Friday, April 28, 2006

Treatment For Bleach Inhalation

Technology - NEC develops new concept in integrated solutions

Change strategy and focus, before industry, now facing the corporate sector, leading to NEC to design $ 50 million of new contracts. In a country like Brazil, the largest market of Telecommunications Equipment and Network Services in Latin America, the Journal of the National Telecommunications and Telematics (RNT), the integration of solutions that combine information technology and telecommunications company to ensure growth above the average of the Brazilian economy. For Wagner

On November 26, 1968 was founded in Brazil NEC of Brazil, in continuing the success already established in Japan their country of origin. Four years later, when the "miracle" continued to dictate the pace of the Brazilian economy, a subsidiary of NEC Corporation provided the first test system for the transmission of color TV in the country. In 1977, he began producing digital radios, and in 1990 went into operation the first mobile cellular service in Brazil. Seven years later, the Japanese multinational company started operating the first CDMA digital cellular system in the country, the capital of Bahia, Salvador. But it was in 2001 with the deployment of the satellite's Telemar in the Amazon and the mark of 10 million fixed lines sold, that their actions were potentiated in Brazilian soil. In

Brazil 37 years, NEC has excelled through innovation, technological leadership and demonstrates continuing attention on identifying the signs of the market. Also in 2001, NEC, Brazil started a large and gradual transformation in its business model and redefined strategic focus. Currently, the company is aligned with the global strategies of the NEC Group is an integrator of customized solutions and value-added also preserves one of the most important plants of the telecommunications network. She has not to supply equipment but to provide solutions. NEC brand presence in Europe, Asia, Oceania and of course, and in North America. In 2004, revenues global company totaled $ 45 billion, with 44% coming from the area of technology solutions.

In Brazil, the multinational's total net sales reached R $ 244 million (gross: U.S. $ 328 million) in 2004. The perspective is that in late 2005 with the establishment of NEC Solutions Brazil last July, with target facing the corporate sector, sales jumped 40% significant. "NEC Solutions has the particularity that is a start-up, our outlook for growth is very rapid, much larger than the estimate of the Brazilian economy for the industry," says General Manager Human Resources, Donizetti Tadeu Moretti.

The creation of the NEC Solutions Brazil, and bring competitive advantage to Japanese multinational, provides solutions based on the convergence of information technology and communication for corporations and government segments, called UNIVERGE solutions. It is "a new concept in integrated solutions and IT and communication," says Moretti. The capital investment was $ 35 million. The idea is ambitious and says he came to the project: $ 50 million of new business generated. The number of employees in Brazil is 600, 180 of which migrated to the new drive. Thus, a strategy was necessary to relocate in personnel management. "We seek to identify, among professionals, which have characteristics that precisely for this release, to stop work in telecom and migrate to the concept of integrated solutions," said the manager. It was not difficult, "had a lot of people who had been preparing for that reality. These people were transferred to NEC Solutions," says. Among the requirements for joining the company, identified by the market as a "pledge of opportunities," is personal effort. Moretti says that want more and demand more of yourself and the organization redefines the professional competitive. "With ambition and determination there is a differential relation to others. I think being prepared is always struggling, he added. The professional background of the HR manager is an example which confirms that the organization practices. Degree in Business Administration and a Postgraduate at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Moretti works in the area of Human Resources 34 years ago today. A little over two years, faces the task of signal to the employees themselves how the company has changed and how the value of information not only changes people's lives, but the profile companies. Speaking of profile, it underscores what arouses your attention a selection: "I very much appreciate when I meet a young that stands out in a selective process. Sometimes he has a solid experience, but stands out and the school is not always the first line. Typically, there is a potential to be stoned. "

Manager - Mr. focused his career since the first time in HR?
Moretti - Yes, since I started. My first job was at age 14 as an office boy a personnel department. Obviously, this time I had no idea what would be my career than I intended. I was still at an early stage of studies and it was settling. Then I slowly career in human resources. I have experienced the dilemma of college administration: "What I want? I will work in marketing or finance? "was the call Marketing and Finance at the time was synonymous with a solid career. At the same time, I began to pay attention to the human resources area and gradually defined myself by it. Today, I can say that virtually my 34 years as a professional have been focused on HR.

