary beauty and eternal words of Lawrence, but he would not live to see this recognition. He died being wronged by his contemporaries, and 44.
DH Lawrence left a work that spans nearly all literary genres, it is part of novels, short stories, plays, travel books, literary criticism, personal letters and art books, beyond many translations. Immerse in this work is modernist author drinking of human essence, feel the pulse of those who face sexual your time without the clothes that were imposed upon him, his face flushed, not the makeup of the customs of a society. Men and women are beings who struggle, dream, love and sex!
The Early Years of DH Lawrence at Nottingham

At twelve, Lawrence won a scholarship to attend secondary school in Nottingham. It proved a brilliant student, earning awards in mathematics, francese alemãoe future, has dominated the English and Italian.
Five years later, leave school to employ as clerk. Three months later, a pneumonia that would leave the job. The severity of the illness would affect his health forever. During his convalescence, he began writing poems. At this time he made friends with Jessie Chambers, a young man who lived on a farm near his parents' home. The connection between the two reach a Platonic sense, which sharpen the sensitivity of the writer, making him look into the great poets like Shakespeare and Baudelaire. The friendship between the two would extend for life. Lawrence taught algebra and French to her friend, while she learned to paint and to play the piano.

Softly in the dusk, a woman sings to me;
Taking me back down and the outlook for years, until I see A child sitting
under the piano, the explosion of the rash of
strings And pressing the small, suspended the feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.
Despite myself, the insidious mastery of song
betray me bringing me back, until my heart weeps to belong To the old
dusk on Sundays at home, with winter outside And hymns in the cozy
living room, the tinkling piano our guide.
So now it is in vain that the singer burst into clamor
With the great black piano appassionato. The magic
Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is
discouraged the flow of remembrance, I weep like a child in the past.
Translation: Cecilia Rego Pinheiro

Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me;
Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings
And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.
In spite of myself, the insidious mastery of song
Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong
To the old Sunday evenings at home, with winter outside
And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide.
So now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamour
With the great black piano appassionato. The glamour
Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast Down in the
flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past.
Lawrence and Frieda

In 1908, he left the university, accepting a post at the primary school in Croydon, even over the protests of the mother and Jessie Chambers, who wanted noo so distant from them. In Croydon, find the necessary tranquility to return to work on the composition of "The Peacock White."
In the absence of his friend, Jessie Chambers sent some of his poems to the director of " Inglês Review," in November 1909 the magazine published the poems, introducing the poet in literary circles in London. In 1910, the same magazine again to publish a new collection of poems by the young writer. That year, a cancer field the author's mother, who was away from home.
Lawrence had his first novel, "The Peacock White," published in 1911. Now in its official debut literary, the author was threatened with a libel suit because of some situations revealed in the novel.
In 1912, the author would know that it would become a lifelong companion, Frieda von Richthofen. In April he was invited to dinner at a former French teacher, Ernest Weekley. At dinner met Frieda, wife of the teacher and parent three children. Both were suffering from a fulminating passion. Less than a month later, would leave together for the Alsace-Lorraine, where they lived the parents of Frieda. Dali go together to Italy, where the author finished writing " Sons and Lovers" and started "Twilight in Italy . Although
always together, Frieda Lawrence and only if they would marry in London in July 1914, when Ernest Weekley finally granted the divorce to the wife. At the time of World War I the condition of German Frieda weighed on the couple, who came to be expelled from Cornwall, accused of espionage in 1917. The two went to London, where they formed a community of friends. Together, the two traveled through Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Ceylon, Australia, Mexico and the United States, living for a time in many places.
Literature Rejected HD Lawrence

In 1915, the publication of "The Rainbow " caused great controversy, culminating in the seizure of the book proibiçãoe England. Critics called it sickening, readers found it obscene, and editors recanted publicly apologizing for publishing the book. Analyzing it with depth, not in words vulgar or obscene language at any time of narration.
" Women in Love," published in 1920, would become a masterpiece of English literature throughout the twentieth century. When published, it generated diatribes. Completed during the author's stay in Cornwall, the novel was rejected by several publishers and was finally published in the United States. The site caused a scandal in England, the most unflattering adjectives recendo. In history, two couples are faced with the existential traps of passion, one of which led to the failure not to see sex as the object of passion. One of the most controversial moments of the book is when two naked men fighting each other, with a strong heartbeat intercourse. From "Women in Love " to avoid the persecution that had turned her in obscene literature, calling it pornographic, the author went on to sign his writings with pseudonyms, as Lawrence H. Davidson, in his essay "Movements in European History ( Movement in European history ). The misunderstanding of the British player Lawrence led to dislike living in England, leading him to wander through several countries.
In 1925, started in Italy, the novel that would cause the greatest controversy of his career, "The Lady Chatterley's Lover." Originally called "Tenderness ( Tenderness), the book has not occupied the time of the author, who devoted himself diligently to painting, performing a series of pictures that would be exhibited in London. In October 1927, having had serious health problems which had resulted in Suíçae treatments in Germany, he returned to Tuscany in Italy, devoting himself to conclude "Tenderness "which at the time decided to change the title to" John Thomas and Lady Jane "

