In 1939 Hitler's armies invaded Poland, and the conse ; NCIA the outbreak of World War II. England and France were the first nations to declare war on Germany. Less than a year later, the French army has capitulated, forcing the total redemption of France before the regime nazista.
Humilhada, a França, através do marechal Philippe Pétain, assinou o acordo de rendição à Alemanha, sendo dividida em duas zonas principais: ocupada e não ocupada. A chamada França ocupada, que consistia na parte norte e ocidental, toda a costa do Atlântico Norte e a capital Paris, passou a ser controlada diretamente pelo regime nazista; o restante do território seria administrado por um suposto regime livre, liderado por Pétain, com capital na cidade de Vichy. Surgia o Estado Francês, vulgarmente chamado de França de Vichy, ou Vichy Republic.
The period in which France was ruled free of the city of Vichy lasted from 1940 to 1944, being one of the more obscure the country's history. Petain regime built a collaborationist with the Nazis, moved by the conservative and moralistic. For four years, the Vichy militia arrested citizens who opposed the regime, shot their leaders handed French Jews to the Germans and adopted the Nazi policy of segregation the race, sending gypsies, prostitutes, beggars, homosexuals and other minorities to the concentration camps. Tambéma eugenics was part of the scheme except the French state.
Against the Vichy French did the French Resistance movement led by opponents idealist, with logistics intelligence war, sabotaging, fought and fought for a coun s free of the Nazi occupation and the infamous regime ruled by Pétain.
The regime of Vichy France only became extinct with the arrival of the forces Allied to the country, the liberation of Nazi oppression and the end of World War II. Passed into history as the most embarrassing moment of the French nation. Even today historians are divided over the period, some find it a necessary evil, as populaçãoa pay the costs of invading German troops, preventing the French to leave the coun s. Others think it would have been better not to accept such a humiliating regime imposed by the Nazis, but leave the continent, forming a resistance army in North Africa, the then French colonies of that continent. Behind the Vichy French were the French who supported the idea of a French purebred and nationalist ideals close to the dictatorships of Franco's Spain, and pro prio Hitler, Nazi Germany. Collaborating, racism, harassment and shootings marked the spot with a great history of France, making the Vichy Republic humilhaçãoe a moment of shame of the French nation.
France by the Germans and capitular

But Germany's expansionist goals have not stopped. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, defeating the Polish troops in a month. The eastern part of Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union, in compliance with the Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement, signed between the two nations. This time, francas Britain objected to this invasion, declaring war on Germany. This started in the greatest conflict of humanity, the Second World War.
The war between Germany and France was considered a false show of power, as the French army was short of the forces of the Reich. In a blitzkrieg, the French capitulated in a few months would be. On May 10, 1940 against the German offensive began French armies, beginning the Battle of France. Within days, the Netherlands and Belgium would succumb to Nazi forces. On May 20, the French prime minister, Paul Reynaud, resigned General Gamelin, naming General Weygand that plotted the strategy and measures against the German siege. From May 23, the port cities of Calais were collapsing one by one, the army of Hitler. The offensive continued towards Paris. On June 5, the French army commanded by Weygand was defeated. On June 10, Italy's ally Germany, declared war on France. On June 14, the Germans took Paris. In flight, the French government moved to Bordeaux, waiting for help from British allies.
after fall of Paris, Marshal Philippe Petain announced

Built Vichy France
The division of France put end to the French Third Republic (1870-1940). In Vichy France, Paris remained the official capital, although it was administratively noo. Philippe Pétain was in 1940, an old hero of the First World War. During the time that the Vichy government, promised to always return the administraçãoa Paris, so it was possible.
The Vichy government presented itself as a regime of neutrality to war, but in practice it actively collaborated with Hitler's government. The term " French Republic" was substituted by " French state." To ensure the scheme on 10 July 1940, Pétain urged

The Vichy regime actually ruled in the shadow of the Berlin guidelines. Considered not only managed free zone in southern France, its jurisdiction extended throughout France Metropolitan, with the exception of Alsace-Lorraine, territory that became part of Germany.
When Allied forces landed in North Africa, the Germans launched Operation Case Anton, 11 November 1942, occupying the south of France, an area regarded as neutral and free. The Vichy regime continued to exercise jurisdiction over almost all of France, despite having the powers diminished. Since then, collaboration with the Nazis became more intensified, and clearly adopted its racial policies. Marshal Pétain became head of a state with a reactionary political program, which he called "National Revolution " who proclaimed himself as regenerating the nation .
The Racial Politics of the Vichy regime

