" Fantasia" had the mark of what would be the MPB in the first half of the 1980s. Arrangements Form, beauty, and especially to reach the general public with quality work. Preceded by a concert titled coolly received by critics, when the premiere in July 1981, at Canecão, Rio de Janeiro, the album came paradoxically, be considered the best album of that year, and at that time, the biggest of her career as a singer. The album featured a
Gal Costa renovated, will sing with the hitherto unknown, without any shadow of intimacy, even with songs that demanded it. He brought a voice that accentuated domain indelibly its unique timbre, risking very high notes, modulations perfect.
At the exact moment that the MPB was once again one of the most compelling voices of struggle against military dictatorship, Brazil via Gal Costa ascend to the biggest star of cançãoe, an inevitability of fate, out of Elis Regina Since the stage of life to become a myth. The meeting of two was included in the "Big Names - Maria da Costa Penna Burgos , Globo TV, aired in March 1981.
" Fantasy" brand this moment. Gal Costa takes over the front of the MPB, with rhythms and songs different genres, but skillfully tacked on a drive that view over time, it seems more a collection of greatest hits. Of large masses of intellectuals; carnival to intimate moments of love, the samba-exaltation of "Canta Brazil " the ideological message of "Love ", Gal Costa with " Fantasy" became the most listened to singer in the country in those distant years of the end of dictatorship. The album is an icon of Brazilian music, and one of the most beautiful already produced by it.
The Beginning of the Eighties

biggest terrorist attack in Brazil at the time of the dictatorship was precisely against a big show of the MPB, the famous concert Riocentro. On April 30, 1981, the stage of Riocentro received a large number of stars of MPB, gathered in a show celebrating the Labor Day. A bomb was ready to be detonated in the pavilion where the singers presented themselves. By chance of fate and inevitability of the dictatorship, before the bomb exploded in the parking lot of Riocentro, killing members of his persecutors. Thus, the MPB has lost major stars such as Chico Buarque, Gal Costa and Gonzaguinha, among many.
was euphoria in the intensification the struggle for freedom, and fear the onslaught of a dying regime that Gal Costa launched the show "Fantasy ", the mythical stage of Canecão, in Rio de Janeiro in July 1981. After two years of absolute success with the show "Tropical Gal," the singer plunged headlong into a totally different design. Conceived by Guilherme Araújo, the show was a tribute to the playfulness of the theaters and major music magazines. His scenic design involved the passage of a day, the birth of the Sun night lit by the moon The show gave off an exorbitant budget for the season, but was transformed by the critics in a big failure, being received with acid words for her coldness and absolute.
Even before the failure of the show

" Fantasia ", the album featured ten songs of different rhythms and genres, demonstrating the potential of Gal Costa to switch in different soils, making something cohesive musical proposal, a perfect unity. The cover showed a sensual, more loose, moving between the girl and intimate singer without boundaries. Antonio Guerrero was the author of the photographs on the cover. Mariozinho Rock was the producer. The peculiarity is in the arrangements of Lincoln Olivetti, who earlier in the decade, would become, for better or for worse, the great magician of the MPB and its stars. Ten bands made in the style of vinyl, seduced and charmed the Brazil, making some songs that definitely entered as masterpieces for great collection of Brazilian popular music.
or Unpublished Music in Ancient Interpretations Definitive

" My Well, My Little "(Caetano Veloso), Gal Costa brought back to the master universe Bahia tropicalismo; interrupted last year by the album" Watercolor of Brazil ", totally dedicated to Ary Barroso. Even before the album release, "My Well, My Little " was part of the soundtrack of the telenovela " Shining", by Gilberto Braga, broadcast in prime time on TV Globe. Like a mature wine, the voice of Gal Costa brings the beauty of a great moment of music by Caetano Veloso. If the singer's vocal technique here reached a dizzying rise, poetry tambéma Music Caetano Veloso gave this jump. Perfect fusion worthy of double, in a moment forever, where one is drowning in the art of another:
"My balm benign

My zodiac sign, my guru
Safe Harbor , where I'll have my
sea and my mother
My fear and my champagne "
" Wheel Bahia "(Ivan Lins - Vitor Martins) is a rare foray Gal Costa in the universe of Ivan Lins. Here the composer leaves for a moment, his song traditionally stuck in the side of passionate love and existentialism, plunging into the sensual world of Bahia, and its sea and the mythical typical Bahian with their ane is and turbans. Gal Costa is home, but not Ivan Lins, despite being a beautiful song, does not reach the sincerity of the author, who bowed to the universe of the singer, leaving her completely. The disc does not miss a beat with this song, you can not go beyond the academy intellectual of a great composer of Brazilian popular music.
Magic and Spells of A Voice of Mermaid