Manager - Are 34 years of HR. You went by what other companies?
Moretti - The NEC, I am two years ago. Among the companies are former PricewaterhouseCoopers, Alcatel and Grupo Ultra .

Manager - NEC has been in Brazil since 1968 as a subsidiary of NEC Corporation, for over a century in the global technology. The capital is 100% Japanese?
Moretti - Yes, it is a Japanese multinational.

Manager - Over 37 years in Brazil, the company has followed the rise of technology occurred in the country, including the first installation has provided transmission equipment and color TV in the world too. You can list the main innovations introduced by NEC to Brazil?
Moretti - Without doubt, the NEC is a benchmark in the telecommunications and lived a moment of initial expansion phase of telecommunications in Brazil. Today is experiencing a phase of adaptation, there are new demands of technology in this field, in post-privatization process System Telebras.

Manager - telephone systems, mainly?
Moretti - telecommunications systems, broadband etc. NEC Solutions Brazil - launched on July 1, 2005 - focuses on meeting the large corporations to integrate telecommunication solutions in information technology. Are two companies that represent the NEC in Brazil.

Manager - The flagship of the company's revenue, which is it?
Moretti - Today, telecom is still, but growing strategic importance and projects in IT.

Manager - The segment of telecom operators is the main focus?
Moretti - Each company has its specific focus. NEC of Brazil, is staying with telecom operators, while Brasiil Nec Solutions is focused on large corporations and government.

Manager - The "alliance policy" within the NEC it apart. As the company developed this concept?
Moretti - Together with technology partners, the idea is not working exclusively with NEC's own technologies. Independence is today a strategic alliance to develop the partnership, ie, depending on the conduct of the NEC were to arrange for large company, the telecom operator or the Government will seek the integration of a solution. We are integrators of solutions.

Manager - In 2002, NEC received certification in the 2000 version, the standard ISO 9001. What this meant for the company?
Moretti - is a concern that the management company to achieve global quality standards. It is still an ongoing demand in the market we serve. In a high-tech market and competitive it is essential that you have this type of certification and when it comes to hiring, as many put the certification requirement.

Manager - On July 1, NEC Corporation announced the establishment of NEC Solutions Brazil SA, a new company focused on offering integrated solutions for IT and Communications, called UNIVERGE solutions to the Brazilian corporate market. The proposal is only to strengthen the position within the corporate market? What brings you to this business?
Moretti - A new concept in integrated IT solutions and communication.

Manager - The capital of NEC Solutions is $ 35 million. According to research, the Brazilian IT and Communications, which will be the main focus of the new company is expected to grow at an average rate of 8% per annum. What prospects are traced in relation to the performance of the organization ahead the projections made for the Brazilian economy?
Moretti - Well, if we particularize NEC Solutions, which is a start-up, our outlook for growth is very rapid.

Manager - In what order?
Moretti - Next year, something like 40%. Strategically, we seek to identify, in their own professional staff, which had features that precisely for this release - to stop work in telecom to begin migrating to this framework of integrated solutions. And he had plenty of people who had been preparing for that reality. These people were transferred to NEC Solutions. NEC has been characterized by a solid demand. Here we have a corps of engineers typically Poly (USP) and the ITA.

Manager - This means that a NEC prioritize more qualified group of universities?
Moretti - prioritize, but we do not exclude any professional who comes from another school. Our concept: any professional who comes from a school not considered the level of first line, we consider this data in context and profile that he submit to us.

Manager - Is there really a rule?
Moretti - I appreciate when I meet a girl who stands out in a selective process. Sometimes he has a solid experience, but stands out in the admissions process, and there you will see the school and it is not the first line. Typically, there is a potential to be cut. Why? As a general rule, you can not be exclusionary. He often comes from a not so privileged social class, has difficulty reaching the course and to do it, and that brings a degree of determination, setting goals, sometimes much higher than someone who comes from a privileged class, that studied at a school in the first line, which already have family references. And with ambition and determination to develop a differential in relation to others. I think being prepared is always struggling. We redesigned our entire system of evaluation using a skill set, a set of attitudes, the technical side, and also professional behavior. Another aspect is that every opportunity for training in technology, constant interaction with Japan and, added to that, the professionals who bring experience and enter another segment, a segment that is not typical of NEC in telecom, we integrate them very quickly to create this mix of knowledge and professional experiences. Continuously upgrade many meetings with discussions about their own business and business opportunities. We have made many organizational changes and this creates many opportunities for job-rotation. People migrate from one area to another. The company went through a cycle of change and at the same time, an oxygenation profile and generation of great career opportunities. So, today we have a significant number of new managers, newly promoted. The company was propitious opportunities and the market sees us that way.