Feared by the French, the Militia guarantee against racial repression and the regime. Captured by the Germans undesirable, both in the north and the south of the country, arresting them, shooting them or simply handing them over to the Germans, that were sent to concentration camps ; the Nazis. Members of the Resistance and Jews were his favorite targets.
Under the command of Marshal Petain, the Vichy regime took drastic measures and repressive nature against various ethnic groups and sectors of French society. Mimicking the shameful policy of racial persecution, began a hunt for immigrants, called Métèque , Jews, Freemasons, Gypsies, homosexuals, communists and other minorities.
Already in July 1940, once the scheme was introduced, it created a commission to revise the nationality law of 1927, which granted French citizenship to several foreigners, especially Jews from Eastern Europe in the 1930s, fleeing persecution by the Nazi regime. It began the process of naturalization that, from 1940 to 1944, a period that lasted Vichy France, has received over fifteen thousand people, the Jews being the most affected.
In October 1940, was issued a decree authorizing the internment of Jews in French concentration camps, opened during the Third Republic, and which serve as transit to the execution ; the Holocaust. After passing through French fields, all the deportees were sent to Nazi camps in Eastern Europe. Besides the Jews, Gypsies were the principal referred to the extermination camps. Camp Gurs was the principal site of

With the loss of nationality, the Jews began to be classified as "Groups of Foreign Workers." Have had to wear a distinctive yellow and were excluded from the civil administration. The scheme Vichy permitted the use of eugenics as a program designed to preserve the French purebred. Fortunately, the program was not as far as the similarly developed by the Nazis.
The French Resistance

After the German occupation, most of the French population remained neutral, trying to continue life without demonstration against or favorable to that situation Others The Vichy regime proved to be authoritarian, fascist governments in the mirror, starting with a crackdown that opposed him and the Germans. The oppression began to generate a small number of discontented patriots. The emotional involvement of French women with the German occupiers caused revulsion of men, offending them the honor. The devaluation of the French before the German allowed the economic privileges enjoyed by the Nazis, while the French plunged into extreme poverty, rampant inflation caused by a and food shortages. Children and the elderly suffered from malnutrition, weak against hunger. Thousands of French workers were transferred to work in German industry on the rise, while the French factories

The French State headed by Marshal Petain, abolished political parties, trade unions, press freedom, with raids and arrests of political leaders. The discontent was not only with the German invaders, but with
the reactionary government of Pétain and his allies, who could be oppressive and without honor in front of collaboration with the Nazis, the who had declared war on September 3, 1939. The situation forced the union of several groups of resistance movements. Its members were called to partisons (partisans), developing a scheme of intelligence against the enemy logistics, German or French collaborators.
nuclei resistance came into existence since the capitulation of France by the Germans in June 1940 and the establishment of the Vichy regime, as seen by leaders policy as shameful. University students who proclaimed themselves revolutionaries, created the journal Resistance . Later that fateful year of 1940, the Resistance had its leaders taken prisoner by the initial concentration camp at Camp Gurs, among the communists, students, trade unionists and leftist leaders in general.
Over time, more people joined the resistance groups. In the north, occupied and ruled directly by the military authorities of the Third Reich were,

Up 1941, Endurance focused actions in clandestine activities and guerrilla struggles. From that year in October, has been receiving support from the Allied forces when the British government decided to help by creating in the London Central Bureau Renseignements et d'Action (BCRA), commanded by Colonel Dewaurin.
Resistance started to use the Cross of Lorraine as symbol of Free France. Small groups of armed men and women developed the actions against the enemy through the countryside, going to be called maquis .
Given the logistic growth of the resistance groups, the government of Marshal Petain came to fight them with an intense repression. Many communists were being hunted down by the militia. In August 1941, in reprisal for resistance have been established methods of collective punishment

The Militia, formed by a group of paramilitaries, was established in early 1943 to combat the resistance, and to support the German troops, who since 1942 were scattered throughout the French territory. The Militia has become a sort of French Gestapo, working closely with the Nazis. Became feared by the population to use brutal methods of torture and summarily execute suspected that all belong to the Resistance. The dreaded miliciens only shut down its activities after the Allied liberation of France in 1944. At the time, much of the police Vichy regime's terrorist was convicted of collaboration and executed. Many fled to Germany, being incorporated in the Charlemagne division of the Waffen-SS.
The performance of the French Resistance was of great importance to the Allies during the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. It was they who led Allied forces through France, passing information about the military i
The French Resistance was essential for France to not die morally and politically during the Nazi occupation and duration of the Vichy regime. Spawned several heroes, such as the legendary Jean Moulin, who was killed by the Gestapo in 1943. With the end of Vichy France, the Resistance French flourished as the only source of pride and honor of the French people during the darkest periods of its history, where collaboration with the Nazis brought discomfort and humiliation before the world.
Jean Moulin, the Resistance Hero