"Love is like a ray
Opens in defiance cracks, copper valleys Revolt
the river
Who wants to follow his trail
lost along the way
In the purity of a lemon
Or in the lonely thorn "
The record closes side A in eloquent style, with the epic "Love " (Caetano Veloso - Ney Costa Santos - Vladimir Mayakovsky), snatched the theatrical stage for a record full of surprises . In June 1981 the locals saw the stage debut of the play "The Chinch " by Vladimir Mayakovsky, the great poet who was born in Georgia, former republic of the former Union Soviet. The cast was Dede Veloso, then wife of Caetano Veloso, who participated as an actress. Luis Antonio Martinez Corrêa was who directed the show, which featured some poems to music by Caetano Veloso. Among them was

Joy and Luddism, in One Tom

"Spark and spike heels
stars shine
Babados St. John, and xotes xaxados
Secure the ends, my heart

" Acai "(Djavan), was another debut at the universe of Djavan. At the time the tree and the fruit of açaí were known only in the Amazon region, away from the popularity that the nutritional values of the pulp have today not only in Brazil, as in rest of the world. "Acai " reached the ears of Brazilians as a mystical song of a tree in the forest. Gal Costa's voice gave the melody a mysterious atmosphere that attracted both the young season. Without a specific message, the song is a clever play on words, which acquires a spectacular sound poetry in the sweet voice of Gal Costa, here with a special band's New Clothes, chanting the choir.
" Magic Carpet "(Caetano Veloso), it's a magical moment of delicacy and poetic beauty in the eternal encounter between the voice of Gal Costa and Caetano Veloso's music. Is this song the album reaches its climax, proving why " Fantasy" would become one of the largest ever of phonograph records in Brazil. In the delicacy of the song, the voice of Gal Costa transports the listener on a sky of fantasy and magic, making borders and traditions to be broken, a recreational journey Which brings us to the Guanabara Bay to the seas of Salvador, hoses secular Belem do Para the pulse of Avenida Paulista. " Magic Carpet" was one of the most applauded of the show "Interior festival." It's a song that relaxes the listener, who by this time the disc, let it drown in the sinking of the great voice intoxicating siren of the MPB. Do
playfulness are led to the blowing up of the carnival, with "Real Mass " (Caetano Veloso). If " Balancê " Gal Costa saw an explosive happily, this carnival march brings her total control over the pace, inviting us to a total surrender to the merriment of Brazil. The song was released by Caetano Veloso in December 1979, the compact " Carnival 80", but would only stir, next to the Interior Feast, "the carnival of 1982, as the voice of Gal Costa. Because that would be the year of ascension to the star:

joy is my day, my day is
Today I just want to love"
" Fantasy " closes with " Star, Star & rdquo ; (Vitor Ramil), the band's most intimate album. The song closed the curtains in the fantasy of the singer, basting with " Missing Pieces" and "Magic Carpet " conceiving the end of the disk drive. It involves Special Zeluiz, which has the voice recorded in 15 channels, along with the voice of the singer. Style that was fashionable that year.
" Fantasy," which at first glance bears the hallmark of the music that was made in the early 1980s, appears to be timeless, without denying their time. From the album, Gal Costa became a national unanimity, and reaching an international audience. Israel would surrender to the show "Interior Festival" as well as Japan Unable to draw the more recent history of Brazilian popular music without thinking about the Classic "festival Interior ", "Missing Pieces " and "My Well, My Little ," or timeless "Canta Brazil " without interpretation of Gal Costa. This is why " Fantasy" became indispensable in the music scene and the collection of the most ardent lover of the MPB.

1981 Produced by: Rock Mariozinho
Production Director: Mariozinho Rocha, Gal Costa and Guilherme Araújo
Technical Writing: Luigi Hoffer and Jairo Gualberto
Technical Mixing: Luigi Hoffer
Aides Studio: Julinho, Charles and Charlie
Lay-Out: Lielzo Azambuja
Photos: Antonio Guerreiro
Artwork: Lielzo Azambuja
Graphic Production: Edson Araújo
Makeup: Guillermo Perez
Clothes: Markito
Arrangements: Lincoln Olivetti, and Gilson Peranzzetta Guto Graça Mello
Tracks: 1
Canta Brazil (David Nasser - Alcir Pires Vermelho), 2 My Good, My Evil (Caetano Veloso), 3 Wheel Bahia (Ivan Lins & ndash , Vitor Martins), 4 Missing Pieces (Djavan), 5 Love (Caetano Veloso - Ney Costa Santos - Vladimir Mayakovsky), 6 Feast of the Interior (Moraes Moreira - Abel Silva), 7 AC there (Djavan) Participation: New Clothes, 8 Magic Carpet (Caetano Veloso), 9 Massa Real (Caetano Veloso) 10 Star, Star (Vitor Ramil) Participation: Zéluiz
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