The ban has made the book circulated clandestinely in England and is revered as a work of strong sexual essence, becoming an obsession among young people, who only saw him this instance, reducing it as literature, DH Lawrence making a pornographic writer, without proper literary recognition. The book circulated with mutilations of the text, with three versions, and finally published in full decades later, in New York.

The indecency may be normal and healthy;
actually a little nastiness is necessary ;
river throughout life to maintain normal, healthy life.
And a little whoring can be normal and healthy.
Actually, a little whoring is necessary throughout life
to maintain normal, healthy life.
Even sodomy may be normal, healthy,
long as there is exchange of real feeling.
But if any of them on the brain, they become pernicious:
indecency in the brain becomes obscene, vicious,
hooker in the brain becomes syphilitic in sodomy and
brain becomes a mission,
all, addiction, mission, insanely unhealthy.
Similarly, chastity in its hour is normal and beautiful. But chastity
mo brain is addiction, perversion.
And rigid suppression of any indecency, whoring and
relations thus leads directly to raving insanity.
The fifth generation of puritans, if not obscenely depraved
is stupid. So you have to choose.
Translation: José Paulo Paes

Bawdy can be sane and wholesome,
in fact a little bawdy is necessary in every life
to keep it sane and wholesome.
And a little whoring can be sane and wholesome.
In fact a little whoring is necessary in every life
to keep it sane and wholesome.
Even sodomy can be sane and wholesome
grandet there is an exchange of genuine feeling.
But get any of them on the brain, and they become pernicious:
bawdy on the brain becomes obscenity, vicious.
Whoring on the brain becomes really syphilitic
and sodomy on the brain becomes the mission, all the
lot of Them, vice, missions, etc.., insanely unhealthy.
In The Same Way, chastity in STI hour is sweet and wholesome. But chastity
on the brain is a vice, pervesion. And
rigid suppression of all bawdy, whoring or other looked
such commerce is the straight way to raving insanity. The fifth generation of
Puritans, When It isn't obscenely profligate, is
idiot. So you've got to choose.
Last Moments

, personal friend of Lawrence, fearing for the fate of the disease, led him to the island of Port-Gross, so she could recover. There, he found breath to write articles, notes and comments to newspapers.
Feeling better in 1929, Lawrence traveled to Paris, staying at the home of friend and writer Aldous Huxley. At the time, takes place in a London exhibition of her paintings, to achieve great success, despite the media to consider it "the greatest insult ever made publicly London." Lawrence continued to be viewed with contempt by critics and desdéme press in his country.
But the health of DH Lawrence worsened considerably. Was advised by a doctor to take refuge in a sanatorium in Vence, France, undergoing a major treatment. Aldous Huxley and his wife settled the friend Frieda, in a house in a village of Vence. Even in the face of impending doom, Lawrence believed that the disease would win, writing several letters to friends announcing the restoration.
On March 2, 1930, DH Lawrence was attacked by a tuberculous meningitis, which proved fatal. On his deathbed, took one last look at his wife Frieda, as if he wanted to say something. But shut up forever. Aldous Huxley, in a last gesture, he closed his friend's eyes. David Herbert Lawrence, the author who had sex to English literature, died at 44 years of age.