Manager - What is the trend until the end of this year?
Moretti - Growing up too. We hire people for all areas: technology, trade, services etc..

Manager - What was the number of employees at the end of last year?
Moretti - In December 2004 there were 420. Today, we are at 470 and by the end of the year will overcome 600.

Manager - What is the turn-over today?
Moretti - Almost zero. I think the prospect of renewed growth that NEC has taken, who is professional segment, is interesting. There has been a strategic direction that shows a resumption of growth of the company. This, the professional side. Side of managing people, we are concerned with the evolution of organizational climate and to seek and identify what are the settings that would help meet the expectations of these professionals.

Manager - The turn-over near zero occurred at a moment of strategic transition from NEC?
Moretti - The attention on adding skills, that sometimes the turn-over does not, being met by increasing the table exactly what we're having here. Whenever we go out, we tend to bring a professional with the profile that we have here. Growth in staffing allows not have this effect of the absence of turn-over.

Manager - E CLT? What is your opinion?
Moretti - personally. CLT consider totally outdated. More than exceeded, it is an obstacle to employment growth in the country. I mean employment in a structured, formal.

Manager - Why not move in CLT?
Moretti - I think Brazil would need to urgently adopt some solutions as some countries that have had job growth. Spain is a good reference. Create some alternatives to formal contract that gave freedom to the entrepreneurs, managers, to establish a link as you need. For example, if I have the need to hire a person for 12 months, paying only a monthly salary, and we will establish if they accept, in this contract.

Manager - The CLT ...
Moretti - If this is agreed between the parties, have formalized this relationship is better than calling the person and say "I can not hire you as an employee." It is better to create alternatives in which the parties may agree. So you gives the option for people to have formal ties, why not have this means of informality in employment. Obviously I put in this context for micro and small business.

Manager - Job-rotation. You are formally?
Moretti - Formally, we do not see the need. Exactly, the organizational dynamic that is happening. But we always try to identify the needs of occupying positions if it is time to do. At this point, we believe that the organizational stage of the company is developing a structured way, with timely evaluation of job-rotation.

Manager - But do you see this activity with sympathy?
Moretti - When you ascend Career Technical and managerial career especially, job rotation requires a lot of the professional profile. Our concern is to connect the tripod performance, profile and development. The performance through performance evaluation. The profile, facing skills and attitudes. On the question of individual development, every professional is required to periodically prepare development goals according to function and also the company's strategies. HR formalizes the process and monitors. The management is led by their own managers. We're starting to settle an internal concept of coaching. Professionals in a more specialized level - which are not necessarily managers - are called to be coaches from other professionals in early career stages still, not the immediate supervisor. They are responsible for monitoring the individual development plan. Even the supervisor has a natural accompaniment for the performance evaluation. So, in that moment of thinking about career, we feel that he has the support of another coach - other than the supervisor - he won that case. At this time, to help eliminate the hidden agenda, which is not healthy either for work or for the organization, the coach appears.

Manager - You are a 360 evaluation?
Moretti - not just 180. Next year we will be expanding to 360.

Manager - You told me at the beginning of the interview which is for two years at NEC. What has changed in the company? What you believed was the biggest challenge in Human Resources?
Moretti - Recovery of organizational climate long after the business transformation. This transformation was a challenge. Although people recognize that participated in that process, it becomes an expectation, "and in the future? We had a philosophy of people management based on industry segment and today NEC is a solutions integrator. Improve the organizational climate is a great challenge we have. It's sort of new skills and business orientation as well as reviewing the management processes of human resources due to this change of business focus

Manager - Concern about the quality of life. You do something about that? As NEC has positioned itself in relation to that?
Moretti - We have taken initiatives and a slightly different philosophy than in the past: with the skill levels of our people - the vast majority have college degrees - they already have a great awareness about the quality of life. They are aware, read about, and have references to HR it encourage them accordingly.