Jean Moulin is the very image of fragile and sensitive heartthrob, but determined to fulfill his destiny tragic, but heroic, on behalf of his country, the end of the oppressive oe for the freedom to go ahead. He became the greatest symbol of the French Resistance during World War II.
Born in Béziers, southeastern France, near the Mediterranean Sea in the late Xix, 20 June 1899.
In youth, he enlisted in the French army in 1918 to fight for his country in World War. With the end of the war, he returned to studies, graduating in Law in 1924. Early
Jean Moulin left to enter into the administrative career. In 1922 he began a brilliant career in politics, occupying the position of deputy chief of staff in Savoy. From 1925 to 1930, he became deputy mayor of Albertville, being the youngest french hold office.
Life of Jean Moulin has been marked by political ideology. Your love life is less than before their ideological struggle. He married once, in September 1926, with Marguerite Cerruti, who is going to divorce two years later, in 1928.
During the English Civil War, Jean Moulin helped the leftist forces that fought against Gen. Francisco Franco. The versions of the participation of Jean Moulin in this period varied widely, bringing obscure data. Some historians believe that he provided Soviet weapons to the English, but the most accepted version is that, within the Ministry of Aviation, gave the French aircraft that fought against fascism in Spain.
Besides the political side, Jean Moulin was a skilled illustrator and caricaturist. In the early

In January 1937, appointed to the department of Aveyron, became the youngest mayor in France. In 1939 he was appointed prefect of the department of Eure-et-Loire. Held the position when he was caught by the German invasion to his country. Early on, in 1940, was arrested by the Nazis for refusing to cooperate with the invaders, not signing false documents that they proposed. The sensitivity of Jean Moulin was broken by the loss of freedom. Desperate, he attempted suicide in jail by cutting his throat with a piece of glass. The attempt left him with an indelible scar, always with a scarf hiding. The image sensitive, romantic lead, his neck covered with a scarf, has become best known through the decades, reaching intact to modern times.
after implantation of the Vichy regime, the collaborationist government ordered that all left-wing mayors, elected in towns and villages in France were fired. Refusing to obey the order, Jean Moulin was removed from his office. He then joined the French Resistance.
In September 1941, using the name Joseph Jean Mercier, went to England, meeting with General Charles De Gaulle. In London, De Gaulle instructed him to unify the resistance movements against the Nazi invasion in France, was appointed delegate from the unoccupied zone French, with the support of the committee in London. In early 1942, Jean Moulin met with Resistance members, starting the mission delegated by De Gaulle.
Back in London in February 1943, was charged with a new mission, to form the National Resistance Council (CNR). The first meeting of the CNR happen in Paris on May 27, 1943, with Jean Moulin as president.
On June 21, 1943, the first day of summer, and one day after completing 44 years of age, Jean Moulin and several leaders of the Resistance were arrested in Caluire-et-Cuire, a suburb of Lyon. A version of the arrest of Jean Moulin points to a possible betrayal of Rene Hardy, who was captured and released by the Gestapo. Other historians believe

In Lyon, Jean Moulin was interrogated by the Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie, and later taken to Paris. Even under torture, the leader of the Resistance did not reveal any secrets to the Germans. During the transfer to Germany, Jean Moulin died near Metz, on July 8, 1943. Probably due to injuries suffered by torture. Later, Klaus Barbie would claim that the hero of the French Resistance would have died by his own hand, in a suicide attempt. Some biographers support this version of the martyr, adding that Barbie would have helped him personally to try.
Jean Moulin became a symbol of civic rectitude and patriotism in a time of many anti-heroes and shame of a nation. He became a legend of the twentieth century in France, being honored and endorsed by all the generations who saw or held their martyrdom. Initially he was buried in Pere Lachaise cemetery. On December 19, 1964, his ashes were transferred to a memorial in the Pantheon in Paris.
The End of Vichy France

In June 1944, shortly after the Normandy invasion, which led to a sequence of actions that culminate in the release France, General de Gaulle proclaimed the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF). In August the Allied forces arrived in Paris, finally freeing the French capital four years ocupaçãoe humiliation imposed by the forces of the German armies. The GPRF settled in Paris on August 31, come to be recognized by the Allies as the legitimate government of France, on October 23, 1944.
The liberation of France by the Allies, caused a trail of officials and supporters of Vichy France, between August and September 1944, the regime moved to Sigmaringen, Germany, where he established a government in exile led by Marshal Petain. The Vichy regime in exile lasted until April 1945 when the Allies reached Berlin, ending the

the reconstruction of a free French Republic, prominent leaders, political and military leaders of the Vichy regime were tried and executed as traitors and collaborators. Women who were involved with the Nazis, with their lovers, had their hair raps in the public square, that was exposed to his disgrace. Marshal Philippe Petain was sentenced to death for high treason, but had the sentence commuted to life imprisonment. The image of the ruler to shake the hand of Adolf Hitler would be forever marked in remembrance of the French, as a symbol of shame that people.
During the period of Vichy France, from 1940 to 1944, the French army would be reduced to one hundred thousand men, prisoners of war were kept in captivity. The population French plunged into poverty, hunger to take a big way, sweeping the nation. It is estimated that France provided 42% of foreign aid to the German economy during the Second World War.
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