1897 - Little David is admitted to the School of Nottingham.
1902 - Lets school, getting a job as a clerk. Befriended the young Jessie Chambers. Succumbs to pneumonia. During his convalescence wrote his first poems.
1905 - is admitted to the University of Nottingham. Begins his first novel, The Peacock White.
1909 - Sent by Jessie Chambers, some poems are published DH Lawrence Review magazine Inglês .
1910 - Dies on December 9, Lydia Lawrence, mother of the writer.
1911 - Published in January, The White Peacock .
1912 - Frieda von Richthofen know, the wife of his former French teacher. Passionate, Frieda abandons her husband and children to follow the writer. Party with Frieda to Alsace-Lorraine, then go to Italy.
1913 - Publishes The Intruder. finishes writing Sons and Lovers and begins another novel, Twilight in Italy .
1914 - DH Lawrence and Frieda returned to Britain, where he married in London after Frieda's husband grant her a divorce. Starts the project would result in novel Women in Love.
1916 - Publishes Twilight in Italy.
1917 - Under suspicion of espionage, DH Lawrence and Frieda are driven out of Cornwall. Go live in London by the end of the First World War.
1919 - The couple leaves for Italy.

1920 - Write two collections of poems and several short stories.
1921 - Write the novel The Sea of Sardinia .
1922 - travels with his wife for Ceilãoe to Australia.
1923 - Write the novel Kangaroo . He travels to America, via the United States and settling in Mexico.
1925 - Begin write Tenderness, a title which was later changed to The Lady Chatterley's Lover. He dedicates himself to painting.
1926 - Write The Plumed Serpent.
1927 - visit to Tuscany, Italy. With very serious health problems, he left for Switzerland. To take action on health care, continues with Frieda to Germany.
1928 - Publishes in Florence, the novel The Lady Chatterley's Lover. Held in London, despite gossip Press, a successful exhibition of paintings by DH Lawrence.
1929 - travels with his wife to Paris, staying at the home of Aldous Huxley. Aggravated the health status of the writer. Starts an intensive treatment in a sanatorium in Vence, France.
1930 - dies on March 2, in Vence, France, a victim of tuberculous meningitis.

1911 - The White Peacock (The Peacock White)
1912 - The Trespasser (The Intruder)
1913 - Sons and Lovers (Sons and Lovers)
1915 - The Rainbow (The Rainbow)
1920 - Women in Love (Women in Love)
1920 - The Lost Girl
1922 - Aaron's Rod (Aaron's rod)
1923 - Kangaroo (Kangaroo)
1924 - The Boy in the Bush
1926 - The Plumed Serpent (The Plumed Serpent )
1928 - Lady Chatterley's Lover (Lady Chatterley's Lover)
1929 - The Escaped Cock (later published as The Man Who Died)
1930 – The Virgin and the Gypsy (A Virgem e o Cigano)
1914 – The Odour of Chrysanthemums
1914 – The Prussian and Other Stories
1922 – England, My England and Other Stories
1922 – The Horse Dealer’s Daughter
1923 – The Fox, The Captain’s Doll, The Ladybird
1925 – St Mawr and Other Stories
1926 – The Rocking-Horse Winner
1928 – The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
1930 – The Virgin and the Gipsy and Other Stories
1930 – Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories
1994 – Collected Stories

1913 – Love Poems and Others
1916 – Amores
1917 – Look! We Have Come Through!
1918 – New Poems
1919 – Bay: A Book of Poems
1921 – Tortoises
1923 – Birds, Beasts and Flowers
1928 – The Collected Poems of D. H. Lawrence
1929 – Pansies
1930 – Nettles
1932 – Last Poems (póstumo)
1940 – Fire and Other Poems
1964 – The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence
1972 – D. H. Lawrence: Selected Poems
1912 – The Daugher-in-Law
1914 – The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd
1920 – Touch and Go
1926 – David
1933 – The Fight for Barbara
1934 – A Collier’s Friday Night
1940 – The Married Man
1941 – The Merry-go-Round
1965 – The Complete Plays of D. H. Lawrence
Não Ficção

1914 – Study of Thomas Hardy and Other Essays
1921 – Movements in Eupean History
1921 – Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
1922 – Fantasia of the Unconscious
1923 – Studies in Classic American Literature
1925 – Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and Other Essays
1929 – A Propost of Lady Chatterley’s Lover
1931 – Apocalypse and the Writings on Revelation
1936 – Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence
1968 – Phoenix II: Uncollected, Unpublished and Other Prose Works by D. H. Lawrence
2004 - Introductions and Reviews
2004 - Late Essays and Articles
2008 - Selected Letters
Travel Books
1916 - Twilight in Italy and Other Essays
1921 - Sea and Sardinia ( The Sea of Sardinia)
1927 - Mornings in Mexico
1932 - Sketches of Etruscan Places and Other Italian Essays
The Pursuit of Truth

Do not look for anything else, nothing
senãoa truth.
Stay very calm, and try and get to truth.
questãoa And the first to ask is: How
I am a liar?
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