Manager - In the intranet, you do something about that?
Moretti - We have programs that focus on health. The aspect of quality of life is also much discussed by organizational development. When we were working climate, we were concerned with the components that drive solutions for the quality of life.

Manager - it shows that HR is aligned to the company's business?
Moretti - have been prosecuted and, more importantly, be participating directly in the business decisions of the direction of the business that is happening in this company. I do not want within the my team at this time, HR consultants, professionals who want to act together with the operating business units.

Manager - NEC practice e-learning via the intranet?
Moretti - Yes, we already do.

Manager - The results have been good?
Moretti - still short of what we expect, but our expectation is for an increasing interest.

Manager - this moment is more in the technical area or office?
Moretti - It is now more in the technical area, where the results have already been very good, but want to expand to other fields of knowledge.

Manager - Why the results in other areas have been lower than expected?
Moretti - As a matter of culture. We, in organizations, we have a lot of time in front of a computer screen, so the achievement of an e-learning program, it creates resistance.

Manager - There are plans to increase the use of e-learning?
Moretti - We have but a mixed form. We want to use e-learning because it is powerful to disseminate knowledge quickly, but we understand that it must be supplemented with classroom training.

Manager - The training budget in times of crisis has changed?
Moretti - He once had a moment of crisis - like you even spoke - it was affected. Today, it is the opposite. We need the budget to leverage our core competencies.

Manager - In the field of social responsibility that you the reputation as the flagship of NEC?
Moretti - I think the flagship is to have the very NEC Corporation in Japan, a board which includes actions around the world. This is so important that here in Brazil we have a coordinator devoted to the subject. And the NEC world appreciates it, institutionalizing programs and ongoing evaluations.

Manager - But there are encouraging initiatives?
Moretti - Yes, even within the corporation are reinforced by NEC. Globally, they identify some cases and identifies cases that group reference, discloses the corporation and recognizes the countries on the basis of that action. Normally the company's own management, the board defines what are the programs according to the right of appeal, which interests, what kind of work etc.. It is to integrate this part with the social voluntary work of the professionals themselves. In fact, we want more than that: we want beyond the professional, the volunteer side as well.

Manager - HR also has a framework of guidelines directed from the matrix, preserving the uniqueness?
Moretti - We have guidelines, but we have a much autonomy locally important in driving their own solutions. Worked in other multinationals where everything was much more predetermined. Here you have more freedom to act according to local demands of business.

Manager - What are the benefits offered by the company? You have an aggressive package on the market average? Do you have sympathy for flexible benefits?
Moretti - I have sympathy, but I see it is very difficult to implement in reality of today's enterprise.

Manager - There is risk rate?
Moretti - There's risk rate, but if you want to evolve and enter this era of "beneflex", you must have a standard set of benefits, an enterprise established in the market, which already has competition, which involves compensation. Not so easy to introduce the concept.

Manager - What are the benefits?
Moretti - All the traditional benefits that are present in the labor market, one that I find very important is to private pension and NEC pays special attention to him.

Manager - Do You Have?
Moretti - For all levels. I think that soon the private pension is equal medical care. You have to have. What will differ is if your pension plan is more flexible, with management more financial education. We have also recruited many professionals who come from firms in the same segment, which still have no private pension.

Manager - Do something to retain talent?
Moretti - We have a philosophy that you only retain a professional if you have a set of actions that generate motivation and continuity in employment status.

Manager - What is this set?
Moretti - I do not think it necessary to offer some financial advantage. The retention has to be inserted into a set of management practices of people there. I believe in retention practices if you are in a very specific moment. For example, in 1999 and 2000 was a boom in search of telecom professionals in the Brazilian market. At that time, if you have some practice of short-term retention to achieve soften the effect "auction manpower" that the labor market generates helps. But out of an acute crisis, retention has to be a reflection of management in a broad sense.


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